#!/bin/bash -e # Script for manually pushing the docker arm images for diginc only # (no one else has docker repo permissions) if [ ! -f ~/.docker/config.json ] ; then echo "Error: You should setup your docker push authorization first" exit 1 fi parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/' } annotate() { local base=$1 local image=$2 local arch=${image##*_} local docker_arch=${arch_map[$arch]} if [ -z $docker_arch ]; then echo "Unknown arch in docker tag: ${arch}" exit 1 else $dry docker manifest annotate ${base} ${image} --os linux --arch ${docker_arch} fi } namespace='pihole' localimg='pihole' remoteimg="$namespace/$localimg" branch="$(parse_git_branch)" version="${version:-unset}" dry="${dry}" latest="${latest:-false}" # true as shell env var to deploy latest # arch aliases # ARMv6/armel doesn't have a FTL binary for v4.0 pi-hole declare -A arch_map=( ["amd64"]="amd64" ["armhf"]="arm" ["aarch64"]="arm64") # Set anything to dry prior to running this in order to print what would run instead of actually run it. if [[ -n "$dry" ]]; then dry='echo '; fi if [[ "$version" == 'unset' ]]; then if [[ "$branch" == "master" ]]; then echo "Version number var is unset and master branch needs a version...pass in \$version variable!" exit 1 elif [[ "$branch" = "release/"* ]]; then version="$(echo $branch | grep -Po 'v[\d\.-]*')" echo "Version number is being taken from this release branch $version" else version="$branch" # Use a different image for segregating dev tags maybe? Not right now, just a thought I had #remoteimg="${namespace}/${localimg}-dev" echo "Using the branch ($branch) for deployed image version since not passed in" fi fi echo "# DEPLOYING:" echo "version: $version" echo "branch: $branch" [[ -n "$dry" ]] && echo "DRY RUN: $dry" echo "Example tagging: docker tag ${localimg}:armhf ${remoteimg}:${version}_amd64" $dry ./Dockerfile.py --arch=amd64 --arch=armhf --arch=aarch64 images=() for tag in ${!arch_map[@]}; do # Verison specific tags for ongoing history $dry docker tag $localimg:v4.0_$tag $remoteimg:${version}_${tag} $dry docker push pihole/pihole:${version}_${tag} images+=(pihole/pihole:${version}_${tag}) done $dry docker manifest create --amend pihole/pihole:${version} ${images[*]} for image in "${images[@]}"; do annotate pihole/pihole:${version} ${image} done $dry docker manifest push pihole/pihole:${version} # Floating latest tag alias if [[ "$latest" == 'true' && "$branch" == "master" ]] ; then latestimg="$remoteimg:latest" $dry docker manifest create --amend "$latestimg" ${images[*]} for image in "${images[@]}"; do annotate "$latestimg" "${image}" done $dry docker manifest push "$latestimg" fi