services: # Caddy example derived from Caddy's own example at caddy: container_name: caddy image: caddy:latest networks: - caddy-net # Network exclusively for Caddy-proxied containers restart: unless-stopped ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" - "443:443/udp" # QUIC protocol support: volumes: - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile # config file on host in same directory as docker-compose.yml for easy editing. #- $PWD/site:/srv # Only use if you are serving a website behind caddy - caddy_data:/data # Use docker volumes here bc no need to access these files from host - caddy_config:/config # Use docker volumes here bc no need to access these files from host # More info at and pihole: depends_on: - caddy container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest ports: - "8081:80/tcp" # Pi-hole web admin interface, proxied through Caddy (configure port in Caddyfile) # Following are NOT proxied through Caddy, bound to host net instead: - "53:53/udp" - "53:53/tcp" - "853:853/tcp" # DNS-over-TLS #- "67:67/udp" # DHCP, if desired. If not bound to host net you need an mDNS proxy service configured somewhere on host net. # ref: environment: # Set the appropriate timezone for your location (, e.g: TZ: 'Europe/London' # Set a password to access the web interface. Not setting one will result in a random password being assigned FTLCONF_webserver_api_password: 'correct horse battery staple' # Configure DNS upstream servers, e.g: FTLCONF_dns_upstreams: ';' # Volumes store your data between container upgrades volumes: # For persisting Pi-hole's databases and common configuration file - './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole' # Uncomment the below if you have custom dnsmasq config files that you want to persist. Not needed for most. #- './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d' cap_add: # See # Required if you are using Pi-hole as your DHCP server, else not needed - NET_ADMIN restart: unless-stopped # ref: networks: caddy-net: driver: bridge name: caddy-net # ref: volumes: caddy_data: external: true # May need to create volume with 'docker volume create caddy_data' caddy_config: