#!/usr/bin/env python """ Dockerfile.py - generates and build dockerfiles Usage: Dockerfile.py [--arch= ...] [--skip= ...] [-v] [--no-build | --no-generate] [--no-cache] Options: --no-build Skip building the docker images --no-cache Build without using any cache data --no-generate Skip generating Dockerfiles from template --arch= What Architecture(s) to build [default: amd64 armel armhf aarch64] --skip= What Architectures(s) to skip [default: None] -v Print docker's command output [default: False] Examples: """ from docopt import docopt from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from docopt import docopt import os import testinfra THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) base_vars = { 'name': 'pihole/pihole', 'maintainer' : 'adam@diginc.us', 's6_version' : 'v1.21.4.0', } os_base_vars = { 'php_env_config': '/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/15-fastcgi-php.conf', 'php_error_log': '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log' } images = { 'v4.0': [ { 'base': 'debian:stretch', 'arch': 'amd64' }, { 'base': 'multiarch/debian-debootstrap:armel-stretch-slim', 'arch': 'armel' }, { 'base': 'multiarch/debian-debootstrap:armhf-stretch-slim', 'arch': 'armhf' }, { 'base': 'multiarch/debian-debootstrap:arm64-stretch-slim', 'arch': 'aarch64' } ] } def generate_dockerfiles(args): if args['--no-generate']: print " ::: Skipping Dockerfile generation" return for version, archs in images.iteritems(): for image in archs: if image['arch'] not in args['--arch'] or image['arch'] in args['--skip']: return s6arch = image['arch'] if image['arch'] == 'armel': s6arch = 'arm' merged_data = dict( { 'version': version }.items() + base_vars.items() + os_base_vars.items() + image.items() + { 's6arch': s6arch }.items() ) j2_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(THIS_DIR), trim_blocks=True) template = j2_env.get_template('Dockerfile.template') dockerfile = 'Dockerfile_{}'.format(image['arch']) with open(dockerfile, 'w') as f: f.write(template.render(pihole=merged_data)) def build_dockerfiles(args): if args['--no-build']: print " ::: Skipping Dockerfile building" return for arch in args['--arch']: # TODO: include from external .py that can be shared with Dockerfile.py / Tests / deploy scripts ''' build('pihole', 'v4.0', arch, args) def build(docker_repo, version, arch, args): run_local = testinfra.get_backend( "local://" ).get_module("Command").run dockerfile = 'Dockerfile_{}'.format(arch) repo_tag = '{}:{}_{}'.format(docker_repo, version, arch) cached_image = '{}/{}'.format('pihole', repo_tag) no_cache = '' if args['--no-cache']: no_cache = '--no-cache' build_command = 'docker build {no_cache} --pull --cache-from="{cache},{create_tag}" -f {dockerfile} -t {create_tag} .'\ .format(no_cache=no_cache, cache=cached_image, dockerfile=dockerfile, create_tag=repo_tag) print " ::: Building {} into {}".format(dockerfile, repo_tag) if args['-v']: print build_command, '\n' build_result = run_local(build_command) if args['-v']: print build_result.stdout print build_result.stderr if build_result.rc != 0: print " ::: Building {} encountered an error".format(dockerfile) print build_result.stderr assert build_result.rc == 0 if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__, version='Dockerfile 1.0') # print args generate_dockerfiles(args) build_dockerfiles(args)