#!/bin/bash set -ex # Trying something different from the python test, this is a big integration test in bash # Tests multiple volume settings and how they are impacted by the complete startup scripts + restart/re-creation of container # Maybe a bit easier to read the workflow/debug in bash than python for others? # This workflow is VERY similar to python's tests, but in bash so not object-oriented/pytest fixture based # Debug can be added anywhere to check current state mid-test RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color if [ $(id -u) != 0 ] ; then sudo=sudo # do not need if root (in docker) fi debug() { $sudo grep -r . "$VOL_PH" $sudo grep -r . "$VOL_DM" } # Cleanup at the end, print debug on fail cleanup() { retcode=$? { set +x; } 2>/dev/null if [ $retcode != 0 ] ; then printf "${RED}ERROR / FAILURE${NC} - printing all volume info" debug fi docker rm -f $CONTAINER $sudo rm -rf $VOLUMES exit $retcode } trap "cleanup" INT TERM EXIT # VOLUME TESTS # Given... DEBIAN_VERSION="$(DEBIAN_VERSION:-buster)" IMAGE="${1:-pihole:v5.0-amd64}-${DEBIAN_VERSION}" # Default is latest build test image (generic, non release/branch tag) VOLUMES="$(mktemp -d)" # A fresh volume directory VOL_PH="$VOLUMES/pihole" VOL_DM="$VOLUMES/dnsmasq.d" tty -s && TTY='-t' || TTY='' echo "Testing $IMAGE with volumes base path $VOLUMES" # When # Running stock+empty volumes (no ports to avoid conflicts) CONTAINER="$( docker run -d \ -v "$VOL_PH:/etc/pihole/" \ -v "$VOL_DM:/etc/dnsmasq.d/" \ -v "/dev/null:/etc/pihole/adlists.list" \ --entrypoint='' \ $IMAGE \ tail -f /dev/null )" # container backgrounded for multipiple operations over time EXEC() { local container="$1" # Must quote for complex commands docker exec $TTY $container bash -c "$2" } EXEC $CONTAINER /start.sh # run all the startup scripts # Then default are present grep "PIHOLE_DNS_1=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "PIHOLE_DNS_2=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "IPV4_ADDRESS=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep -E "WEBPASSWORD=.+" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" # Given the settings are manually changed (not good settings, just for testing changes) EXEC $CONTAINER 'pihole -a setdns,,,' EXEC $CONTAINER '. /opt/pihole/webpage.sh ; change_setting IPV4_ADDRESS' EXEC $CONTAINER 'pihole -a -p login' assert_new_settings() { grep "PIHOLE_DNS_1=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "PIHOLE_DNS_2=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "PIHOLE_DNS_3=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "PIHOLE_DNS_4=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "IPV4_ADDRESS=" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "WEBPASSWORD=6060d59351e8c2f48140f01b2c3f3b61652f396c53a5300ae239ebfbe7d5ff08" "$VOL_PH/setupVars.conf" grep "server=" $VOL_DM/01-pihole.conf grep "server=" $VOL_DM/01-pihole.conf } assert_new_settings # When Restarting docker restart $CONTAINER # Then settings are still manual changed values assert_new_settings # When removing/re-creating the container docker rm -f $CONTAINER CONTAINER="$( docker run -d \ -v "$VOL_PH:/etc/pihole/" \ -v "$VOL_DM:/etc/dnsmasq.d/" \ -v "/dev/null:/etc/pihole/adlists.list" \ --entrypoint='' \ $IMAGE \ tail -f /dev/null )" # container backgrounded for multipiple operations over time # Then settings are still manual changed values assert_new_settings