mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-07 08:31:20 +02:00
Brennan Kinney fb82082cf1
tests(refactor): mail_fetchmail.bats + co-locate test cases for processes (#3010)
* chore: Co-locate process checking and process restart verification

Extract the test cases for checking a process is running and properly restarts from various test files into a single one:

Core (always running):
opendkim, opendmarc, master (postfix)

ENV dependent:
amavi (amavisd-new), clamd, dovecot, fail2ban-server (fail2ban), fetchmail, postgrey, postsrsd, saslauthd

These now run off a single container with the required ENV and call a common function (the revised version in parallel test cases).

* fix(saslauthd): Quote wrap supervisor config vars

`saslauth.conf` calls `-O` option for most commands defined with an ENV that may be empty/null. This would cause the process to silently fail / die.

This doesn't happen if quote wrapping the ENV, which calls `-O` with an empty string.

Not necessary, but since one of `postgrey` ENV were quote wrapped in `supervisor-app.conf`, I've also done the same there.

* fix(postsrsd): Change supervisor `autorestart` policy to `true`

The PR that introduced the config switched from `true` to `unexpected` without any context. That prevents restart working when the process is killed. Setting to `true` instead will correctly restart the service.

* chore: Remove disabled postgrey test file

`mail_with_postgrey_disabled_by_default.bats` only checked the migrated test cases, removed as no longer serving a purpose.

* tests(refactor): Make `_should_restart_when_killed()` more reliable

The previous version did not ensure that the last checks process was actually restarted, only that it was running.

It turns out that `pkill` is only sending the signal, there can be some delay before the original process is actually killed and restarted.

This can be identified with `pgrep --older <seconds>`. First ensure the process is at a specified age, then after killing check that the process is not running that is at least that old, finally check that there is a younger process actually running.. (_could fail if a process doesn't restart, or there is a delay such as imposed by `sleep` in wrapper scripts for postfix and fail2ban_)

The helper method is not used anywhere else now, move it into this test instead. It has been refactored to accomodate the needs for `--older`, and `--list-full` provides some output that can be matched (similar for `pkill --echo`).

* test(docs): Add inline notes about processes

* chore: Compress test cases into single case with loop

Moves the list of processes into array vars to iterate through instead.

If a failure occurs, the process name is visible along with line number in `_should_restart_when_killed()` to identify what went wrong.

* chore: Handle `FETCHMAIL_PARALLEL=1` process checks as well

* tests: Add test case for disabled ENV

Additional coverage to match what other test files were doing before, ensuring that these ENV can prevent their respective service from running.

* chore: Move `clamd` enabled check to it's own test case

Not sure about this.

It reduces the time of CPU activity (sustained full load on a thread) and increase in memory usage (1GB+ loading signatures database), but as a separate test case it also adds 10 seconds without reducing the time of the test case it was extracted from.

* chore: Make `disabled` variant the 1st test case

* fix: Adjust test cases to pass when using slower wrapper scripts

* tests(refactor): `mail_fetchmail.bats` updated to new format

Additionally merges in the parallel test file.

* chore: Move `config/fetchmail.cf` into separate sub-directory

Keep out of the default base config for tests.

* chore: Change `fetchmail.cf` FQDNs to `.test` TLD

Changed the first configs remote and local user values to more clearly document what their values should represent (_and that they don't need to be a full mail address, that's just what our Dovecot is configured with for login_).

Shifted the `here` to the end of the `is` line. It's optional syntax, only intended to contrast with the remote `there` for readability.

Additionally configured imap protocol. Not tested or verified if that's correct configuration for usage with imap protocol instead. The fetchmail feature tests are currently lacking.

Added an inline doc into the fetchmail test to reference a PR about the importance of the trailing `.` in the config. Updated the partial matching to ensure it matches for that in the value as well.

* chore: Finalize `process-check-restart.bats`

Few minor adjustments. The other ENV for clamd doesn't seem to provide any benefit, trim out the noise. Added a note about why it's been split out.

Fetchmail parallel configs are matching the config file path in the process command that is returned. The `.rc` suffix is just to add further clarity to that.
2023-01-18 14:42:55 +13:00

248 lines
7.7 KiB

function __load_bats_helper() {
load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/bats-support/load"
load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/bats-assert/load"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# like _run_in_container_explicit but infers ${1} by using the ENV CONTAINER_NAME
# WARNING: Careful using this with _until_success_or_timeout methods,
# which can be misleading in the success of `run`, not the command given to `run`.
function _run_in_container() {
run docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${@}"
# @param ${1} container name [REQUIRED]
# @param ... command to execute
function _run_in_container_explicit() {
local CONTAINER_NAME=${1:?Container name must be given when using explicit}
shift 1
run docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${@}"
function _default_teardown() {
docker rm -f "${CONTAINER_NAME}"
function _reload_postfix() {
# Reloading Postfix config after modifying it in <2 sec will cause Postfix to delay, workaround that:
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" touch -d '2 seconds ago' /etc/postfix/main.cf
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" postfix reload
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# @param ${1} target container name [IF UNSET: ${CONTAINER_NAME}]
function get_container_ip() {
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "${TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME}"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# @param ${1} timeout
# @param --fatal-test <command eval string> additional test whose failure aborts immediately
# @param ... test to run
function repeat_until_success_or_timeout {
if [[ "${1}" == "--fatal-test" ]]; then
shift 2
if ! [[ "${1}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "First parameter for timeout must be an integer, received \"${1}\""
return 1
local TIMEOUT=${1}
shift 1
until "${@}"
echo "\`${FATAL_FAILURE_TEST_COMMAND}\` failed, early aborting repeat_until_success of \`${*}\`" >&2
return 1
sleep 1
if [[ $(( SECONDS - STARTTIME )) -gt ${TIMEOUT} ]]; then
echo "Timed out on command: ${*}" >&2
return 1
# like repeat_until_success_or_timeout but with wrapping the command to run into `run` for later bats consumption
# @param ${1} timeout
# @param ... test command to run
function run_until_success_or_timeout {
if ! [[ ${1} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "First parameter for timeout must be an integer, received \"${1}\""
return 1
local TIMEOUT=${1}
shift 1
until run "${@}" && [[ $status -eq 0 ]]
sleep 1
echo "Timed out on command: ${*}" >&2
return 1
# @param ${1} timeout
# @param ${2} container name
# @param ... test command for container
function repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout() {
local TIMEOUT="${1}"
local CONTAINER_NAME="${2}"
shift 2
repeat_until_success_or_timeout --fatal-test "container_is_running ${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${TIMEOUT}" docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${@}"
function container_is_running() {
[[ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${1}")" == "true" ]]
# @param ${1} port
# @param ${2} container name
function wait_for_tcp_port_in_container() {
repeat_until_success_or_timeout --fatal-test "container_is_running ${2}" "${TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS}" docker exec "${2}" /bin/sh -c "nc -z ${1}"
# @param ${1} name of the postfix container
function wait_for_smtp_port_in_container() {
wait_for_tcp_port_in_container 25 "${1}"
# @param ${1} name of the postfix container
function wait_for_smtp_port_in_container_to_respond() {
local COUNT=0
until [[ $(docker exec "${1}" timeout 10 /bin/sh -c "echo QUIT | nc localhost 25") == *"221 2.0.0 Bye"* ]]; do
if [[ $COUNT -eq 20 ]]
echo "Unable to receive a valid response from 'nc localhost 25' within 20 seconds"
return 1
sleep 1
# @param ${1} name of the postfix container
function wait_for_amavis_port_in_container() {
wait_for_tcp_port_in_container 10024 "${1}"
# get the private config path for the given container or test file, if no container name was given
function private_config_path() {
echo "${PWD}/test/duplicate_configs/${1:-$(basename "${BATS_TEST_FILENAME}")}"
function container_has_service_running() {
local CONTAINER_NAME="${1}"
local SERVICE_NAME="${2}"
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" /usr/bin/supervisorctl status "${SERVICE_NAME}" | grep RUNNING >/dev/null
function wait_for_service() {
local CONTAINER_NAME="${1}"
local SERVICE_NAME="${2}"
repeat_until_success_or_timeout --fatal-test "container_is_running ${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS}" \
container_has_service_running "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${SERVICE_NAME}"
# NOTE: Relies on ENV `LOG_LEVEL=debug` or higher
function _wait_until_expected_count_is_matched() {
function __get_count() {
# NOTE: `|| true` required due to `set -e` usage:
# https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/2997#discussion_r1070583876
docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" grep --count "${MATCH_CONTENT}" "${MATCH_IN_LOG}" || true
# WARNING: Keep in mind it is a '>=' comparison.
# If you provide an explict count to match, ensure it is not too low to cause a false-positive.
function __has_expected_count() {
[[ $(__get_count) -ge "${EXPECTED_COUNT}" ]]
# Ensure early failure if arg is missing:
assert_not_equal "${CONTAINER_NAME}" ''
# Ensure the container is configured with the required `LOG_LEVEL` ENV:
assert_regex \
$(docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" env | grep '^LOG_LEVEL=') \
# Default behaviour is to wait until one new match is found (eg: incremented),
# unless explicitly set (useful for waiting on a min count to be reached):
if [[ -z $EXPECTED_COUNT ]]
# +1 of starting count:
EXPECTED_COUNT=$(( $(__get_count) + 1 ))
repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 __has_expected_count
# An account added to `postfix-accounts.cf` must wait for the `changedetector` service
# to process the update before Dovecot creates the mail account and associated storage dir:
function wait_until_account_maildir_exists() {
repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout 60 "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c "[[ -d ${MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR} ]]"
function add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready() {
# Password is optional (omit when the password is not needed during the test)
local MAIL_PASS="${3:-password_not_relevant_to_test}"
run docker exec "${CONTAINER_NAME}" setup email add "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${MAIL_PASS}"
wait_until_account_maildir_exists "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}"
function wait_for_empty_mail_queue_in_container() {
local CONTAINER_NAME="${1}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout "${TIMEOUT}" "${CONTAINER_NAME}" bash -c '[[ $(mailq) == *"Mail queue is empty"* ]]'
# `lines` is a special BATS variable updated via `run`:
function _should_output_number_of_lines() {
assert_equal "${#lines[@]}" $1