/* ** Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mu-store.hh" #include "mu-query.hh" #include "utils/mu-str.h" #include "utils/mu-error.hh" #include "mu-msg-part.hh" #include "utils/mu-utils.hh" #include "utils/mu-xapian-utils.hh" using namespace Mu; static_assert(std::is_same::value, "wrong type for Store::Id"); constexpr auto SchemaVersionKey = "schema-version"; constexpr auto RootMaildirKey = "maildir"; // XXX: make this 'root-maildir' constexpr auto ContactsKey = "contacts"; constexpr auto PersonalAddressesKey = "personal-addresses"; constexpr auto CreatedKey = "created"; constexpr auto LastIndexKey = "last-index"; /* time of last index */ constexpr auto BatchSizeKey = "batch-size"; constexpr auto DefaultBatchSize = 250'000U; constexpr auto MaxMessageSizeKey = "max-message-size"; constexpr auto DefaultMaxMessageSize = 100'000'000U; constexpr auto ExpectedSchemaVersion = MU_STORE_SCHEMA_VERSION; /* we cache these prefix strings, so we don't have to allocate them all * the time; this should save 10-20 string allocs per message */ G_GNUC_CONST static const std::string& prefix(MuMsgFieldId mfid) { static std::string fields[MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NUM]; static bool initialized = false; if (G_UNLIKELY(!initialized)) { for (int i = 0; i != MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NUM; ++i) fields[i] = std::string(1, mu_msg_field_xapian_prefix((MuMsgFieldId)i)); initialized = true; } return fields[mfid]; } static void add_synonym_for_flag(MuFlags flag, Xapian::WritableDatabase* db) { static const std::string pfx(prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FLAGS)); db->clear_synonyms(pfx + mu_flag_name(flag)); db->add_synonym(pfx + mu_flag_name(flag), pfx + (std::string(1, (char)(tolower(mu_flag_char(flag)))))); } struct Store::Private { enum struct XapianOpts { ReadOnly, Open, CreateOverwrite, InMemory }; Private(const std::string& path, bool readonly) : read_only_{readonly}, db_{make_xapian_db(path, read_only_ ? XapianOpts::ReadOnly : XapianOpts::Open)}, properties_{make_properties(path)}, contacts_{db().get_metadata(ContactsKey), properties_.personal_addresses} { } Private(const std::string& path, const std::string& root_maildir, const StringVec& personal_addresses, const Store::Config& conf) : read_only_{false}, db_{make_xapian_db(path, XapianOpts::CreateOverwrite)}, properties_{init_metadata(conf, path, root_maildir, personal_addresses)}, contacts_{"", properties_.personal_addresses} { } Private(const std::string& root_maildir, const StringVec& personal_addresses, const Store::Config& conf) : read_only_{false}, db_{make_xapian_db("", XapianOpts::InMemory)}, properties_{init_metadata(conf, "", root_maildir, personal_addresses)}, contacts_{"", properties_.personal_addresses} { } ~Private() try { g_debug("closing store @ %s", properties_.database_path.c_str()); if (!read_only_) { transaction_maybe_commit(true /*force*/); } } catch (...) { g_critical("caught exception in store dtor"); } std::unique_ptr make_xapian_db(const std::string db_path, XapianOpts opts) try { switch (opts) { case XapianOpts::ReadOnly: return std::make_unique(db_path); case XapianOpts::Open: return std::make_unique(db_path, Xapian::DB_OPEN); case XapianOpts::CreateOverwrite: return std::make_unique( db_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE); case XapianOpts::InMemory: return std::make_unique( std::string{}, Xapian::DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY); default: throw std::logic_error("invalid xapian options"); } } catch (const Xapian::DatabaseError& xde) { throw Mu::Error(Error::Code::Store, "failed to open store @ %s: %s", db_path.c_str(), xde.get_msg().c_str()); } catch (...) { throw Mu::Error(Error::Code::Internal, "something went wrong when opening store @ %s", db_path.c_str()); } const Xapian::Database& db() const { return *db_.get(); } Xapian::WritableDatabase& writable_db() { if (read_only_) throw Mu::Error(Error::Code::AccessDenied, "database is read-only"); return dynamic_cast(*db_.get()); } // If not started yet, start a transaction. Otherwise, just update the transaction size. void transaction_inc() noexcept { if (properties_.in_memory) return; // not supported if (transaction_size_ == 0) { g_debug("starting transaction"); xapian_try([this] { writable_db().begin_transaction(); }); } ++transaction_size_; } // Opportunistically commit a transaction if the transaction size // filled up a batch, or with force. void transaction_maybe_commit(bool force = false) noexcept { if (properties_.in_memory || transaction_size_ == 0) return; // not supported or not in transaction if (force || transaction_size_ >= properties_.batch_size) { if (contacts_.dirty()) { xapian_try([&] { writable_db().set_metadata(ContactsKey, contacts_.serialize()); }); } g_debug("committing transaction (n=%zu,%zu)", transaction_size_, metadatas_.size()); xapian_try([this] { writable_db().commit_transaction(); for (auto&& mdata : metadatas_) writable_db().set_metadata(mdata.first, mdata.second); transaction_size_ = 0; }); } } void add_synonyms() { mu_flags_foreach((MuFlagsForeachFunc)add_synonym_for_flag, &writable_db()); for (auto&& prio : AllMessagePriorities) { const auto s1{prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_PRIO) + to_string(prio)}; const auto s2{prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_PRIO) + std::string{1, to_char(prio)}}; writable_db().clear_synonyms(s1); writable_db().clear_synonyms(s2); writable_db().add_synonym(s1, s2); } } time_t metadata_time_t(const std::string& key) const { const auto ts = db().get_metadata(key); return (time_t)atoll(db().get_metadata(key).c_str()); } Store::Properties make_properties(const std::string& db_path) { Store::Properties props; props.database_path = db_path; props.schema_version = db().get_metadata(SchemaVersionKey); props.created = ::atoll(db().get_metadata(CreatedKey).c_str()); props.read_only = read_only_; props.batch_size = ::atoll(db().get_metadata(BatchSizeKey).c_str()); props.max_message_size = ::atoll(db().get_metadata(MaxMessageSizeKey).c_str()); props.in_memory = db_path.empty(); props.root_maildir = db().get_metadata(RootMaildirKey); props.personal_addresses = Mu::split(db().get_metadata(PersonalAddressesKey), ","); return props; } Store::Properties init_metadata(const Store::Config& conf, const std::string& path, const std::string& root_maildir, const StringVec& personal_addresses) { writable_db().set_metadata(SchemaVersionKey, ExpectedSchemaVersion); writable_db().set_metadata(CreatedKey, Mu::format("%" PRId64, (int64_t)::time({}))); const size_t batch_size = conf.batch_size ? conf.batch_size : DefaultBatchSize; writable_db().set_metadata(BatchSizeKey, Mu::format("%zu", batch_size)); const size_t max_msg_size = conf.max_message_size ? conf.max_message_size : DefaultMaxMessageSize; writable_db().set_metadata(MaxMessageSizeKey, Mu::format("%zu", max_msg_size)); writable_db().set_metadata(RootMaildirKey, root_maildir); std::string addrs; for (const auto& addr : personal_addresses) { // _very_ minimal check. if (addr.find(",") != std::string::npos) throw Mu::Error(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "e-mail address '%s' contains comma", addr.c_str()); addrs += (addrs.empty() ? "" : ",") + addr; } writable_db().set_metadata(PersonalAddressesKey, addrs); return make_properties(path); } Xapian::docid add_or_update_msg(Xapian::docid docid, MuMsg* msg); Xapian::Document new_doc_from_message(MuMsg* msg); /* metadata to write as part of a transaction commit */ using StringPair = std::pair; std::vector metadatas_; const bool read_only_{}; std::unique_ptr db_; const Store::Properties properties_; Contacts contacts_; std::unique_ptr indexer_; size_t transaction_size_{}; std::mutex lock_; }; static void hash_str(char* buf, size_t buf_size, const char* data) { g_snprintf(buf, buf_size, "016%" PRIx64, mu_util_get_hash(data)); } static std::string get_uid_term(const char* path) { char uid_term[1 + 16 + 1] = {'\0'}; uid_term[0] = mu_msg_field_xapian_prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_UID); hash_str(uid_term + 1, sizeof(uid_term) - 1, path); return std::string{uid_term, sizeof(uid_term)}; } Store::Store(const std::string& path, bool readonly) : priv_{std::make_unique(path, readonly)} { if (properties().schema_version != ExpectedSchemaVersion) throw Mu::Error(Error::Code::SchemaMismatch, "expected schema-version %s, but got %s; " "please use 'mu init'", ExpectedSchemaVersion, properties().schema_version.c_str()); } Store::Store(const std::string& path, const std::string& maildir, const StringVec& personal_addresses, const Store::Config& conf) : priv_{std::make_unique(path, maildir, personal_addresses, conf)} { } Store::Store(const std::string& maildir, const StringVec& personal_addresses, const Config& conf) : priv_{std::make_unique(maildir, personal_addresses, conf)} { } Store::~Store() = default; const Store::Properties& Store::properties() const { return priv_->properties_; } const Contacts& Store::contacts() const { return priv_->contacts_; } const Xapian::Database& Store::database() const { return priv_->db(); } Xapian::WritableDatabase& Store::writable_database() { return priv_->writable_db(); } Indexer& Store::indexer() { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; if (properties().read_only) throw Error{Error::Code::Store, "no indexer for read-only store"}; else if (!priv_->indexer_) priv_->indexer_ = std::make_unique(*this); return *priv_->indexer_.get(); } std::size_t Store::size() const { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; return priv_->db().get_doccount(); } bool Store::empty() const { return size() == 0; } static std::string maildir_from_path(const std::string& root, const std::string& path) { if (G_UNLIKELY(root.empty()) || root.length() >= path.length() || path.find(root) != 0) throw Mu::Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "root '%s' is not a proper suffix of path '%s'", root.c_str(), path.c_str()}; auto mdir{path.substr(root.length())}; auto slash{mdir.rfind('/')}; if (G_UNLIKELY(slash == std::string::npos) || slash < 4) throw Mu::Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "invalid path: %s", path.c_str()}; mdir.erase(slash); auto subdir = mdir.data() + slash - 4; if (G_UNLIKELY(strncmp(subdir, "/cur", 4) != 0 && strncmp(subdir, "/new", 4))) throw Mu::Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "cannot find '/new' or '/cur' - invalid path: %s", path.c_str()}; if (mdir.length() == 4) return "/"; mdir.erase(mdir.length() - 4); return mdir; } unsigned Store::add_message(const std::string& path, bool use_transaction) { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; GError* gerr{}; const auto maildir{maildir_from_path(properties().root_maildir, path)}; auto msg{mu_msg_new_from_file(path.c_str(), maildir.c_str(), &gerr)}; if (G_UNLIKELY(!msg)) throw Error{Error::Code::Message, "failed to create message: %s", gerr ? gerr->message : "something went wrong"}; if (use_transaction) priv_->transaction_inc(); const auto docid{priv_->add_or_update_msg(0, msg)}; if (use_transaction) /* commit if batch is full */ priv_->transaction_maybe_commit(); mu_msg_unref(msg); if (G_UNLIKELY(docid == InvalidId)) throw Error{Error::Code::Message, "failed to add message"}; g_debug("added message @ %s; docid = %u", path.c_str(), docid); return docid; } bool Store::update_message(MuMsg* msg, unsigned docid) { const auto docid2{priv_->add_or_update_msg(docid, msg)}; if (G_UNLIKELY(docid != docid2)) throw Error{Error::Code::Internal, "failed to update message"}; g_debug("updated message @ %s; docid = %u", mu_msg_get_path(msg), docid); return true; } bool Store::remove_message(const std::string& path) { return xapian_try( [&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; const std::string term{(get_uid_term(path.c_str()))}; priv_->writable_db().delete_document(term); g_debug("deleted message @ %s from store", path.c_str()); return true; }, false); } void Store::remove_messages(const std::vector& ids) { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; priv_->transaction_inc(); xapian_try([&] { for (auto&& id : ids) { priv_->writable_db().delete_document(id); } }); priv_->transaction_maybe_commit(true /*force*/); } time_t Store::dirstamp(const std::string& path) const { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; constexpr auto epoch = static_cast(0); return xapian_try([&] { const auto ts = priv_->db().get_metadata(path); if (ts.empty()) return epoch; else return static_cast(strtoll(ts.c_str(), NULL, 16)); }, epoch); } void Store::set_dirstamp(const std::string& path, time_t tstamp, bool use_transaction) { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; std::array data{}; const auto len = static_cast( g_snprintf(data.data(), data.size(), "%zx", tstamp)); /* set_metadata is not otherwise part of a "transaction" but we want it * to be so, so a dirstamp _only_ gets updated when the messages in the * dir are commited */ Private::StringPair item{path, std::string{data.data(), len}}; if (use_transaction) priv_->metadatas_.emplace_back(std::move(item)); else xapian_try([&] { priv_->writable_db().set_metadata(item.first, item.second); }); } MuMsg* Store::find_message(unsigned docid) const { return xapian_try( [&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; Xapian::Document* doc{new Xapian::Document{priv_->db().get_document(docid)}}; GError* gerr{}; auto msg{mu_msg_new_from_doc( reinterpret_cast(doc), &gerr)}; if (!msg) { g_warning("could not create message: %s", gerr ? gerr->message : "something went wrong"); g_clear_error(&gerr); } return msg; }, (MuMsg*)nullptr); } bool Store::contains_message(const std::string& path) const { return xapian_try( [&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; const std::string term(get_uid_term(path.c_str())); return priv_->db().term_exists(term); }, false); } std::size_t Store::for_each_message_path(Store::ForEachMessageFunc msg_func) const { size_t n{}; xapian_try([&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; Xapian::Enquire enq{priv_->db()}; enq.set_query(Xapian::Query::MatchAll); enq.set_cutoff(0, 0); Xapian::MSet matches(enq.get_mset(0, priv_->db().get_doccount())); for (auto&& it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it, ++n) if (!msg_func(*it, it.get_document().get_value(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_PATH))) break; }); return n; } void Store::commit() { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; priv_->transaction_maybe_commit(true /*force*/); } static MuMsgFieldId field_id(const std::string& field) { if (field.empty()) return MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE; MuMsgFieldId id = mu_msg_field_id_from_name(field.c_str(), FALSE); if (id != MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE) return id; else if (field.length() == 1) return mu_msg_field_id_from_shortcut(field[0], FALSE); else return MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE; } std::size_t Store::for_each_term(const std::string& field, Store::ForEachTermFunc func) const { size_t n{}; xapian_try([&] { /* * Do _not_ take a lock; this is only called from * the message parser which already has the lock */ const auto id = field_id(field.c_str()); if (id == MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE) return; char pfx[] = {mu_msg_field_xapian_prefix(id), '\0'}; std::vector terms; for (auto it = priv_->db().allterms_begin(pfx); it != priv_->db().allterms_end(pfx); ++it) { if (!func(*it)) break; } }); return n; } Option Store::run_query(const std::string& expr, MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid, QueryFlags flags, size_t maxnum) const { return xapian_try([&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; Query q{*this}; return q.run(expr, sortfieldid, flags, maxnum); }, Nothing); } size_t Store::count_query(const std::string& expr) const { return xapian_try([&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; Query q{*this}; return q.count(expr); }, 0); } std::string Store::parse_query(const std::string& expr, bool xapian) const { return xapian_try([&] { std::lock_guard guard{priv_->lock_}; Query q{*this}; return q.parse(expr, xapian); }, std::string{}); } static void add_terms_values_date(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { const auto dstr = Mu::date_to_time_t_string((time_t)mu_msg_get_field_numeric(msg, mfid)); doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)mfid, dstr); } static void add_terms_values_size(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { const auto szstr = Mu::size_to_string(mu_msg_get_field_numeric(msg, mfid)); doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)mfid, szstr); } G_GNUC_CONST static const std::string& flag_val(char flagchar) { static const std::string pfx(prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FLAGS)), draftstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_DRAFT))), flaggedstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_FLAGGED))), passedstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_PASSED))), repliedstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_REPLIED))), seenstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_SEEN))), trashedstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_TRASHED))), newstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_NEW))), signedstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_SIGNED))), cryptstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_ENCRYPTED))), attachstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_HAS_ATTACH))), unreadstr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_UNREAD))), liststr(pfx + (char)tolower(mu_flag_char(MU_FLAG_LIST))); switch (flagchar) { case 'D': return draftstr; case 'F': return flaggedstr; case 'P': return passedstr; case 'R': return repliedstr; case 'S': return seenstr; case 'T': return trashedstr; case 'N': return newstr; case 'z': return signedstr; case 'x': return cryptstr; case 'a': return attachstr; case 'l': return liststr; case 'u': return unreadstr; default: g_return_val_if_reached(flaggedstr); return flaggedstr; } } static const std::string& prio_val(MessagePriority prio) { static const std::string pfx(prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_PRIO)); static const std::string low(pfx + std::string(1, to_char(MessagePriority::Low))), norm(pfx + std::string(1, to_char(MessagePriority::Normal))), high(pfx + std::string(1, to_char(MessagePriority::High))); switch (prio) { case MessagePriority::Low: return low; case MessagePriority::Normal: return norm; case MessagePriority::High: return high; default: g_return_val_if_reached(norm); return norm; } } static void // add term, truncate if needed. add_term(Xapian::Document& doc, const std::string& term) { if (term.length() < Store::MaxTermLength) doc.add_term(term); else doc.add_term(term.substr(0, Store::MaxTermLength)); } static void add_terms_values_number(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { gint64 num = mu_msg_get_field_numeric(msg, mfid); const std::string numstr(Xapian::sortable_serialise((double)num)); doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)mfid, numstr); if (mfid == MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FLAGS) { const char* cur = mu_flags_to_str_s((MuFlags)num, (MuFlagType)MU_FLAG_TYPE_ANY); g_return_if_fail(cur); while (*cur) { add_term(doc, flag_val(*cur)); ++cur; } } else if (mfid == MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_PRIO) add_term(doc, prio_val(static_cast(num))); } /* for string and string-list */ static void add_terms_values_str(Xapian::Document& doc, const char* val, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { const auto flat = Mu::utf8_flatten(val); if (mu_msg_field_xapian_index(mfid)) { Xapian::TermGenerator termgen; termgen.set_document(doc); termgen.index_text(flat, 1, prefix(mfid)); } if (mu_msg_field_xapian_term(mfid)) add_term(doc, prefix(mfid) + flat); } static void add_terms_values_string(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { const char* orig; if (!(orig = mu_msg_get_field_string(msg, mfid))) return; /* nothing to do */ /* the value is what we display in search results; the * unchanged original */ if (mu_msg_field_xapian_value(mfid)) doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)mfid, orig); add_terms_values_str(doc, orig, mfid); } static void add_terms_values_string_list(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { const GSList* lst; lst = mu_msg_get_field_string_list(msg, mfid); if (!lst) return; if (mu_msg_field_xapian_value(mfid)) { gchar* str; str = mu_str_from_list(lst, ','); if (str) doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)mfid, str); g_free(str); } if (mu_msg_field_xapian_term(mfid)) { for (; lst; lst = g_slist_next((GSList*)lst)) add_terms_values_str(doc, (const gchar*)lst->data, mfid); } } struct PartData { PartData(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsgFieldId mfid) : _doc(doc), _mfid(mfid) {} Xapian::Document _doc; MuMsgFieldId _mfid; }; /* index non-body text parts */ static void maybe_index_text_part(MuMsg* msg, MuMsgPart* part, PartData* pdata) { char* txt; Xapian::TermGenerator termgen; /* only deal with attachments/messages; inlines are indexed as * body parts */ if (!(part->part_type & MU_MSG_PART_TYPE_ATTACHMENT) && !(part->part_type & MU_MSG_PART_TYPE_MESSAGE)) return; txt = mu_msg_part_get_text(msg, part, MU_MSG_OPTION_NONE); if (!txt) return; termgen.set_document(pdata->_doc); const auto str = Mu::utf8_flatten(txt); g_free(txt); termgen.index_text(str, 1, prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_EMBEDDED_TEXT)); } static void each_part(MuMsg* msg, MuMsgPart* part, PartData* pdata) { char* fname; static const std::string file(prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FILE)), mime(prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_MIME)); /* save the mime type of any part */ if (part->type) { char ctype[Store::MaxTermLength + 1]; g_snprintf(ctype, sizeof(ctype), "%s/%s", part->type, part->subtype); add_term(pdata->_doc, mime + ctype); } if ((fname = mu_msg_part_get_filename(part, FALSE))) { const auto flat = Mu::utf8_flatten(fname); g_free(fname); add_term(pdata->_doc, file + flat); } maybe_index_text_part(msg, part, pdata); } static void add_terms_values_attach(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { PartData pdata(doc, mfid); mu_msg_part_foreach(msg, MU_MSG_OPTION_RECURSE_RFC822, (MuMsgPartForeachFunc)each_part, &pdata); } static void add_terms_values_body(Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsg* msg, MuMsgFieldId mfid) { if (mu_msg_get_flags(msg) & MU_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) return; /* ignore encrypted bodies */ auto str = mu_msg_get_body_text(msg, MU_MSG_OPTION_NONE); if (!str) /* FIXME: html->txt fallback needed */ str = mu_msg_get_body_html(msg, MU_MSG_OPTION_NONE); if (!str) return; /* no body... */ Xapian::TermGenerator termgen; termgen.set_document(doc); const auto flat = Mu::utf8_flatten(str); termgen.index_text(flat, 1, prefix(mfid)); } struct MsgDoc { Xapian::Document* _doc; MuMsg* _msg; Store::Private* _priv; /* callback data, to determine whether this message is 'personal' */ gboolean _personal; const StringVec* _my_addresses; }; static void add_terms_values_default(MuMsgFieldId mfid, MsgDoc* msgdoc) { if (mu_msg_field_is_numeric(mfid)) add_terms_values_number(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); else if (mu_msg_field_is_string(mfid)) add_terms_values_string(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); else if (mu_msg_field_is_string_list(mfid)) add_terms_values_string_list(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); else g_return_if_reached(); } static void add_terms_values(MuMsgFieldId mfid, MsgDoc* msgdoc) { /* note: contact-stuff (To/Cc/From) will handled in * each_contact_info, not here */ if (!mu_msg_field_xapian_index(mfid) && !mu_msg_field_xapian_term(mfid) && !mu_msg_field_xapian_value(mfid)) return; switch (mfid) { case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_DATE: add_terms_values_date(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); break; case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_SIZE: add_terms_values_size(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); break; case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_BODY_TEXT: add_terms_values_body(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); break; /* note: add_terms_values_attach handles _FILE, _MIME and * _ATTACH_TEXT msgfields */ case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FILE: add_terms_values_attach(*msgdoc->_doc, msgdoc->_msg, mfid); break; case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_MIME: case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_EMBEDDED_TEXT: break; case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_THREAD_ID: case MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_UID: break; /* already taken care of elsewhere */ default: return add_terms_values_default(mfid, msgdoc); } } static const std::string& xapian_pfx(MuMsgContact* contact) { static const std::string empty; /* use ptr to string to prevent copy... */ switch (contact->type) { case MU_MSG_CONTACT_TYPE_TO: return prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_TO); case MU_MSG_CONTACT_TYPE_FROM: return prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_FROM); case MU_MSG_CONTACT_TYPE_CC: return prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_CC); case MU_MSG_CONTACT_TYPE_BCC: return prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_BCC); default: g_warning("unsupported contact type %u", (unsigned)contact->type); return empty; } } static void add_address_subfields(Xapian::Document& doc, const char* addr, const std::string& pfx) { const char *at, *domain_part; char* name_part; /* add "foo" and "bar.com" as terms as well for * "foo@bar.com" */ if (G_UNLIKELY(!(at = (g_strstr_len(addr, -1, "@"))))) return; name_part = g_strndup(addr, at - addr); // foo domain_part = at + 1; add_term(doc, pfx + name_part); add_term(doc, pfx + domain_part); g_free(name_part); } static gboolean each_contact_info(MuMsgContact* contact, MsgDoc* msgdoc) { /* for now, don't store reply-to addresses */ if (mu_msg_contact_type(contact) == MU_MSG_CONTACT_TYPE_REPLY_TO) return TRUE; const std::string pfx(xapian_pfx(contact)); if (pfx.empty()) return TRUE; /* unsupported contact type */ if (!mu_str_is_empty(contact->name)) { Xapian::TermGenerator termgen; termgen.set_document(*msgdoc->_doc); const auto flat = Mu::utf8_flatten(contact->name); termgen.index_text(flat, 1, pfx); } if (!mu_str_is_empty(contact->email)) { const auto flat = Mu::utf8_flatten(contact->email); add_term(*msgdoc->_doc, pfx + flat); add_address_subfields(*msgdoc->_doc, contact->email, pfx); /* store it also in our contacts cache */ auto& contacts{msgdoc->_priv->contacts_}; contacts.add(Mu::ContactInfo(contact->full_address, contact->email, contact->name ? contact->name : "", msgdoc->_personal, mu_msg_get_date(msgdoc->_msg))); } return TRUE; } Xapian::Document Store::Private::new_doc_from_message(MuMsg* msg) { Xapian::Document doc; MsgDoc docinfo = {&doc, msg, this, 0, NULL}; mu_msg_field_foreach((MuMsgFieldForeachFunc)add_terms_values, &docinfo); mu_msg_contact_foreach( msg, [](auto contact, gpointer msgdocptr) -> gboolean { auto msgdoc{reinterpret_cast(msgdocptr)}; if (!contact->email) return FALSE; // invalid contact else if (msgdoc->_personal) return TRUE; // already deemed personal if (msgdoc->_priv->contacts_.is_personal(contact->email)) msgdoc->_personal = true; // this one's personal. return TRUE; }, &docinfo); /* also store the contact-info as separate terms, and add it * to the cache */ mu_msg_contact_foreach(msg, (MuMsgContactForeachFunc)each_contact_info, &docinfo); // g_printerr ("\n--%s\n--\n", doc.serialise().c_str()); return doc; } static void update_threading_info(MuMsg* msg, Xapian::Document& doc) { const GSList* refs; // refs contains a list of parent messages, with the oldest // one first until the last one, which is the direct parent of // the current message. of course, it may be empty. // // NOTE: there may be cases where the list is truncated; we happily // ignore that case. refs = mu_msg_get_references(msg); char thread_id[16 + 1]; hash_str(thread_id, sizeof(thread_id), refs ? (const char*)refs->data : mu_msg_get_msgid(msg)); add_term(doc, prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_THREAD_ID) + thread_id); doc.add_value((Xapian::valueno)MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_THREAD_ID, thread_id); } Xapian::docid Store::Private::add_or_update_msg(unsigned docid, MuMsg* msg) { g_return_val_if_fail(msg, InvalidId); return xapian_try( [&] { Xapian::Document doc(new_doc_from_message(msg)); const std::string term(get_uid_term(mu_msg_get_path(msg))); add_term(doc, term); // update the threading info if this message has a message id if (mu_msg_get_msgid(msg)) update_threading_info(msg, doc); if (docid == 0) return writable_db().replace_document(term, doc); writable_db().replace_document(docid, doc); return docid; }, InvalidId); }