pihole: image: diginc/pi-hole ports: - "53:53/tcp" - "53:53/udp" - "80:80/tcp" cap_add: - NET_ADMIN environment: # enter your docker host IP here ServerIP: # jwilder/proxy envs, see readme for more info PROXY_LOCATION: pihole VIRTUAL_HOST: pihole.yourdomain.local VIRTUAL_PORT: 80 # Add your own custom hostnames you need for your domain extra_hosts: # Point any of the jwilder virtual_host addresses # to your docker host ip address - 'pihole.yourdomain.local:' volumes: # WARNING: if these don't exist as files on the host already # docker will try to create them as directories # - '/var/log/pihole.log:/var/log/pihole.log' #- '/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt:/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt' # - '/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt:/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt'