#!/bin/bash # Some of the bash_functions use utilities from Pi-hole's utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # shellcheck source=/dev/null # . /opt/pihole/utils.sh ####################### # returns value from FTLs config file using pihole-FTL --config # # Takes one argument: key # Example getFTLConfigValue dns.piholePTR ####################### getFTLConfigValue() { pihole-FTL --config -q "${1}" } ####################### # sets value in FTLs config file using pihole-FTL --config # # Takes two arguments: key and value # Example setFTLConfigValue dns.piholePTR PI.HOLE # # Note, for complex values such as dns.upstreams, you should wrap the value in single quotes: # setFTLConfigValue dns.upstreams '[ "" , "" ]' ####################### setFTLConfigValue() { pihole-FTL --config "${1}" "${2}" >/dev/null } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ensure_basic_configuration() { # Force a check of pihole-FTL --config, this will read any environment variables and set them in the config file # suppress the output as we don't need to see the default values. getFTLConfigValue >/dev/null echo "" echo " [i] Ensuring basic configuration by re-running select functions from basic-install.sh" mkdir -p /var/run/pihole /var/log/pihole touch /var/log/pihole/FTL.log /var/log/pihole/pihole.log chown -R pihole:pihole /var/run/pihole /var/log/pihole if [[ -z "${PYTEST}" ]]; then if [[ ! -f /etc/pihole/adlists.list ]]; then echo "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts" >/etc/pihole/adlists.list fi fi chown -R pihole:pihole /etc/pihole # Install the logrotate config file - this is done already in Dockerfile # but if a user has mounted a volume over /etc/pihole, it will have been lost # pihole-FTL-prestart.sh will set the ownership of the file to root:root install -Dm644 -t /etc/pihole /etc/.pihole/advanced/Templates/logrotate # If FTLCONF_files_macvendor is not set if [[ -z "${FTLCONF_files_macvendor:-}" ]]; then # User is not passing in a custom location - so force FTL to use the file we moved to / during the build setFTLConfigValue "files.macvendor" "/macvendor.db" chown pihole:pihole /macvendor.db fi # If getFTLConfigValue "dns.upstreams" returns [], exit the container. We need upstream servers to function! if [[ $(getFTLConfigValue "dns.upstreams") == "[]" ]]; then echo "" echo " [X] No DNS upstream servers are set!" echo " [i] Recommended: Set the upstream DNS servers in the environment variable FTLCONF_dns_upstream" echo "" exit 1 fi setup_web_password } setup_web_password() { # If FTLCONF_webserver_api_password is not set if [ -z "${FTLCONF_webserver_api_password+x}" ]; then # Is this already set to something other than blank (default) in FTL's config file? (maybe in a volume mount) if [[ $(pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.pwhash) = \$BALLOON-SHA256* ]]; then echo " [i] Password already set in config file" return else # If we are here, the password is set in neither the environment nor the config file # We will generate a random password. RANDOMPASSWORD=$(tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 /dev/null pihole-FTL --config webserver.api.password "$RANDOMPASSWORD" >/dev/null # To avoid printing this if conditional in bash debug, turn off debug above.. # then re-enable debug if necessary (more code but cleaner printed output) if [ "${PH_VERBOSE:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then set -x fi fi else echo " [i] Assigning password defined by Environment Variable" fi } fix_capabilities() { # Testing on Docker 20.10.14 with no caps set shows the following caps available to the container: # Current: cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_raw,cap_sys_chroot,cap_mknod,cap_audit_write,cap_setfcap=ep # FTL can also use CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_SYS_NICE. If we try to set them when they haven't been explicitly enabled, FTL will not start. Test for them first: echo " [i] Setting capabilities on pihole-FTL where possible" capsh --has-p=cap_chown 2>/dev/null && CAP_STR+=',CAP_CHOWN' capsh --has-p=cap_net_bind_service 2>/dev/null && CAP_STR+=',CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE' capsh --has-p=cap_net_raw 2>/dev/null && CAP_STR+=',CAP_NET_RAW' capsh --has-p=cap_net_admin 2>/dev/null && CAP_STR+=',CAP_NET_ADMIN' || DHCP_READY='false' capsh --has-p=cap_sys_nice 2>/dev/null && CAP_STR+=',CAP_SYS_NICE' if [[ ${CAP_STR} ]]; then # We have the (some of) the above caps available to us - apply them to pihole-FTL echo " [i] Applying the following caps to pihole-FTL:" IFS=',' read -ra CAPS <<<"${CAP_STR:1}" for i in "${CAPS[@]}"; do echo " * ${i}" done setcap ${CAP_STR:1}+ep "$(which pihole-FTL)" || ret=$? if [[ $DHCP_READY == false ]] && [[ $FTLCONF_dhcp_active == true ]]; then # DHCP is requested but NET_ADMIN is not available. echo "ERROR: DHCP requested but NET_ADMIN is not available. DHCP will not be started." echo " Please add cap_net_admin to the container's capabilities or disable DHCP." DHCP_ACTIVE='false' setFTLConfigValue dhcp.active false fi if [[ $ret -ne 0 && "${DNSMASQ_USER:-pihole}" != "root" ]]; then echo " [!] ERROR: Unable to set capabilities for pihole-FTL. Cannot run as non-root." echo " If you are seeing this error, please set the environment variable 'DNSMASQ_USER' to the value 'root'" exit 1 fi else echo " [!] WARNING: Unable to set capabilities for pihole-FTL." echo " Please ensure that the container has the required capabilities." exit 1 fi echo "" }