#!/bin/bash . /opt/pihole/webpage.sh setupVars="$setupVars" ServerIP="$ServerIP" ServerIPv6="$ServerIPv6" IPv6="$IPv6" prepare_setup_vars() { touch "$setupVars" } validate_env() { if [ -z "$ServerIP" ] ; then echo "ERROR: To function correctly you must pass an environment variables of 'ServerIP' into the docker container with the IP of your docker host from which you are passing web (80) and dns (53) ports from" exit 1 fi; # Debian nc_error='Name or service not known' # Required ServerIP is a valid IP if nc -w1 -z "$ServerIP" 53 2>&1 | grep -q "$nc_error" ; then echo "ERROR: ServerIP Environment variable ($ServerIP) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv4 address" exit 1 fi # Optional IPv6 is a valid address if [[ -n "$ServerIPv6" ]] ; then if [[ "$ServerIPv6" == 'kernel' ]] ; then echo "ERROR: You passed in IPv6 with a value of 'kernel', this maybe beacuse you do not have IPv6 enabled on your network" unset ServerIPv6 exit 1 fi if nc -w 1 -z "$ServerIPv6" 53 2>&1 | grep -q "$nc_error" || ! ip route get "$ServerIPv6" > /dev/null ; then echo "ERROR: ServerIPv6 Environment variable ($ServerIPv6) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv6 address" echo " TIP: If your server is not IPv6 enabled just remove '-e ServerIPv6' from your docker container" exit 1 fi fi; } setup_dnsmasq_dns() { . /opt/pihole/webpage.sh local DNS1="${1:-}" local DNS2="${2:-}" local dnsType='default' if [ "$DNS1" != '' ] || [ "$DNS2" != '' ] ; then dnsType='custom' fi; if [ ! -f /.piholeFirstBoot ] ; then local setupDNS1="$(grep 'PIHOLE_DNS_1' ${setupVars})" local setupDNS2="$(grep 'PIHOLE_DNS_2' ${setupVars})" if [[ -n "$DNS1" && -n "$setupDNS1" ]] || \ [[ -n "$DNS2" && -n "$setupDNS2" ]] ; then echo "Docker DNS variables not used" fi echo "Existing DNS servers used" return fi echo "Using $dnsType DNS servers: $DNS1 & $DNS2" if [[ -n "$DNS1" && -z "$setupDNS1" ]] ; then change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_1" "${DNS1}" fi if [[ -n "$DNS2" && -z "$setupDNS2" ]] ; then change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_2" "${DNS2}" fi } setup_dnsmasq_interface() { local INTERFACE="${1:-eth0}" local interfaceType='default' if [ "$INTERFACE" != 'eth0' ] ; then interfaceType='custom' fi; echo "DNSMasq binding to $interfaceType interface: $INTERFACE" [ -n "$INTERFACE" ] && change_setting "PIHOLE_INTERFACE" "${INTERFACE}" } setup_dnsmasq_config_if_missing() { # When fresh empty directory volumes are used we miss this file if [ ! -f /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf ] ; then cp /etc/.pihole/advanced/01-pihole.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/ fi; } setup_dnsmasq() { # Coordinates setup_dnsmasq_config_if_missing setup_dnsmasq_dns "$DNS1" "$DNS2" setup_dnsmasq_interface "$INTERFACE" ProcessDNSSettings # dnsmasq -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d --interface="${INTERFACE:-eth0}" } setup_dnsmasq_hostnames() { # largely borrowed from automated install/basic-install.sh local IPV4_ADDRESS="${1}" local IPV6_ADDRESS="${2}" local hostname="${3}" local dnsmasq_pihole_01_location="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" if [ -z "$hostname" ]; then if [[ -f /etc/hostname ]]; then hostname=$( \"${VIRTUAL_HOST}\"," local serverip_line="\t\t\t\"ServerIP\" => \"${ServerIP}\"," local php_error_line="\t\t\t\"PHP_ERROR_LOG\" => \"${PHP_ERROR_LOG}\"," # idempotent line additions grep -qP "$vhost_line" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" || \ sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${vhost_line}" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" grep -qP "$serverip_line" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" || \ sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${serverip_line}" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" grep -qP "$php_error_line" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" || \ sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${php_error_line}" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" echo "Added ENV to php:" grep -E '(VIRTUAL_HOST|ServerIP|PHP_ERROR_LOG)' "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" } setup_web_port() { local warning="WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used" # Quietly exit early for empty or default if [[ -z "${1}" || "${1}" == '80' ]] ; then return ; fi if ! echo $1 | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9]*$' ; then echo "$warning - $1 is not an integer" return fi local -i web_port="$1" if (( $web_port < 1 || $web_port > 65535 )); then echo "$warning - $web_port is not within valid port range of 1-65535" return fi echo "Custom WEB_PORT set to $web_port" echo "INFO: Without proper router DNAT forwarding to $ServerIP:$web_port, you may not get any blocked websites on ads" case $TAG in "debian") sed -i '/server.port\s*=\s*80\s*$/ s/80/'$WEB_PORT'/g' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ;; esac } setup_web_password() { if [ -z "${WEBPASSWORD+x}" ] ; then # Not set at all, give the user a random pass WEBPASSWORD=$(tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 8) echo "Assigning random password: $WEBPASSWORD" fi; set -x if [[ "$WEBPASSWORD" == "" ]] ; then echo "" | pihole -a -p else pihole -a -p "$WEBPASSWORD" "$WEBPASSWORD" fi { set +x; } 2>/dev/null } setup_ipv4_ipv6() { local ip_versions="IPv4 and IPv6" if [ "$IPv6" != "True" ] ; then ip_versions="IPv4" case $TAG in "debian") sed -i '/use-ipv6.pl/ d' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ;; esac fi; echo "Using $ip_versions" } test_configs() { case $TAG in "debian") test_configs_debian ;; esac } test_configs_debian() { set -e echo -n '::: Testing DNSmasq config: ' dnsmasq --test -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d echo -n '::: Testing lighttpd config: ' lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf set +e echo "::: All config checks passed, starting ..." } test_framework_stubbing() { if [ -n "$PYTEST" ] ; then echo ":::::: Tests are being ran - stub out ad list fetching and add a fake ad block" sed -i 's/^gravity_spinup$/#gravity_spinup # DISABLED FOR PYTEST/g' "$(which gravity.sh)" echo ' testblock.pi-hole.local' > /var/www/html/fake.list echo 'file:///var/www/html/fake.list' > /etc/pihole/adlists.list echo 'http://localhost/fake.list' >> /etc/pihole/adlists.list fi }