#!/bin/bash -e # Dockerfile variables export TAG export ServerIP export ServerIPv6 export PYTEST export PHP_ENV_CONFIG export PHP_ERROR_LOG export HOSTNAME export WEBLOGDIR export DNS1 export DNS2 export DNSSEC export DNS_BOGUS_PRIV export DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED export INTERFACE export DNSMASQ_LISTENING_BEHAVIOUR="$DNSMASQ_LISTENING" export IPv6 export WEB_PORT export REV_SERVER export REV_SERVER_DOMAIN export REV_SERVER_TARGET export REV_SERVER_CIDR export CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING export CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP export CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN export CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE export TEMPERATUREUNIT export ADMIN_EMAIL export WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT export QUERY_LOGGING export PIHOLE_DNS_ export DHCP_ACTIVE export DHCP_START export DHCP_END export DHCP_ROUTER export DHCP_LEASETIME export PIHOLE_DOMAIN export DHCP_IPv6 export DHCP_rapid_commit export WEBTHEME export CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE export adlistFile='/etc/pihole/adlists.list' # If user has set QUERY_LOGGING Env Var, copy it out to _OVERRIDE, else it will get reset when we source the next two files # Come back to it at the end of the file [ -n "${QUERY_LOGGING}" ] && QUERY_LOGGING_OVERRIDE="${QUERY_LOGGING}" # The below functions are all contained in bash_functions.sh . /bash_functions.sh # Ensure we have all functions available to update our configurations . /opt/pihole/webpage.sh # PH_TEST prevents the install from actually running (someone should rename that) PH_TEST=true . "${PIHOLE_INSTALL}" echo " ::: Starting docker specific checks & setup for docker pihole/pihole" # TODO: #if [ ! -f /.piholeFirstBoot ] ; then # echo " ::: Not first container startup so not running docker's setup, re-create container to run setup again" #else # regular_setup_functions #fi fix_capabilities load_web_password_secret generate_password validate_env || exit 1 prepare_configs [ -n "${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" ] && change_setting "PIHOLE_INTERFACE" "$PIHOLE_INTERFACE" [ -n "${IPV4_ADDRESS}" ] && change_setting "IPV4_ADDRESS" "$IPV4_ADDRESS" [ -n "${INSTALL_WEB_SERVER}" ] && change_setting "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER" "$INSTALL_WEB_SERVER" [ -n "${INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE}" ] && change_setting "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE" "$INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE" [ -n "${LIGHTTPD_ENABLED}" ] && change_setting "LIGHTTPD_ENABLED" "$LIGHTTPD_ENABLED" [ -n "${DNS_BOGUS_PRIV}" ] && change_setting "DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" "$DNS_BOGUS_PRIV" [ -n "${ServerIP}" ] && changeFTLsetting "REPLY_ADDR4" "$ServerIP" [ -n "${ServerIPv6}" ] && changeFTLsetting "REPLY_ADDR6" "$ServerIPv6" [ -n "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" ] && change_setting "DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" "$DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED" [ -n "${DNSSEC}" ] && change_setting "DNSSEC" "$DNSSEC" [ -n "${REV_SERVER}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER" "$REV_SERVER" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" "$REV_SERVER_DOMAIN" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_TARGET" "$REV_SERVER_TARGET" [ -n "${REV_SERVER_CIDR}" ] && change_setting "REV_SERVER_CIDR" "$REV_SERVER_CIDR" # Get all exported environment variables starting with FTLCONF_ as a prefix and call the changeFTLsetting # function with the environment variable's suffix as the key. This allows applying any pihole-FTL.conf # setting defined here: https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/configfile/ declare -px | grep FTLCONF_ | sed -E 's/declare -x FTLCONF_([^=]+)=\"(.+)\"/\1 \2/' | while read -r name value do echo "Applying pihole-FTL.conf setting $name=$value" changeFTLsetting "$name" "$value" done if [ -z "$REV_SERVER" ];then # If the REV_SERVER* variables are set, then there is no need to add these. # If it is not set, then adding these variables is fine, and they will be converted by the Pi-hole install script [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN" [ -n "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE}" ] && change_setting "CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE" "$CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE" fi if [ -z "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then # For backward compatibility, if DNS1 and/or DNS2 are set, but PIHOLE_DNS_ is not, convert them to # a semi-colon delimited string and store in PIHOLE_DNS_ # They are not used anywhere if PIHOLE_DNS_ is set already [ -n "${DNS1}" ] && echo "Converting DNS1 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$DNS1" [[ -n "${DNS2}" && "${DNS2}" != "no" ]] && echo "Converting DNS2 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$PIHOLE_DNS_;$DNS2" fi # Parse the PIHOLE_DNS variable, if it exists, and apply upstream servers to Pi-hole config if [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then echo "Setting DNS servers based on PIHOLE_DNS_ variable" # Split into an array (delimited by ;) PIHOLE_DNS_ARR=(${PIHOLE_DNS_//;/ }) count=1 valid_entries=0 for i in "${PIHOLE_DNS_ARR[@]}"; do if valid_ip "$i" || valid_ip6 "$i" ; then change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_$count" "$i" ((count=count+1)) ((valid_entries=valid_entries+1)) else echo "Invalid IP detected in PIHOLE_DNS_: ${i}" fi done if [ $valid_entries -eq 0 ]; then echo "No Valid IPs dectected in PIHOLE_DNS_. Aborting" exit 1 fi else # Environment variable has not been set, but there may be existing values in an existing setupVars.conf # if this is the case, we do not want to overwrite these with the defaults of and # Pi-hole can run with only one upstream configured, so we will just check for one. setupVarsDNS="$(grep 'PIHOLE_DNS_' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf || true)" if [ -z "${setupVarsDNS}" ]; then echo "Configuring default DNS servers:," change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_1" "" change_setting "PIHOLE_DNS_2" "" else echo "Existing DNS servers detected in setupVars.conf. Leaving them alone" fi fi # Parse the WEBTHEME variable, if it exists, and set the selected theme if it is one of the supported values. # If an invalid theme name was supplied, setup WEBTHEME to use the default-light theme. if [ -n "${WEBTHEME}" ]; then case "${WEBTHEME}" in "default-dark" | "default-darker" | "default-light" | "default-auto" | "lcars") echo "Setting Web Theme based on WEBTHEME variable, using value ${WEBTHEME}" change_setting "WEBTHEME" "${WEBTHEME}" ;; *) echo "Invalid theme name supplied: ${WEBTHEME}, falling back to default-light." change_setting "WEBTHEME" "default-light" ;; esac fi [[ -n "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" && ${DHCP_ACTIVE} == "true" ]] && echo "Setting DHCP server" && setup_dhcp setup_web_port "$WEB_PORT" setup_web_password "$WEBPASSWORD" setup_temp_unit "$TEMPERATUREUNIT" setup_ui_layout "$WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT" setup_admin_email "$ADMIN_EMAIL" setup_dnsmasq "$INTERFACE" "$DNSMASQ_LISTENING_BEHAVIOUR" setup_php_env setup_dnsmasq_hostnames "$ServerIP" "$ServerIPv6" "$HOSTNAME" setup_ipv4_ipv6 setup_lighttpd_bind "$ServerIP" setup_blocklists test_configs [ -f /.piholeFirstBoot ] && rm /.piholeFirstBoot # Set QUERY_LOGGING value in setupVars to be that which the user has passed in as an ENV var (if they have) [ -n "${QUERY_LOGGING_OVERRIDE}" ] && change_setting "QUERY_LOGGING" "$QUERY_LOGGING_OVERRIDE" # Source setupVars.conf to get the true value of QUERY_LOGGING . ${setupVars} if [ ${QUERY_LOGGING} == "false" ]; then echo "::: Disabling Query Logging" pihole logging off else # If it is anything other than false, set it to true change_setting "QUERY_LOGGING" "true" # Set pihole logging on for good measure echo "::: Enabling Query Logging" pihole logging on fi echo " ::: Docker start setup complete"