#!/bin/bash # Some of the bash_functions use utilities from Pi-hole's utils.sh # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # shellcheck source=/dev/null . /opt/pihole/utils.sh export setupVars="/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf" export FTLconf="/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf" export dnsmasqconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" export adlistFile="/etc/pihole/adlists.list" change_setting() { addOrEditKeyValPair "${setupVars}" "${1}" "${2}" } changeFTLsetting() { addOrEditKeyValPair "${FTLconf}" "${1}" "${2}" } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ensure_basic_configuration() { # Set Debian webserver variables for installConfigs LIGHTTPD_USER="www-data" LIGHTTPD_GROUP="www-data" LIGHTTPD_CFG="lighttpd.conf.debian" installConfigs installLogrotate || true #installLogRotate can return 2 or 3, but we are still OK to continue in that case if [ ! -f "${setupVars}" ]; then install -m 644 /dev/null "${setupVars}" echo "Creating empty ${setupVars} file." # The following setting needs to exist else the web interface version won't show in pihole -v change_setting "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE" "true" fi set +e mkdir -p /var/run/pihole /var/log/pihole touch /var/log/pihole/FTL.log /var/log/pihole/pihole.log chown pihole:root /etc/lighttpd # In case of `pihole` UID being changed, re-chown the pihole scripts and pihole command chown -R pihole:root "${PI_HOLE_INSTALL_DIR}" chown pihole:root "${PI_HOLE_BIN_DIR}/pihole" set -e # Update version numbers pihole updatechecker # Re-write all of the setupVars to ensure required ones are present (like QUERY_LOGGING) # If the setup variable file exists, if [[ -e "${setupVars}" ]]; then cp -f "${setupVars}" "${setupVars}.update.bak" fi # Remove any existing macvendor.db and replace it with a symblink to the one moved to the root directory (see install.sh) if [[ -f "/etc/pihole/macvendor.db" ]]; then rm /etc/pihole/macvendor.db fi ln -s /macvendor.db /etc/pihole/macvendor.db # When fresh empty directory volumes are used then we need to create this file if [ ! -f /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf ] ; then cp /etc/.pihole/advanced/01-pihole.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/ fi; # setup_or_skip_gravity } validate_env() { # Optional FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4 is a valid IP # nc won't throw any text based errors when it times out connecting to a valid IP, otherwise it complains about the DNS name being garbage # if nc doesn't behave as we expect on a valid IP the routing table should be able to look it up and return a 0 retcode if [[ "$(nc -4 -w1 -z "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4" 53 2>&1)" != "" ]] && ! ip route get "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4" > /dev/null ; then echo "ERROR: FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4 Environment variable ($FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv4 address" exit 1 fi # Optional IPv6 is a valid address if [[ -n "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6" ]] ; then if [[ "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6" == 'kernel' ]] ; then echo "ERROR: You passed in IPv6 with a value of 'kernel', this maybe because you do not have IPv6 enabled on your network" unset FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6 exit 1 fi if [[ "$(nc -6 -w1 -z "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6" 53 2>&1)" != "" ]] && ! ip route get "$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6" > /dev/null ; then echo "ERROR: FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6 Environment variable ($FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv6 address" echo " TIP: If your server is not IPv6 enabled just remove '-e FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6' from your docker container" exit 1 fi fi; } setup_FTL_User(){ # Run DNSMASQ as root user to avoid SHM permission issues if grep -r -q '^\s*user=' /etc/dnsmasq.* ; then # Change user that had been set previously to root for f in $(grep -r -l '^\s*user=' /etc/dnsmasq.*); do sed -i "/^\s*user=/ c\user=${DNSMASQ_USER}" "${f}" done else echo -e "\nuser=${DNSMASQ_USER}" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf fi } setup_FTL_Interface(){ local interface="${INTERFACE:-eth0}" # Set the interface for FTL to listen on local interfaceType='default' if [ "$interface" != 'eth0' ] ; then interfaceType='custom' fi; echo "FTL binding to $interfaceType interface: $interface" change_setting "PIHOLE_INTERFACE" "${interface}" } setup_FTL_CacheSize() { local warning="WARNING: CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE not used" local dnsmasq_pihole_01_location="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf" # Quietly exit early for empty or default if [[ -z "${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE}" || "${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE}" == '10000' ]] ; then return ; fi if [[ "${DNSSEC}" == "true" ]] ; then echo "$warning - Cannot change cache size if DNSSEC is enabled" return fi if ! echo "$CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE" | grep -q '^[0-9]*$' ; then echo "$warning - $CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE is not an integer" return fi local -i custom_cache_size="$CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE" if (( custom_cache_size < 0 )); then echo "$warning - $custom_cache_size is not a positive integer or zero" return fi echo "Custom CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE set to $custom_cache_size" change_setting "CACHE_SIZE" "$custom_cache_size" sed -i "s/^cache-size=\s*[0-9]*/cache-size=$custom_cache_size/" ${dnsmasq_pihole_01_location} } apply_FTL_Configs_From_Env(){ # Get all exported environment variables starting with FTLCONF_ as a prefix and call the changeFTLsetting # function with the environment variable's suffix as the key. This allows applying any pihole-FTL.conf # setting defined here: https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/configfile/ declare -px | grep FTLCONF_ | sed -E 's/declare -x FTLCONF_([^=]+)=\"(.+)\"/\1 \2/' | while read -r name value do echo "Applying pihole-FTL.conf setting $name=$value" changeFTLsetting "$name" "$value" done } setup_FTL_dhcp() { if [ -z "${DHCP_START}" ] || [ -z "${DHCP_END}" ] || [ -z "${DHCP_ROUTER}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Won't enable DHCP server because mandatory Environment variables are missing: DHCP_START, DHCP_END and/or DHCP_ROUTER" change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "false" else change_setting "DHCP_ACTIVE" "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" change_setting "DHCP_START" "${DHCP_START}" change_setting "DHCP_END" "${DHCP_END}" change_setting "DHCP_ROUTER" "${DHCP_ROUTER}" change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" change_setting "PIHOLE_DOMAIN" "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" change_setting "DHCP_IPv6" "${DHCP_IPv6}" change_setting "DHCP_rapid_commit" "${DHCP_rapid_commit}" fi } setup_FTL_query_logging(){ if [ "${QUERY_LOGGING_OVERRIDE}" == "false" ]; then echo "::: Disabling Query Logging" change_setting "QUERY_LOGGING" "$QUERY_LOGGING_OVERRIDE" removeKey "${dnsmasqconfig}" log-queries else # If it is anything other than false, set it to true change_setting "QUERY_LOGGING" "true" # Set pihole logging on for good measure echo "::: Enabling Query Logging" addKey "${dnsmasqconfig}" log-queries fi } setup_FTL_server(){ [ -n "${REV_SERVER}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER" "$REV_SERVER" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" "$REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_TARGET" "$REV_SERVER_TARGET" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_CIDR}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_CIDR" "$REV_SERVER_CIDR" if [ -z "$REV_SERVER" ];then # If the REV_SERVER* variables are set, then there is no need to add these. # If it is not set, then adding these variables is fine, and they will be converted by the Pi-hole install script [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE" fi } setup_FTL_upstream_DNS(){ if [ -z "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then # For backward compatibility, if DNS1 and/or DNS2 are set, but PIHOLE_DNS_ is not, convert them to # a semi-colon delimited string and store in PIHOLE_DNS_ # They are not used anywhere if PIHOLE_DNS_ is set already [ -n "${DNS1}" ] && echo "Converting DNS1 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$DNS1" [[ -n "${DNS2}" && "${DNS2}" != "no" ]] && echo "Converting DNS2 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$PIHOLE_DNS_;$DNS2" fi # Parse the PIHOLE_DNS variable, if it exists, and apply upstream servers to Pi-hole config if [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then echo "Setting DNS servers based on PIHOLE_DNS_ variable" # Remove any PIHOLE_DNS_ entries from setupVars.conf, if they exist sed -i '/PIHOLE_DNS_/d' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf # Split into an array (delimited by ;) # Loop through and add them one by one to setupVars.conf IFS=";" read -r -a PIHOLE_DNS_ARR <<< "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" # PIHOLE_DNS_ARR=(${PIHOLE_DNS_//;/ }) count=1 valid_entries=0 for i in "${PIHOLE_DNS_ARR[@]}"; do if valid_ip "$i" || valid_ip6 "$i" ; then change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_$count" "$i" ((count=count+1)) ((valid_entries=valid_entries+1)) continue fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [ -n "$(dig +short ${i//#*/})" ]; then # If the "address" is a domain (for example a docker link) then try to resolve it and add # the result as a DNS server in setupVars.conf. resolved_ip="$(dig +short ${i//#*/} | head -n 1)" if [ -n "${i//*#/}" ] && [ "${i//*#/}" != "${i//#*/}" ]; then resolved_ip="${resolved_ip}#${i//*#/}" fi echo "Resolved ${i} from PIHOLE_DNS_ as: ${resolved_ip}" if valid_ip "$resolved_ip" || valid_ip6 "$resolved_ip" ; then change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_$count" "$resolved_ip" ((count=count+1)) ((valid_entries=valid_entries+1)) continue fi fi # If the above tests fail then this is an invalid DNS server echo "Invalid entry detected in PIHOLE_DNS_: ${i}" done if [ $valid_entries -eq 0 ]; then echo "No Valid entries detected in PIHOLE_DNS_. Aborting" exit 1 fi else # Environment variable has not been set, but there may be existing values in an existing setupVars.conf # if this is the case, we do not want to overwrite these with the defaults of and # Pi-hole can run with only one upstream configured, so we will just check for one. setupVarsDNS="$(grep 'PIHOLE_DNS_' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf || true)" if [ -z "${setupVarsDNS}" ]; then echo "Configuring default DNS servers:," change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_1" "" change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_2" "" else echo "Existing DNS servers detected in setupVars.conf. Leaving them alone" fi fi } setup_FTL_ProcessDNSSettings(){ # Commit settings to 01-pihole.conf # shellcheck source=/dev/null . /opt/pihole/webpage.sh ProcessDNSSettings } setup_lighttpd_bind() { local serverip="${FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4}" # if using '--net=host' only bind lighttpd on $FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6 and localhost if grep -q "docker" /proc/net/dev && [[ $serverip != ]]; then #docker (docker0 by default) should only be present on the host system if ! grep -q "server.bind" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ; then # if the declaration is already there, don't add it again sed -i -E "s/server\.port\s+\=\s+([0-9]+)/server.bind\t\t = \"${serverip}\"\nserver.port\t\t = \1\n"\$SERVER"\[\"socket\"\] == \"127\.0\.0\.1:\1\" \{\}/" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf fi fi } setup_web_php_env() { if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_HOST" ] ; then VIRTUAL_HOST="$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4" fi; for config_var in "VIRTUAL_HOST" "CORS_HOSTS" "PHP_ERROR_LOG" "PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG" "TZ"; do local beginning_of_line="\t\t\t\"${config_var}\" => " if grep -qP "$beginning_of_line" "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" ; then # replace line if already present sed -i "/${beginning_of_line}/c\\${beginning_of_line}\"${!config_var}\"," "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" else # add line otherwise sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${beginning_of_line}\"${!config_var}\"," "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" fi done echo "Added ENV to php:" grep -E '(VIRTUAL_HOST|CORS_HOSTS|PHP_ERROR_LOG|PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG|TZ)' "$PHP_ENV_CONFIG" } setup_web_port() { local warning="WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used" # Quietly exit early for empty or default if [[ -z "${WEB_PORT}" || "${WEB_PORT}" == '80' ]] ; then return ; fi if ! echo "$WEB_PORT" | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9]*$' ; then echo "$warning - $WEB_PORT is not an integer" return fi local -i web_port="$WEB_PORT" if (( web_port < 1 || web_port > 65535 )); then echo "$warning - $web_port is not within valid port range of 1-65535" return fi echo "Custom WEB_PORT set to $web_port" echo "INFO: Without proper router DNAT forwarding to $FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4:$web_port, you may not get any blocked websites on ads" # Update lighttpd's port sed -i '/server.port\s*=\s*80\s*$/ s/80/'"${WEB_PORT}"'/g' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf } setup_web_theme(){ # Parse the WEBTHEME variable, if it exists, and set the selected theme if it is one of the supported values. # If an invalid theme name was supplied, setup WEBTHEME to use the default-light theme. if [ -n "${WEBTHEME}" ]; then case "${WEBTHEME}" in "default-dark" | "default-darker" | "default-light" | "default-auto" | "lcars") echo "Setting Web Theme based on WEBTHEME variable, using value ${WEBTHEME}" change_setting "WEBTHEME" "${WEBTHEME}" ;; *) echo "Invalid theme name supplied: ${WEBTHEME}, falling back to default-light." change_setting "WEBTHEME" "default-light" ;; esac fi } load_web_password_secret() { # If WEBPASSWORD is not set at all, attempt to read password from WEBPASSWORD_FILE, # allowing secrets to be passed via docker secrets if [ -z "${WEBPASSWORD+x}" ] && [ -n "${WEBPASSWORD_FILE}" ] && [ -r "${WEBPASSWORD_FILE}" ]; then WEBPASSWORD=$(<"${WEBPASSWORD_FILE}") fi; } setup_web_password() { if [ -z "${WEBPASSWORD+x}" ] ; then # ENV WEBPASSWORD is not set # Exit if setupvars already has a password setup_var_exists "WEBPASSWORD" && return # Generate new random password WEBPASSWORD=$(tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 8) echo "Assigning random password: $WEBPASSWORD" else # ENV WEBPASSWORD is set an will be used echo "::: Assigning password defined by Environment Variable" fi PASS="$WEBPASSWORD" # Explicitly turn off bash printing when working with secrets { set +x; } 2>/dev/null if [[ "$PASS" == "" ]] ; then echo "" | pihole -a -p else pihole -a -p "$PASS" "$PASS" fi # To avoid printing this if conditional in bash debug, turn off debug above.. # then re-enable debug if necessary (more code but cleaner printed output) if [ "${PH_VERBOSE:-0}" -gt 0 ] ; then set -x fi } setup_ipv4_ipv6() { local ip_versions="IPv4 and IPv6" if [ "${IPv6,,}" != "true" ] ; then ip_versions="IPv4" sed -i '/use-ipv6.pl/ d' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf fi; echo "Using $ip_versions" } test_configs() { set -e echo -n '::: Testing lighttpd config: ' lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf || exit 1 set +e echo "::: All config checks passed, cleared for startup ..." } setup_blocklists() { # Exit/return early without setting up adlists with defaults for any of the following conditions: # 1. skip_setup_blocklists env is set exit_string="(exiting ${FUNCNAME[0]} early)" if [ -n "${skip_setup_blocklists}" ]; then echo "::: skip_setup_blocklists requested ($exit_string)" return fi # 2. The adlist file exists already (restarted container or volume mounted list) if [ -f "${adlistFile}" ]; then echo "::: Preexisting ad list ${adlistFile} detected ($exit_string)" cat "${adlistFile}" return fi echo "::: ${FUNCNAME[0]} now setting default blocklists up: " echo "::: TIP: Use a docker volume for ${adlistFile} if you want to customize for first boot" installDefaultBlocklists echo "::: Blocklists (${adlistFile}) now set to:" cat "${adlistFile}" } setup_var_exists() { local KEY="$1" if [ -n "$2" ]; then local REQUIRED_VALUE="[^\n]+" fi if grep -Pq "^${KEY}=${REQUIRED_VALUE}" "$setupVars"; then echo "::: Pre existing ${KEY} found" true else false fi } setup_web_temp_unit() { local UNIT="${TEMPERATUREUNIT}" # check if var is empty if [[ "$UNIT" != "" ]] ; then # check if we have valid units if [[ "$UNIT" == "c" || "$UNIT" == "k" || $UNIT == "f" ]] ; then pihole -a -"${UNIT}" fi fi } setup_web_layout() { local LO="${WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT}" # check if var is empty if [[ "$LO" != "" ]] ; then # check if we have valid types boxed | traditional if [[ "$LO" == "traditional" || "$LO" == "boxed" ]] ; then change_setting "WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT" "$WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT" fi fi } setup_admin_email() { local EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL}" # check if var is empty if [[ "$EMAIL" != "" ]] ; then pihole -a -e "$EMAIL" fi }