import pytest import testinfra DEBUG = [] WEB_SERVER = { 'alpine': 'nginx', 'debian': 'lighttpd' } check_output = testinfra.get_backend( "local://" ).get_module("Command").check_output def DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd): assert 'docker' in check_output('id'), "Are you in the docker group?" if 'diginc/pi-hole' in image: args += " -e PYTEST=\"True\"" docker_run = "docker run -d {} {} {}".format(args, image, cmd) docker_id = check_output(docker_run) def teardown(): check_output("docker rm -f %s", docker_id) request.addfinalizer(teardown) docker_container = testinfra.get_backend("docker://" + docker_id) = docker_id return docker_container @pytest.fixture def Docker(request, args, image, cmd): ''' One-off Docker container run ''' return DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def DockerPersist(request, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd, Dig): ''' Persistent Docker container for multiple tests ''' persistent_container = DockerGeneric(request, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd) ''' attach a dig conatiner for lookups ''' persistent_container.dig = Dig( return persistent_container @pytest.fixture() def args(request): return '-e ServerIP=""' @pytest.fixture(params=['alpine', 'debian']) def tag(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture def webserver(request, tag): return WEB_SERVER[tag] @pytest.fixture() def image(request, tag): return 'diginc/pi-hole:{}'.format(tag) @pytest.fixture() def cmd(request): return '/' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def persist_args(request): return '-e ServerIP=""' @pytest.fixture(scope='session', params=['alpine', 'debian']) def persist_tag(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def persist_webserver(request, persist_tag): return WEB_SERVER[persist_tag] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def persist_image(request, persist_tag): return 'diginc/pi-hole:{}'.format(persist_tag) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def persist_cmd(request): return '/' @pytest.fixture def Slow(): """ Run a slow check, check if the state is correct for `timeout` seconds. """ import time def slow(check, timeout=5): timeout_at = time.time() + timeout while True: try: assert check() except AssertionError, e: if time.time() < timeout_at: time.sleep(1) else: raise e else: return return slow @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def Dig(request): ''' separate container to link to pi-hole and perform lookups ''' ''' a docker pull is faster than running an install of dnsutils ''' def dig(docker_id): args = '--link {}:test_pihole'.format(docker_id) image = 'azukiapp/dig' cmd = 'tail -f /dev/null' dig_container = DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd) return dig_container return dig