Add evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key (#498)

This commit is contained in:
James Nguyen 2022-04-13 23:51:50 -04:00
parent ceac1a9681
commit b1c37b8ad0
2 changed files with 104 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -582,6 +582,73 @@ modes in the current buffer."
nil "^[^.]")))))
(find-file (evil-collection--mode-file mode "")))
(cl-defun evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key (states modes
&rest translations
&key destructive
"Similar to `evil-collection-translate-key' but for minor modes."
"Translate keys in the keymap(s) corresponding to STATES and MODES.
STATES should be the name of an evil state, a list of states, or nil. MODES
should be a symbol corresponding to minor-mode to make the translations in or a
list of minor-mode symbols. TRANSLATIONS corresponds to a list of
key replacement pairs. For example, specifying \"a\" \"b\" will bind \"a\" to
\"b\"'s definition in the keymap. Specifying nil as a replacement will unbind a
key. If DESTRUCTIVE is nil, a backup of the keymap will be stored on the initial
invocation, and future invocations will always look up keys in the backup
keymap. When no TRANSLATIONS are given, this function will only create the
backup keymap without making any translations. On the other hand, if DESTRUCTIVE
is non-nil, the keymap will be destructively altered without creating a backup.
For example, calling this function multiple times with \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\"
would continue to swap and unswap the definitions of these keys. This means that
when DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, all related swaps/cycles should be done in the same
(declare (indent defun))
(unless (listp modes)
(setq modes (list modes)))
(unless (and (listp states)
(not (null states)))
(setq states (list states)))
(dolist (mode-symbol modes)
(dolist (state states)
state mode-symbol translations destructive))))
(defun evil-collection--translate-minor-mode-key (state
"Helper function for `evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key'.
In the minor mode keymap corresponding to STATE and MODE-SYMBOL, make the key
TRANSLATIONS. When DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, make the TRANSLATIONS destructively
without creating/referencing a backup keymap."
(let* ((keymap-symbol (intern (format "%S-map" mode-symbol)))
(backup-keymap-symbol (intern (format "evil-collection-%s%s-backup-map"
(if state
(format "-%s-state" state)
(keymap (symbol-value keymap-symbol))
(lookup-keymap (if (and (not destructive)
(boundp backup-keymap-symbol))
(symbol-value backup-keymap-symbol)
(if state
(evil-get-minor-mode-keymap state mode-symbol)
;; (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap keymap state t t)
(maps (cl-loop for (key replacement) on translations by 'cddr
;; :destructive can be in TRANSLATIONS
unless (keywordp key)
collect key
and collect (when replacement
(lookup-key lookup-keymap replacement)))))
(unless (or destructive
(boundp backup-keymap-symbol))
(set backup-keymap-symbol lookup-keymap))
(apply #'evil-define-minor-mode-key state mode-symbol maps)))
(defun evil-collection--translate-key (state keymap-symbol
@ -665,6 +732,21 @@ should consist of key swaps (e.g. \"a\" \"b\" is equivalent to \"a\" \"b\" \"b\"
collect replacement and collect key))
`(evil-collection-translate-key ,states ,keymaps ,@args))
(defmacro evil-collection-swap-minor-mode-key (states modes &rest args)
"Wrapper around `evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key' for swapping keys.
STATES, MODES, and ARGS are passed to
`evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key'. ARGS should consist of key swaps
(e.g. \"a\" \"b\" is equivalent to \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\"
with `evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key') and optionally keyword
arguments for `evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key'."
(declare (indent defun))
(setq args (cl-loop for (key replacement) on args by 'cddr
collect key and collect replacement
and unless (keywordp key)
collect replacement and collect key))
`(evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key ,states ,modes ,@args))
(defun evil-collection-require (mode &optional noerror)
"Require the evil-collection-MODE file, but do not activate it.

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@ -567,6 +567,28 @@ more.
":" ";")
In some cases, keys are bound through `evil-define-minor-mode-key` and may
need to be translated using ~evil-collection-translate-minor-mode-key~ and/or
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(evil-collection-swap-minor-mode-key '(normal motion)
'(evil-snipe-local-mode evil-snipe-override-local-mode)
"k" "s"
;; Set this to t to make this swap the keys everytime
;; this expression is evaluated.
:destructive nil)
'(normal motion)
'(evil-snipe-local-mode evil-snipe-override-local-mode)
"k" "s"
"s" "k"
;; Set this to t to make this swap the keys everytime
;; this expression is evaluated.
:destructive nil)
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