#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash set -e bashCmd='bash -e' if [ "${PH_VERBOSE:-0}" -gt 0 ] ; then set -x ; bashCmd='bash -e -x' fi $bashCmd /start.sh # Gotta go fast, no time for gravity if [ -n "$PYTEST" ]; then sed -i 's/^gravity_spinup$/#gravity_spinup # DISABLED FOR PYTEST/g' "$(which gravity.sh)" fi gravityDBfile="/etc/pihole/gravity.db" config_file="/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf" # make a point to mention which config file we're checking, as breadcrumb to revisit if/when pihole-FTL.conf is succeeded by TOML echo " Checking if custom gravity.db is set in ${config_file}" if [[ -f "${config_file}" ]]; then gravityDBfile="$(grep --color=never -Po "^GRAVITYDB=\K.*" "${config_file}" 2> /dev/null || echo "/etc/pihole/gravity.db")" fi if [ -z "$SKIPGRAVITYONBOOT" ] || [ ! -e "${gravityDBfile}" ]; then if [ -n "$SKIPGRAVITYONBOOT" ];then echo " SKIPGRAVITYONBOOT is set, however ${gravityDBfile} does not exist (Likely due to a fresh volume). This is a required file for Pi-hole to operate." echo " Ignoring SKIPGRAVITYONBOOT on this occaision." fi echo '@reboot root PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin/" pihole updateGravity >/var/log/pihole_updateGravity.log || cat /var/log/pihole_updateGravity.log' > /etc/cron.d/gravity-on-boot else echo " Skipping Gravity Database Update." [ ! -e /etc/cron.d/gravity-on-boot ] || rm /etc/cron.d/gravity-on-boot &>/dev/null fi pihole -v echo " Container tag is: ${PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG}"