;;; evil-collection-reftex.el --- Bindings for `reftex'. -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Pierre Neidhardt ;; Author: Maximiliano Sandoval ;; Maintainer: James Nguyen ;; Pierre Neidhardt ;; URL: https://github.com/jojojames/evil-collection ;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;; Keywords: evil, reftex, tools ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your ;; option) any later version. ;; ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License ;; see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Evil bindings for `reftex-mode'. ;;; Code: (require 'evil) (require 'reftex-ref nil t) (require 'reftex-ref nil t) (require 'reftex-cite nil t) ;; original code can be found in reftex-ref.el (setq reftex-select-label-prompt "Select: [RET]select [j]next [k]previous [gr]escan [go]context [q]uit [g?]help") ;; original code can be found in reftex-cite.el (setq reftex-citation-prompt "Select: [RET]select [j]next [k]previous [q]uit [g?]help") ;; original at reftex-ref.el (setq reftex-select-label-help " j / k Go to next/previous label (Cursor motion works as well) [ / ] Go to previous/next section heading. c Reuse last referenced label. J Jump to a specific section, e.g. '3 J' jumps to section 3. s Switch label type. gr Reparse document. go / gO Show context / Show insertion point. S Switch to label menu of external document (with LaTeX package `xr'). r / R Toggle \\ref <-> \\vref / Rotate \\ref <=> \\fref <=> \\Fref. TAB Enter a label with completion. m / M Mark/unmark entry. x / X Put all marked entries into one/many \\ref commands. q / RET Quit without referencing / Accept current label.") ;; code can be found in reftex-cite.el (setq reftex-citation-help " j / k Go to next/previous entry (Cursor motion works as well). go / gO Show citation / Show insertion point. q Quit without inserting \\cite macro into buffer. TAB Enter citation key with completion. RET Accept current entry and create \\cite macro. m / M Mark/Unmark the entry. o / O Create BibTeX file with all marked / unmarked entries. X / X Put all (marked) entries into one/many \\cite commands.") (defun evil-collection-reftex-setup () "Set up `evil' bindings for `reftex'." (evil-set-initial-state 'reftex-select-label-mode 'normal) (evil-set-initial-state 'reftex-select-bib-mode 'normal) (evil-define-key 'normal reftex-select-shared-map "j" 'reftex-select-next "k" 'reftex-select-previous (kbd "]") 'reftex-select-next-heading (kbd "[") 'reftex-select-previous-heading (kbd "gj") 'reftex-select-next-heading (kbd "gk") 'reftex-select-previous-heading (kbd "C-j") 'reftex-select-next-heading (kbd "C-k") 'reftex-select-previous-heading "go" 'reftex-select-callback ;shows the point where the label is "gr" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key" (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 114)) ;reftex binds keys in a very arcane way using the number asigned by describe-char, in this case the value of "g" is 114 "q" 'reftex-select-quit "ZZ" 'reftex-select-quit "ZQ" 'evil-quit "g?" 'reftex-select-help "c" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 108)) "J" 'reftex-select-jump ;; weird binding, using default (kbd "") 'reftex-select-read-label "s" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 115)) "m" 'reftex-select-mark "M" 'reftex-select-unmark ;a mark/unmark function would help here "u" 'reftex-select-unmark ;does not causes problems with undo "x" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 97)) "X" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 65)) "S" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 120)) "r" 'reftex-select-cycle-ref-style-forward "R" 'reftex-select-cycle-ref-style-backward "gO" 'reftex-select-show-insertion-point "o" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 101)) "O" (lambda nil "Press `?' during selection to find out about this key." (interactive) (throw (quote myexit) 69))) (evil-set-initial-state 'reftex-toc-mode 'normal) ;; This one is more involved, in reftex-toc.el, line 282 it shows the prompt ;; string with the keybinds and I don't see any way of changing it to show evil-like binds. (evil-define-key 'normal reftex-toc-mode-map "j" 'reftex-toc-next "k" 'reftex-toc-previous (kbd "RET") 'reftex-toc-goto-line-and-hide (kbd "") 'reftex-toc-goto-line "g?" 'reftex-toc-show-help "q" 'reftex-toc-quit "ZZ" 'reftex-toc-quit "ZQ" 'evil-quit "gr" 'reftex-toc-rescan "r" 'reftex-toc-rescan "l" 'reftex-toc-toggle-labels "?" 'reftex-toc-show-help "x" 'reftex-toc-external ;; (kbd "SPC") 'reftex-toc-view-line "f" 'reftex-toc-toggle-follow)) (provide 'evil-collection-reftex) ;;; evil-collection-reftex.el ends here