;;; evil-collection-lms.el --- Evil bindings for lms.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Edgar Vincent ;; Author: Edgar Vincent ;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;; Keywords: evil, multimedia, music, logitechmediaserver, squeezebox ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your ;; option) any later version. ;; ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License ;; see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Evil bindings for lms.el. ;; ;;; Code: (require 'lms nil t) (require 'evil-collection) (defvar lms-ui-playing-now-mode-map) (defvar lms-ui-players-mode-map) (defvar lms-ui-playlist-mode-map) (defvar lms-ui-track-info-mode-map) (defvar lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-map) (defvar lms--ui-editing-p) (defvar lms--ui-pl-tracks) (declare-function lms-ui-playing-now-refresh "lms") (defconst evil-collection-lms-maps '(lms-ui-players-mode-map lms-ui-playing-now-mode-map lms-ui-playlist-mode-map lms-ui-track-info-mode-map lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-map lms-ui-year-album-artist-list-mode-map)) (defconst evil-collection-lms-modes '(lms-players-mode lms-ui-playing-now-mode lms-ui-track-info-mode lms-ui-players-mode lms-ui-playlist-mode lms-ui-tracks-list-mode lms-ui-year-album-artist-list-mode)) (defun evil-collection-lms-ui-track-info-mode-quit () "Exit `lms-ui-track-info-mode'." (interactive) (kill-buffer "*LMS: Track Information*") (lms-ui-playing-now-refresh)) (defun evil-collection-lms-ui-players-mode-quit () "Exit `lms-ui-players-mode'." (interactive) (kill-buffer (format "*LMS: Players*")) (lms-ui-playing-now-refresh)) (defun evil-collection-lms-ui-playlist-mode-quit () "Exit `lms-ui-playlist-mode'." (interactive) (kill-buffer (format "*LMS: Playlist [%d tracks]*" (length lms--ui-pl-tracks))) (lms-ui-playing-now-refresh)) (defun evil-collection-lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-quit () "Exit `lms-ui-tracks-list-mode'." (interactive) (kill-buffer) (lms-ui-playing-now-refresh)) (defalias 'evil-collection-lms-ui-year-album-artist-list-mode-quit 'evil-collection-lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-quit "Exit lms-ui-tracks-list-mode.") (defun evil-collection-lms-goto-line (count) "Move the point to line COUNT. By default the penultimate line." (interactive "P") (evil-goto-line count) (unless count (forward-line -1))) (defun evil-collection-lms-next-line () "Move the point to the next line, except if it is at the end of the buffer." (interactive) (forward-line 1) (when (eobp) (forward-line -1))) (defun evil-collection-lms-ui-playing-now () "Modify the *LMS: Playing Now* buffer to reflect evil keybinding changes." (setq-local buffer-read-only nil) (setq lms--ui-editing-p t) (while (search-forward-regexp "Press 'h' for help" nil 'noerror) (replace-match "") (insert (propertize "Press 'gh' or 'g?' for help" 'face '(variable-pitch (:height 0.85 :slant italic :foreground "gray40"))))) (setq-local buffer-read-only t) (setq lms--ui-editing-p nil)) (defvar evil-collection-lms-ui-docs "#+TITLE: lms.el Documentation #+AUTHOR: Iñigo Serna #+DATE: 2020/06/14 * Introduction This is an *emacs* frontend to interact with Squeezebox Server / Logitech Media Server. Released under GPL version 3 license or later. It requires emacs version 25 or higher. More information on what a *squeezebox controller* is at https://inigo.katxi.org/blog/2017/07/31/lms_el.html. Quick instructions: customize some basic parameters such as 'lms-url' and run it with *lms* or *lms-ui*. From there, you could read complete documentation after pressing *gh* or *g?*. You can also run 'emacsclient -e \"(lms-float)\"' to display an independent small frame. Package should appear in [[https://melpa.org][MELPA repository]], and the code is in [[https://hg.serna.eu/emacs/lms][the code repository]] as well. * Features This is Squeezebox controller, i.e. a program which can handle your local music library. Some of the features: - Display song: title, artist, album, year, cover… - Play, pause, stop, select next / previous song - Control players: select player, power on/off, volume, repeat and shuffle modes - Playlist control: list, select song, delete track, clear - Show track information and change rating It is not aimed to be a complete controller, as it can't - and won't - manage external sources such us BBC, Deezer, Pandora, Spotify, or TuneIn Radio. * Configuration There are some parameters you could customize: |--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------| | Parameter | Description | Default | |--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------| | lms-url | Logitech Media Server hostname or ip and port | http://lms_server:9000 | | lms-default-player | Name of default player | nil (1) | | lms-ui-cover-width | Cover image width | 500 (2) | | lms-ui-update-interval | Time in seconds between UI updates | 1 (3) | | lms-number-recent-albums | Number of recent albums to show | 25 | | lms-number-random-albums | Number of random albums to show | 25 | | lms-number-random-songs | Number of random songs to show | 50 | | lms-set-rating-function | Function to use to set song rating | lms--set-rating-with-trackstat (4) | |--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------| Notes: (1) If *lms-default-player* is not defined or a player with that name does not exist, it will ask for one at start. (2) It's recomendable not to change *lms-ui-cover-width*. (3) Note that small values in *lms-ui-update-interval* could freeze your Emacs use while refreshing window. (4) LMS does not have any means to set the rating of a song by itself, so it depends on an external plugin. TrackStat (function *lms--set-rating-with-trackstat*) is a popular one, and RatingsLight (function *lms--set-rating-with-ratingslight*) is another option. ** Faces The colors and font attributes of text can be customized in some views: |----------------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------| | Face name | Description | Default | |----------------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------| | lms-playing-face | Playing symbol | DarkTurquoise, bold | | lms-title-face | Song title | SlateGray, italic | | lms-artist-face | Artist | RosyBrown, bold | | lms-year-face | Song year | SteelBlue | | lms-album-face | Album | CadetBlue | | lms-tracknum-face | Track number | gray40 | | lms-duration-face | Song duration | gray60 | | lms-players-selected-face | Selected icon in players list | SteelBlue | | lms-players-isplaying-face | Isplaying in players list | RosyBrown | | lms-players-name-face | Player name in players list | CadetBlue | | lms-players-model-face | Player model in players list | SlateGray | | lms-players-playerid-face | Player id in players list | gray60 | | lms-players-ip-face | Player IP in players list | gray40 | | lms-players-power-face | Ispower in players list | Maroon | |----------------------------+-------------------------------+---------------------| * Playing now Main window showing information about current track and player status. The actions triggered by pressing keys refer to the current track. ** Key bindings |-----------------+--------------------------------| | Ctrl-p | select player | | t | change player power state | | R | change track rating | | Ctrl-= | set volume | | x, | toggle play/pause | | p | play | | s | stop playing | | Ctrl-k, | play previous song in playlist | | Ctrl-j, | play next song in playlist | | m | toggle mute volume | | +, = | volume up +5 | | - | volume down -5 | | r | cycle repeat mode | | S | cycle shuffle mode | | gr | update window contents | | i | display track information | | P | display playlist | | T | show all albums by artist | | L | show all tracks of album | | Y | show all albums of this year | | M | browse music libray | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | quit LMS | |-----------------+--------------------------------| * Track information Display track information. Previous/next track only works when *Track information* window was called from a list, but not from *Playing now*. ** Key bindings |-----------------+-------------------------| | R | change track rating | | Ctrl-k, | show previous track | | Ctrl-j, | show next track | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | close window | |-----------------+-------------------------| * Players list Players list. ** Key bindings |--------------------+--------------------------------| | k, , j, | move cursor | | | select player and close window | | x | toggle player play/pause | | t | toggle player power state | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | close window | |--------------------+--------------------------------| * Playlist Playlist view. The actions triggered by pressing keys refer to the track under cursor. ** Key bindings |--------------------+------------------------------------| | k, , j, | move cursor | | | play track | | i | show track information | | C | jump to current track | | d, | remove track from playlist | | c c | clear playlist | | c u | remove tracks from start to cursor | | c f | remove tracks from cursor to end | | u | update window contents | | A | show all albums by artist | | T | show all tracks of album | | Y | show all albums of this year | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | close window | |--------------------+------------------------------------| * Year - Album - Artist list View all albums of an artist, sorted by date/year. The actions triggered by pressing keys refer to the album under cursor. ** Key bindings |--------------------+------------------------------| | k, , j, | move cursor | | , a | show all tracks of album | | A | show all albums by artist | | Y | show all albums of this year | | p | add album to playlist | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | close window | |--------------------+------------------------------| * Tracks list View list of tracks. The actions triggered by pressing keys refer to the track under cursor. ** Key bindings |--------------------+------------------------------| | j, , k, | move cursor | | , i | display track information | | A | show all albums by artist | | Y | show all albums of this year | | p | add song to playlist | | P | add all songs to playlist | | gh, g? | show this documentation | | q | close window | |--------------------+------------------------------| " "LMS documentation.") ;;;###autoload (defun evil-collection-lms-setup () "Set up `evil' bindings for `lms'." (dolist (map evil-collection-lms-maps) (evil-collection-inhibit-insert-state map)) (dolist (mode evil-collection-lms-modes) (evil-set-initial-state mode 'normal)) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-playing-now-mode-map "t" 'lms-ui-playing-now-change-player-power-state (kbd "C-p") 'lms-ui-playing-now-players-list "R" 'lms-ui-playing-now-change-rating (kbd "C-=") 'lms-ui-playing-now-set-volume (kbd "RET") 'lms-ui-playing-now-play-pause "x" 'lms-ui-playing-now-play-pause "p" 'lms-ui-playing-now-play "s" 'lms-ui-playing-now-stop (kbd "C-j") 'lms-ui-playing-now-next (kbd "") 'lms-ui-playing-now-next (kbd "C-k") 'lms-ui-playing-now-prev (kbd "") 'lms-ui-playing-now-prev "+" 'lms-ui-playing-now-volume-up "=" 'lms-ui-playing-now-volume-up "-" 'lms-ui-playing-now-volume-down "m" 'lms-ui-playing-now-volume-mute "r" 'lms-ui-playing-now-cycle-repeat "S" 'lms-ui-playing-now-cycle-shuffle "gr" 'lms-ui-playing-now-refresh "i" 'lms-ui-playing-now-show-track-info "P" 'lms-ui-playing-now-show-playlist "T" 'lms-ui-playing-now-album-tracks-list "A" 'lms-ui-playing-now-artist-albums-list "Y" 'lms-ui-playing-now-year-albums-list "M" 'lms-ui-playing-now-browse-music-library "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'lms-ui-playing-now-quit) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-track-info-mode-map "R" 'lms-ui-track-info-change-rating (kbd "C-k") 'lms-ui-track-info-prev (kbd "") 'lms-ui-track-info-prev (kbd "C-j") 'lms-ui-track-info-next (kbd "") 'lms-ui-track-info-next "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'evil-collection-lms-ui-track-info-mode-quit) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-players-mode-map [remap evil-goto-line] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap end-of-defun] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-forward-paragraph] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-next-line] 'evil-collection-lms-next-line (kbd "RET") 'lms-ui-players-select "x" 'lms-ui-players-playpause "t" 'lms-ui-players-toggle-power "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'evil-collection-lms-ui-players-mode-quit) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-playlist-mode-map [remap evil-goto-line] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap end-of-defun] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-forward-paragraph] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-next-line] 'evil-collection-lms-next-line (kbd "RET") 'lms-ui-playlist-play "i" 'lms-ui-playlist-track-info "C" 'lms-ui-playlist-jump-to-current "d" 'lms-ui-playlist-delete-track (kbd "") 'lms-ui-playlist-delete-track "cc" 'lms-ui-playlist-clear "ct" 'lms-ui-playlist-clear-until-track "cf" 'lms-ui-playlist-clear-from-track "u" 'lms-ui-playlist "A" 'lms-ui-playlist-artist-albums-list "T" 'lms-ui-playlist-album-tracks-list "Y" 'lms-ui-playlist-year-albums-list "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'evil-collection-lms-ui-playlist-mode-quit) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-map [remap evil-goto-line] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap end-of-defun] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-forward-paragraph] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-next-line] 'evil-collection-lms-next-line "i" 'lms-ui-tl-track-info (kbd "RET") 'lms-ui-tl-track-info "p" 'lms-ui-tl-to-playlist "P" 'lms-ui-tl-all-to-playlist "Y" 'lms-ui-tl-by-year "A" 'lms-ui-tl-by-artist "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'evil-collection-lms-ui-tracks-list-mode-quit) (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'lms-ui-year-album-artist-list-mode-map [remap evil-goto-line] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap end-of-defun] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-forward-paragraph] 'evil-collection-lms-goto-line [remap evil-next-line] 'evil-collection-lms-next-line "Y" 'lms-ui-yaal-by-year "A" 'lms-ui-yaal-by-artist (kbd "RET") 'lms-ui-yaal-by-album "a" 'lms-ui-yaal-by-album "p" 'lms-ui-yaal-to-playlist "g?" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "gh" 'lms-ui-playing-now-help "q" 'evil-collection-lms-ui-year-album-artist-list-mode-quit) ;; Reflect help keybinding changes in the lms.el UI. (advice-add 'lms-ui-playing-now :after 'evil-collection-lms-ui-playing-now) (setq lms-ui-docs evil-collection-lms-ui-docs)) (provide 'evil-collection-lms) ;;; evil-collection-lms.el ends here