import os import pytest import subprocess import testinfra local_host = testinfra.get_host("local://") check_output = local_host.check_output TAIL_DEV_NULL = "tail -f /dev/null" @pytest.fixture() def run_and_stream_command_output(): def run_and_stream_command_output_inner(command, verbose=False): print("Running", command) build_env = os.environ.copy() build_env["PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG"] = version build_result = subprocess.Popen( command.split(), env=build_env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, ) if verbose: while build_result.poll() is None: for line in build_result.stdout: print(line, end="") build_result.wait() if build_result.returncode != 0: print(f" [i] Error running: {command}") print(build_result.stderr) return run_and_stream_command_output_inner @pytest.fixture() def args_volumes(): return "-v /dev/null:/etc/pihole/adlists.list" @pytest.fixture() def args_env(): return '-e FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4=""' @pytest.fixture() def args(args_volumes, args_env): return "{} {}".format(args_volumes, args_env) @pytest.fixture() def test_args(): """test override fixture to provide arguments separate from our core args""" return "" def docker_generic(request, _test_args, _args, _image, _cmd, _entrypoint): # assert 'docker' in check_output('id'), "Are you in the docker group?" # Always appended PYTEST arg to tell pihole we're testing if "pihole" in _image and "PYTEST=1" not in _args: _args = "{} -e PYTEST=1".format(_args) docker_run = "docker run -d -t {args} {test_args} {entry} {image} {cmd}".format( args=_args, test_args=_test_args, entry=_entrypoint, image=_image, cmd=_cmd ) # Print a human runable version of the container run command for faster debugging print(docker_run.replace("-d -t", "--rm -it").replace(TAIL_DEV_NULL, "bash")) docker_id = check_output(docker_run) def teardown(): check_output("docker logs {}".format(docker_id)) check_output("docker rm -f {}".format(docker_id)) request.addfinalizer(teardown) docker_container = testinfra.backend.get_backend( "docker://" + docker_id, sudo=False ) = docker_id return docker_container @pytest.fixture def docker(request, test_args, args, image, cmd, entrypoint): """One-off Docker container run""" return docker_generic(request, test_args, args, image, cmd, entrypoint) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def docker_persist( request, persist_test_args, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd, persist_entrypoint, dig, ): """ Persistent Docker container for multiple tests, instead of stopping container after one test Uses DUP'd module scoped fixtures because smaller scoped fixtures won't mix with module scope """ persistent_container = docker_generic( request, persist_test_args, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd, persist_entrypoint, ) """ attach a dig container for lookups """ persistent_container.dig = dig( return persistent_container @pytest.fixture def entrypoint(): return "" @pytest.fixture() def version(): return os.environ.get("GIT_TAG", None) @pytest.fixture() def tag(version): return "{}".format(version) @pytest.fixture def webserver(tag): """TODO: this is obvious without alpine+nginx as the alternative, remove fixture, hard code lighttpd in tests?""" return "lighttpd" @pytest.fixture() def image(tag): image = "pihole" return "{}:{}".format(image, tag) @pytest.fixture() def cmd(): return TAIL_DEV_NULL @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_version(): return version @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_args_dns(): return "--dns --dns" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_args_volumes(): return "-v /dev/null:/etc/pihole/adlists.list" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_args_env(): return '-e ServerIP=""' @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_args(persist_args_volumes, persist_args_env): return "{} {}".format(persist_args_volumes, persist_args_env) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_test_args(): """test override fixture to provide arguments separate from our core args""" return "" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_tag(persist_version): return "{}".format(persist_version) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_webserver(persist_tag): """TODO: this is obvious without alpine+nginx as the alternative, remove fixture, hard code lighttpd in tests?""" return "lighttpd" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_image(persist_tag): image = "pihole" return "{}:{}".format(image, persist_tag) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_cmd(): return TAIL_DEV_NULL @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def persist_entrypoint(): return "" @pytest.fixture def slow(): """ Run a slow check, check if the state is correct for `timeout` seconds. """ import time def _slow(check, timeout=20): timeout_at = time.time() + timeout while True: try: assert check() except AssertionError as e: if time.time() < timeout_at: time.sleep(1) else: raise e else: return return _slow @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def dig(): """separate container to link to pi-hole and perform lookups""" """ a docker pull is faster than running an install of dnsutils """ def _dig(docker_id): args = "--link {}:test_pihole".format(docker_id) image = "azukiapp/dig" cmd = TAIL_DEV_NULL dig_container = docker_generic(request, "", args, image, cmd, "") return dig_container return _dig @pytest.fixture def running_pihole(docker_persist, slow, persist_webserver): """Persist a fully started docker-pi-hole to help speed up subsequent tests""" slow(lambda:"pgrep pihole-FTL").rc == 0) slow(lambda:"pgrep lighttpd").rc == 0) return docker_persist