#!/bin/bash -ex mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ mkdir -p /var/run/pihole # Source versions file source /etc/pi-hole-versions CORE_REMOTE_REPO=https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole CORE_LOCAL_REPO=/etc/.pihole WEB_REMOTE_REPO=https://github.com/pi-hole/adminLTE WEB_LOCAL_REPO=/var/www/html/admin setupVars=/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf fetch_release_metadata() { local directory="$1" local version="$2" pushd "$directory" git fetch -t git remote set-branches origin '*' git fetch --depth 10 #if version number begins with a v, it's a version number if [[ $version == v* ]]; then git checkout master git reset --hard "$version" else # else treat it as a branch git checkout "$version" fi popd } apt-get update apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl procps ca-certificates git # curl in armhf-buster's image has SSL issues. Running c_rehash fixes it. # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=923479 c_rehash ln -s `which echo` /usr/local/bin/whiptail curl -L -s $S6OVERLAY_RELEASE | tar xvzf - -C / mv /init /s6-init # clone the remote repos to their local destinations git clone "${CORE_REMOTE_REPO}" "${CORE_LOCAL_REPO}" fetch_release_metadata "${CORE_LOCAL_REPO}" "${CORE_VERSION}" git clone "${WEB_REMOTE_REPO}" "${WEB_LOCAL_REPO}" fetch_release_metadata "${WEB_LOCAL_REPO}" "${WEB_VERSION}" # FTL uses a local version file for the installer to determine which version we want echo "${FTL_VERSION}" > /etc/pihole/ftlbranch # Preseed variables to assist with using --unattended install { echo "PIHOLE_INTERFACE=eth0" echo "IPV4_ADDRESS=" echo "IPV6_ADDRESS=0:0:0:0:0:0" echo "PIHOLE_DNS_1=" echo "QUERY_LOGGING=true" echo "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=true" echo "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true" echo "LIGHTTPD_ENABLED=true" }>> "${setupVars}" source $setupVars export USER=pihole export PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true ln -s /bin/true /usr/local/bin/service # Run the installer in unattended mode using the preseeded variables above and --reconfigure so that local repos are not updated bash -ex "./${PIHOLE_INSTALL}" --unattended --reconfigure rm /usr/local/bin/service # IPv6 support for nc openbsd better than traditional apt-get install -y --force-yes netcat-openbsd sed -i 's/readonly //g' /opt/pihole/webpage.sh sed -i '/^WEBPASSWORD/d' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf # sed a new function into the `pihole` script just above the `helpFunc()` function for later use. sed -i $'s/helpFunc() {/unsupportedFunc() {\\\n echo "Function not supported in Docker images"\\\n exit 0\\\n}\\\n\\\nhelpFunc() {/g' /usr/local/bin/pihole # Replace a few of the `pihole` options with calls to `unsupportedFunc`: # pihole -up / pihole updatePihole sed -i $'s/)\s*updatePiholeFunc/) unsupportedFunc/g' /usr/local/bin/pihole # pihole checkout sed -i $'s/)\s*piholeCheckoutFunc/) unsupportedFunc/g' /usr/local/bin/pihole # pihole -r / pihole reconfigure sed -i $'s/)\s*reconfigurePiholeFunc/) unsupportedFunc/g' /usr/local/bin/pihole # pihole uninstall sed -i $'s/)\s*uninstallFunc/) unsupportedFunc/g' /usr/local/bin/pihole # Inject a message into the debug scripts Operating System section to indicate that the debug log comes from a Docker system. sed -i $'s/echo_current_diagnostic "Operating system"/echo_current_diagnostic "Operating system"\\\n log_write "${INFO} Pi-hole Docker Container: ${PIHOLE_TAG:-PIHOLE_TAG is unset}"/g' /opt/pihole/piholeDebug.sh # Inject container tag into web interface footer... sed -i $"s/