/* -*-mode: c; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/ /* ** Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any ** later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* hopefully, the should get us a sane PATH_MAX */ #include /* not all systems provide PATH_MAX in limits.h */ #ifndef PATH_MAX #include #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN #endif /*!PATH_MAX */ #endif /*PATH_MAX */ #include "mu-str.h" #include "mu-cmd.h" #include "mu-maildir.h" #include "mu-query.h" #include "mu-index.h" #include "mu-msg-part.h" /* signal handling *****************************************************/ /* * when we receive SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, set MU_CAUGHT_SIGNAL to * TRUE * */ static gboolean MU_TERMINATE; static void sig_handler (int sig) { MU_TERMINATE = TRUE; } static void install_sig_handler (void) { struct sigaction action; int i, sigs[] = { SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM }; MU_TERMINATE = FALSE; action.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); action.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; for (i = 0; i != G_N_ELEMENTS(sigs); ++i) if (sigaction (sigs[i], &action, NULL) != 0) g_critical ("set sigaction for %d failed: %s", sigs[i], strerror (errno));; } /************************************************************************/ /* BOX - beginning-of-expression */ #define BOX "\376" static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2) print_expr (const char* frm, ...) { char *expr; va_list ap; size_t exprlen; expr = NULL; va_start (ap, frm); exprlen = g_vasprintf (&expr, frm, ap); va_end (ap); g_print (BOX "%u" BOX "%s\n", (unsigned)exprlen + 1, expr); g_free (expr); } static MuError print_error (MuError errcode, const char *msg) { print_expr ("(:error %u :message %s)", errcode, msg); return errcode; } static MuError print_and_clear_g_error (GError **err) { char *msg; unsigned errcode; if (err && *err) { msg = mu_str_escape_c_literal ((*err)->message, TRUE); errcode = (*err)->code; } else { msg = g_strdup ("\"unknown error\""); errcode = MU_ERROR_INTERNAL; } g_clear_error (err); return print_error (errcode, msg); } static GSList* read_line_as_list (GError **err) { char *line; GSList *lst; GString *gstr; line = NULL; gstr = g_string_sized_new (512); fputs (";; mu> ", stdout); do { int kar; kar = fgetc (stdin); if (kar == '\n' || kar == EOF) break; else gstr = g_string_append_c (gstr, (char)kar); } while (1); line = g_string_free (gstr, FALSE); lst = mu_str_esc_to_list (line, err); g_free (line); return lst; } const char* get_string_from_args (GSList *args, const char *param, gboolean optional, GError **err) { size_t param_len; param_len = strlen (param); while (args) { const char *arg; arg = (const char*)args->data; /* do we have this param */ if (arg && g_str_has_prefix (arg, param) && arg[param_len] == ':') return (const char*) arg + param_len + 1; args = g_slist_next (args); } if (!optional) mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "parameter '%s' not found", param); return NULL; } #define GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN(ARGS,PARAM,SP,E) \ do { \ *(SP) = get_string_from_args ((ARGS),(PARAM),FALSE,(E)); \ if (!(*(SP))) \ return MU_G_ERROR_CODE((E)); \ } while (0); /* NOTE: this assumes there is only _one_ docid (message) for the * particular message id */ static unsigned get_docid_from_msgid (MuQuery *query, const char *str, GError **err) { gchar *querystr; unsigned docid; MuMsgIter *iter; querystr = g_strdup_printf ("msgid:%s", str); iter = mu_query_run (query, querystr, FALSE, MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE, FALSE, 1, err); g_free (querystr); docid = MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID; if (!iter || mu_msg_iter_is_done (iter)) mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_NO_MATCHES, "could not find message %s", str); else { MuMsg *msg; msg = mu_msg_iter_get_msg_floating (iter); if (!mu_msg_is_readable(msg)) { mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_READ, "'%s' is not readable", mu_msg_get_path(msg)); } else docid = mu_msg_iter_get_docid (iter); mu_msg_iter_destroy (iter); } return docid; } /* get a *list* of all messages with the given message id */ static GSList* get_docids_from_msgids (MuQuery *query, const char *str, GError **err) { gchar *querystr; MuMsgIter *iter; GSList *lst; querystr = g_strdup_printf ("msgid:%s", str); iter = mu_query_run (query, querystr, FALSE, MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE, FALSE,-1 /*unlimited*/, err); g_free (querystr); if (!iter || mu_msg_iter_is_done (iter)) { mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_NO_MATCHES, "could not find message %s", str); return NULL; } lst = NULL; do { lst = g_slist_prepend (lst, GSIZE_TO_POINTER(mu_msg_iter_get_docid (iter))); } while (mu_msg_iter_next (iter)); mu_msg_iter_destroy (iter); return lst; } /* the string contains either a number (docid) or a message-id if it * doesn't look like a number, and the query param is non-nil, try to * locale the message with message-id in the database, and return its * docid */ static unsigned determine_docid (MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { const char* docidstr, *msgidstr; docidstr = get_string_from_args (args, "docid", TRUE, err); if (docidstr) return atoi (docidstr); /* no docid: param; use msgid: instead */ msgidstr = get_string_from_args (args, "msgid", TRUE, err); if (!msgidstr) { mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "neither docid nor msgid specified"); return MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID; } return get_docid_from_msgid (query, msgidstr, err); } #define DOCID_VALID_OR_ERROR_RETURN(DOCID,E) \ if ((DOCID)==MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { \ mu_util_g_set_error((E),MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, \ "invalid docid"); \ return MU_G_ERROR_CODE((E)); \ } #define EQSTR(S1,S2) (g_strcmp0((S1),(S2))==0) /*************************************************************************/ /* implementation for the commands -- for each command , there is a * dedicated function cmd_. These function all are of the type CmdFunc * * these functions return errors only if they don't handle them * themselves, where 'handling' is defined as 'report it using * print_and_clear_g_error' * * if function return non-MU_OK, the repl will print the error instead */ typedef MuError (*CmdFunc) (MuStore*,MuQuery*,GSList*,GError**); /* 'add' adds a message to the database, and takes two parameters: * 'path', which is the full path to the message, and 'maildir', which * is the maildir this message lives in (e.g. "/inbox"). response with * an (:info ...) message with information about the newly added * message (details: see code below) */ static MuError cmd_add (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned docid; const char *maildir, *path; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "path", &path, err); GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "maildir", &maildir, err); docid = mu_store_add_path (store, path, maildir, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else { gchar *escpath; escpath = mu_str_escape_c_literal (path, TRUE); print_expr ("(:info add :path %s :docid %u)", escpath, docid); g_free (escpath); } return MU_OK; } static void each_part (MuMsg *msg, MuMsgPart *part, GSList **attlist) { char *att, *cachefile; GError *err; /* exclude things that don't look like proper attachments */ if (!mu_msg_part_looks_like_attachment(part, TRUE)) return; err = NULL; cachefile = mu_msg_part_save_temp (msg, part->index, &err); if (!cachefile) { print_and_clear_g_error (&err); return; } att = g_strdup_printf ( "(:file-name \"%s\" :mime-type \"%s/%s\" " ":disposition \"%s\")", cachefile, part->type, part->subtype, part->disposition ? part->disposition : "attachment"); *attlist = g_slist_append (*attlist, att); g_free (cachefile); } /* take the attachments of msg, save them as tmp files, and return * as sexp (as a string) describing them * * ((:name :mime-type :disposition * ) ... ) * */ static gchar* include_attachments (MuMsg *msg) { GSList *attlist, *cur; GString *gstr; attlist = NULL; mu_msg_part_foreach (msg, FALSE, (MuMsgPartForeachFunc)each_part, &attlist); gstr = g_string_sized_new (512); gstr = g_string_append_c (gstr, '('); for (cur = attlist; cur; cur = g_slist_next (cur)) g_string_append (gstr, (gchar*)cur->data); gstr = g_string_append_c (gstr, ')'); mu_str_free_list (attlist); return g_string_free (gstr, FALSE); } enum { NEW, REPLY, FORWARD, EDIT, INVALID_TYPE }; static unsigned compose_type (const char *typestr) { if (EQSTR (typestr, "reply")) return REPLY; else if (EQSTR (typestr, "forward")) return FORWARD; else if (EQSTR (typestr, "edit")) return EDIT; else if (EQSTR (typestr, "new")) return NEW; else return INVALID_TYPE; } /* 'compose' produces the un-changed *original* message sexp (ie., the * message to reply to, forward or edit) for a new message to * compose). It takes two parameters: 'type' with the compose type * (either reply, forward or edit), and 'docid' for the message to * reply to. Note, type:new does not have an original message, and * therefore does not need a docid * * In returns a (:compose [:original ] [:include] ) * message (detals: see code below) * * Note ':include' t or nil determines whether to include attachments */ static MuError cmd_compose (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { const gchar *typestr; char *sexp, *atts; unsigned ctype; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "type", &typestr, err); ctype = compose_type (typestr); if (ctype == INVALID_TYPE) { print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "invalid type to compose"); return MU_OK; } if (ctype == REPLY || ctype == FORWARD || ctype == EDIT) { MuMsg *msg; const char *docidstr; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "docid", &docidstr, err); msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, atoi(docidstr), err); if (!msg) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } sexp = mu_msg_to_sexp (msg, atoi(docidstr), NULL, FALSE); atts = (ctype == FORWARD) ? include_attachments (msg) : NULL; mu_msg_unref (msg); } else atts = sexp = NULL; print_expr ("(:compose %s :original %s :include %s)", typestr, sexp ? sexp : "nil", atts ? atts : "nil"); g_free (sexp); g_free (atts); return MU_OK; } static unsigned print_sexps (MuMsgIter *iter, int maxnum) { unsigned u, max; u = 0; max = (maxnum > 0) ? (unsigned)maxnum : G_MAXUINT32; while (!mu_msg_iter_is_done (iter) && u < max && !MU_TERMINATE) { MuMsg *msg; msg = mu_msg_iter_get_msg_floating (iter); if (mu_msg_is_readable (msg)) { char *sexp; sexp = mu_msg_to_sexp (msg, mu_msg_iter_get_docid (iter), mu_msg_iter_get_thread_info (iter), TRUE); print_expr ("%s", sexp); g_free (sexp); ++u; } mu_msg_iter_next (iter); } return u; } static MuError save_part (MuMsg *msg, unsigned index, GSList *args, GError **err) { gboolean rv; const gchar *path; gchar *escpath; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "path", &path, err); rv = mu_msg_part_save (msg, path, index, TRUE/*overwrite*/, FALSE/*use cache*/, err); if (!rv) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } escpath = mu_str_escape_c_literal (path, FALSE); print_expr ("(:info save :message \"%s has been saved\")", escpath); g_free (escpath); return MU_OK; } static MuError open_part (MuMsg *msg, unsigned index, GError **err) { char *targetpath; gboolean rv; targetpath = mu_msg_part_filepath_cache (msg, index); rv = mu_msg_part_save (msg, targetpath, index, FALSE/*overwrite*/, TRUE/*use cache*/, err); if (!rv) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); goto leave; } rv = mu_util_play (targetpath, TRUE/*allow local*/, FALSE/*allow remote*/, err); if (!rv) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else { gchar *path; path = mu_str_escape_c_literal (targetpath, FALSE); print_expr ("(:info open :message \"%s has been opened\")", path); g_free (path); } leave: g_free (targetpath); return MU_OK; } static MuError temp_part (MuMsg *msg, unsigned index, GSList *args, GError **err) { const char *what, *param; char *path; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "what", &what, err); GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "param", ¶m, err); path = mu_msg_part_filepath_cache (msg, index); if (!mu_msg_part_save (msg, path, index, FALSE/*overwrite*/, TRUE/*use cache*/, err)) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else { gchar *escpath, *escparam; escpath = mu_str_escape_c_literal (path, FALSE); escparam = mu_str_escape_c_literal (param, FALSE); print_expr ("(:temp \"%s\"" " :what \"%s\"" " :param \"%s\")", escpath, what, escparam); g_free (escpath); g_free (escparam); } g_free (path); return MU_OK; } enum { SAVE, OPEN, TEMP, INVALID_ACTION }; static int action_type (const char *actionstr) { if (EQSTR (actionstr, "save")) return SAVE; else if (EQSTR (actionstr, "open")) return OPEN; else if (EQSTR (actionstr, "temp")) return TEMP; else return INVALID_ACTION; } /* 'extract' extracts some mime part from a message */ static MuError cmd_extract (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { MuMsg *msg; int docid, index, action; MuError rv; const char* actionstr, *indexstr; /* read parameters */ GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "action", &actionstr, err); GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "index", &indexstr, err); index = atoi (indexstr); docid = determine_docid (query, args, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } if ((action = action_type (actionstr)) == INVALID_ACTION) { print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "invalid action"); return MU_OK; } msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, docid, err); if (!msg) { print_error (MU_ERROR, "failed to get message"); return MU_OK; } switch (action) { case SAVE: rv = save_part (msg, index, args, err); break; case OPEN: rv = open_part (msg, index, err); break; case TEMP: rv = temp_part (msg, index, args, err); break; default: print_error (MU_ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown action"); } if (rv != MU_OK) print_and_clear_g_error (err); mu_msg_unref (msg); return MU_OK; } /* * 'find' finds a list of messages matching some query, and takes a * parameter 'query' with the search query, and (optionally) a * parameter 'maxnum' with the maximum number of messages to return. * * returns: * => list of s-expressions, each describing a message => * (:found ) */ static MuError cmd_find (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { MuMsgIter *iter; int maxnum; unsigned foundnum; const char *querystr, *maxnumstr; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "query", &querystr, err); /* optional */ maxnumstr = get_string_from_args (args, "maxnum", TRUE, NULL); maxnum = maxnumstr ? atoi (maxnumstr) : 0; /* TODO: ask for *all* results, then, get the newest * ones; it seems we cannot get a sorted list of a subset of * the result --> needs investigation, this is a * work-around */ iter = mu_query_run (query, querystr, TRUE, MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_DATE, TRUE, -1, err); if (!iter) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } /* before sending new results, send an 'erase' message, so the * frontend knows it should erase the headers buffer. this * will ensure that the output of two finds quickly will not * be mixed. */ print_expr ("(:erase t)"); foundnum = print_sexps (iter, maxnum); print_expr ("(:found %u)", foundnum); mu_msg_iter_destroy (iter); return MU_OK; } static MuError index_msg_cb (MuIndexStats *stats, void *user_data) { if (MU_TERMINATE) return MU_STOP; if (stats->_processed % 1000) return MU_OK; print_expr ("(:info index :status running " ":processed %u :updated %u)", stats->_processed, stats->_updated); return MU_OK; } /* * 'index' (re)indexs maildir at path:, and responds with (:info * index ... ) messages while doing so (see the code) */ static MuError cmd_index (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { MuIndex *index; const char *path; MuIndexStats stats, stats2; MuError rv; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "path", &path, err); index = mu_index_new (store, err); if (!index) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } mu_index_stats_clear (&stats); rv = mu_index_run (index, path, FALSE, &stats, index_msg_cb, NULL, NULL); if (rv != MU_OK && rv != MU_STOP) { print_error (MU_ERROR_INTERNAL, "indexing failed"); goto leave; } mu_index_stats_clear (&stats2); rv = mu_index_cleanup (index, &stats2, NULL, NULL, err); if (rv != MU_OK && rv != MU_STOP) { print_error (MU_ERROR_INTERNAL, "cleanup failed"); goto leave; } mu_store_flush (store); print_expr ("(:info index :status complete " ":processed %u :updated %u :cleaned-up %u)", stats._processed, stats._updated, stats2._cleaned_up); leave: mu_index_destroy (index); return MU_OK; } /* 'mkdir' attempts to create a maildir directory at 'path:'; sends an * (:info mkdir ...) message when it succeeds */ static MuError cmd_mkdir (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { const char *path; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "path", &path, err); if (!mu_maildir_mkdir (path, 0755, FALSE, err)) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else print_expr ("(:info mkdir :message \"%s has been created\")", path); return MU_OK; } static MuFlags get_flags (const char *path, const char *flagstr) { if (!flagstr) return MU_FLAG_NONE; /* ie., ignore flags */ else { /* if there's a '+' or '-' sign in the string, it must * be a flag-delta */ if (strstr (flagstr, "+") || strstr (flagstr, "-")) { MuFlags oldflags; oldflags = mu_maildir_get_flags_from_path (path); return mu_flags_from_str_delta (flagstr, oldflags, MU_FLAG_TYPE_ANY); } else return mu_flags_from_str (flagstr, MU_FLAG_TYPE_ANY); } } static MuError do_move (MuStore *store, unsigned docid, MuMsg *msg, const char *maildir, MuFlags flags, GError **err) { unsigned rv; gchar *sexp; gboolean different_mdir; if (!maildir) { maildir = mu_msg_get_maildir (msg); different_mdir = FALSE; } else { /* are we moving to a different mdir, or is it just flags? */ different_mdir = (g_strcmp0 (maildir, mu_msg_get_maildir(msg)) != 0); } if (!mu_msg_move_to_maildir (msg, maildir, flags, TRUE, err)) return MU_G_ERROR_CODE (err); /* note, after mu_msg_move_to_maildir, path will be the *new* * path, and flags and maildir fields will be updated as * wel */ rv = mu_store_update_msg (store, docid, msg, err); if (rv == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_XAPIAN, "failed to store updated message"); print_and_clear_g_error (err); } sexp = mu_msg_to_sexp (msg, docid, NULL, FALSE/*include body*/); /* note, the :move t thing is a hint to the frontend that it * could remove the particular header */ print_expr ("(:update %s :move %s)", sexp, different_mdir ? "t" : "nil"); g_free (sexp); return MU_OK; } /* when called with a msgid, we need to take care of possibly multiple * message with this message id. this is a common case when sending * messages to ourselves (maybe through a mailing list), where there * would a message in inbox and sentbox with the same id. we set the * flag on both */ static gboolean move_msgid_maybe (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { const char *maildir, *msgid, *flagstr; GSList *docids, *cur; MuFlags flags; maildir = get_string_from_args (args, "maildir", TRUE, err); msgid = get_string_from_args (args, "msgid", TRUE, err); flagstr = get_string_from_args (args, "flags", TRUE, err); /* you cannot use 'maildir' for multiple messages at once */ if (!msgid || !flagstr || maildir ) return FALSE; docids = get_docids_from_msgids (query, msgid, err); if (!docids) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return TRUE; } for (cur = docids; cur; cur = g_slist_next(cur)) { MuMsg *msg; unsigned docid = (GPOINTER_TO_SIZE(cur->data)); if (!(msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, docid, err))) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); break; } if (flagstr) flags = get_flags (mu_msg_get_path(msg), flagstr); else flags = mu_msg_get_flags (msg); if (flags == MU_FLAG_INVALID) { print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "invalid flags"); break; } do_move (store, docid, msg, NULL, flags, err); mu_msg_unref (msg); } g_slist_free (docids); return TRUE; } /* * 'move' moves a message to a different maildir and/or changes its * flags. parameters are *either* a 'docid:' or 'msgid:' pointing to * the message, a 'maildir:' for the target maildir, and a 'flags:' * parameter for the new flags. * * returns an (:update ) * */ static MuError cmd_move (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned docid; MuMsg *msg; MuFlags flags; const char *maildir, *flagstr; /* check if the move is based on the message id; if so, handle * it in move_msgid_maybe */ if (move_msgid_maybe (store, query, args, err)) return MU_OK; maildir = get_string_from_args (args, "maildir", TRUE, err); flagstr = get_string_from_args (args, "flags", TRUE, err); docid = determine_docid (query, args, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } if (!(msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, docid, err))) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } /* if maildir was not specified, take the current one */ if (!maildir) maildir = mu_msg_get_maildir (msg); /* determine the real target flags, which come from the * flags-parameter we received (ie., flagstr), if any, plus * the existing message flags. */ if (flagstr) flags = get_flags (mu_msg_get_path(msg), flagstr); else flags = mu_msg_get_flags (msg); if (flags == MU_FLAG_INVALID) { print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "invalid flags"); goto leave; } do_move (store, docid, msg, maildir, flags, err); leave: mu_msg_unref (msg); return MU_OK; } /* 'ping' takes no parameters, and provides information about this mu * server using a (:pong ...) message (details: see code below) */ static MuError cmd_ping (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned doccount; doccount = mu_store_count (store, err); if (doccount == (unsigned)-1) return print_and_clear_g_error (err); print_expr ("(:pong \"" PACKAGE_NAME "\" " ":version \"" VERSION "\" " ":doccount %u)", doccount); return MU_OK; } /* 'quit' takes no parameters, terminates this mu server */ static MuError cmd_quit (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args , GError **err) { print_expr (";; quiting"); return MU_STOP; } /* * creating a message object just to get a path seems a bit excessive * maybe mu_store_get_path could be added if this turns out to be a problem * * NOTE: not re-entrant. */ static const char* get_path_from_docid (MuStore *store, unsigned docid, GError **err) { MuMsg *msg; const char* msgpath; static char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, docid, err); if (!msg) return NULL; msgpath = mu_msg_get_path (msg); if (!msgpath) { mu_msg_unref (msg); return NULL; } strncpy (path, msgpath, sizeof(path)); mu_msg_unref (msg); return path; } /* 'remove' removes the message with either docid: or msgid:, sends a * (:remove ...) message when it succeeds */ static MuError cmd_remove (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned docid; const char *path; docid = determine_docid (query, args, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } path = get_path_from_docid (store, docid, err); if (!path) { if (err && *err) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "no path for docid"); return MU_OK; } if (unlink (path) != 0) { mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_UNLINK, "%s", strerror (errno)); print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } if (!mu_store_remove_path (store, path)) { print_error (MU_ERROR_XAPIAN_REMOVE_FAILED, "failed to remove from database"); return MU_OK; } print_expr ("(:remove %u)", docid); return MU_OK; } /* 'add' adds a message to the database, and takes two parameters: * 'path', which is the full path to the message, and 'maildir', which * is the maildir this message lives in (e.g. "/inbox"). response with * an (:info ...) message with information about the newly added * message (details: see code below) */ static MuError cmd_sent (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned docid; const char *maildir, *path; GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "path", &path, err); GET_STRING_OR_ERROR_RETURN (args, "maildir", &maildir, err); docid = mu_store_add_path (store, path, maildir, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else { gchar *escpath; escpath = mu_str_escape_c_literal (path, TRUE); print_expr ("(:sent t :path %s :docid %u)", escpath, docid); g_free (escpath); } return MU_OK; } /* 'view' gets a full (including body etc.) sexp for some message, * identified by either docid: or msgid:; return a (:view ) */ static MuError cmd_view (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { MuMsg *msg; unsigned docid; char *sexp; docid = determine_docid (query, args, err); if (docid == MU_STORE_INVALID_DOCID) { print_and_clear_g_error (err); return MU_OK; } msg = mu_store_get_msg (store, docid, err); if (!msg) { if (err && *err) print_and_clear_g_error (err); else print_error (MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "failed to get message"); return MU_OK; } sexp = mu_msg_to_sexp (msg, docid, NULL, FALSE); mu_msg_unref (msg); print_expr ("(:view %s)\n", sexp); g_free (sexp); return MU_OK; } /*************************************************************************/ static MuError handle_args (MuStore *store, MuQuery *query, GSList *args, GError **err) { unsigned u; const char *cmd; struct { const char *cmd; CmdFunc func; } cmd_map[] = { { "add", cmd_add }, { "compose", cmd_compose }, { "extract", cmd_extract }, { "find", cmd_find }, { "index", cmd_index }, { "mkdir", cmd_mkdir }, { "move", cmd_move }, { "ping", cmd_ping }, { "quit", cmd_quit }, { "remove", cmd_remove }, { "sent", cmd_sent }, { "view", cmd_view } }; cmd = (const char*) args->data; for (u = 0; u != G_N_ELEMENTS (cmd_map); ++u) if (g_strcmp0(cmd, cmd_map[u].cmd) == 0) return cmd_map[u].func (store, query, g_slist_next(args), err); mu_util_g_set_error (err, MU_ERROR_IN_PARAMETERS, "unknown command '%s'", cmd ? cmd : ""); return MU_G_ERROR_CODE (err); } MuError mu_cmd_server (MuStore *store, MuConfig *opts/*unused*/, GError **err) { MuQuery *query; gboolean do_quit; g_return_val_if_fail (store, MU_ERROR_INTERNAL); query = mu_query_new (store, err); if (!query) return MU_G_ERROR_CODE (err); install_sig_handler (); g_print (";; welcome to " PACKAGE_STRING "\n"); /* the main REPL */ do_quit = FALSE; while (!MU_TERMINATE && !do_quit) { GSList *args; GError *my_err = NULL; /* args will receive a the command as a list of * strings. returning NULL indicates an error */ args = read_line_as_list (&my_err); if (!args || my_err) { print_and_clear_g_error (&my_err); continue; } switch (handle_args (store, query, args, &my_err)) { case MU_OK: break; case MU_STOP: do_quit = TRUE; break; default: /* some error occurred */ print_and_clear_g_error (&my_err); } mu_str_free_list (args); } mu_store_flush (store); mu_query_destroy (query); return MU_OK; }