mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-03 06:31:39 +02:00
Brennan Kinney b58165762a
fix(changedetector): Use service reload commands instead of supervisorctl restart <service> (#2947)
With `reload` a change detection event during local testing can be processed in less than a second according to logs. Previously this was 5+ seconds (_plus additional downtime for Postfix/Dovecot to become available again_).

In the past it was apparently an issue to use `<service> reload` due to a concern with the PID for wrapper scripts that `supervisorctl` managed, thus `supervisorctl <service> restart` had been used. Past discussions with maintainers suggest this is not likely an issue anymore, and `reload` should be fine to switch to now 👍 


**NOTE:** It may not be an issue in the CI, but on _**local systems running tests may risk failure in `setup-cli.bats` from a false positive**_ due to 1 second polling window of the test helper method, and a change event being possible to occur entirely between the two checks undetected by the current approach.

If this is a problem, we may need to think of a better way to catch the change. The `letsencrypt` test counts how many change events are expected to have been processed, and this could technically be leveraged by the test helper too.


**NOTE:** These two lines (_with regex pattern for postfix_) are output in the terminal when using the services respective `reload` commands:

postfix/master.*: reload -- version .*, configuration /etc/postfix
dovecot: master: Warning: SIGHUP received - reloading configuration

I wasn't sure how to match them as they did not appear in the `changedetector` log (_**EDIT:** they appear in the main log output, eg `docker logs <container name>`_).

Instead I've just monitored the `changedetector` log messages, which should be ok for logic that previously needed to ensure Dovecot / Postfix was back up after the `restart` was issued.


Commit history:

* chore: Change events `reload` Dovecot and Postfix instead of `restart`

Reloading is faster than restarting the processes.

Restarting is a bit heavy handed here and may no longer be necessary for general usage?

* tests: Adapt tests to support service `reload` instead of `restart`

* chore: Additional logging for debugging change event logs

* fix: Wait on change detection, then verify directory created

Change detection is too fast now (0-1 seconds vs 5+).

Directory being waited on here was created near the end of a change event, reducing that time to detect a change by the utility method further.

We can instead check that the directory exists after the change detection event is completed.

* chore: Keep using the maildir polling check

We don't presently use remote storage in tests, but it might be relevant in future when testing NFS.

This at least avoids any confusing failure happening when that scenario is tested.
2022-12-24 01:57:24 +13:00

291 lines
12 KiB

load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/common"
# Globals referenced from `test_helper/common`:
# TEST_NAME (should match the filename, minus the bats extension)
# This is a bare minimal container setup.
# All test-cases run sequentially against the same container instance,
# no state is reset between test-cases.
function setup_file() {
# Initializes common default vars to prepare a DMS container with:
# Creates and starts the container with additional ENV needed:
# `LOG_LEVEL=debug` required for using `wait_until_change_detection_event_completes()`
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
--env LOG_LEVEL='debug'
common_container_setup 'CONTAINER_ARGS_ENV_CUSTOM'
function teardown_file() {
docker rm -f "${TEST_NAME}"
@test "checking setup.sh: show usage when no arguments provided" {
run ./setup.sh
assert_output --partial "This is the main administration script that you use for all your interactions with"
@test "checking setup.sh: exit with error when wrong arguments provided" {
run ./setup.sh lol troll
assert_line --index 0 --partial "The command 'lol troll' is invalid."
# Create a new account for subsequent tests to depend upon
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email add and login" {
local MAIL_ACCOUNT='user@example.com'
local MAIL_PASS='test_password'
local DATABASE_ACCOUNTS="${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf"
# Create an account
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${MAIL_PASS}"
# Verify account was added to `postfix-accounts.cf`:
ACCOUNT=$(grep "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS}" | awk -F '|' '{print $1}')
assert_equal "${ACCOUNT}" "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}"
# Ensure you wait until `changedetector` is finished.
# Mail account and storage directory should now be valid
wait_until_change_detection_event_completes "${TEST_NAME}"
# Verify mail storage directory exists (polls if storage is slow, eg remote mount):
wait_until_account_maildir_exists "${TEST_NAME}" "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}"
# Verify account authentication is successful (account added to Dovecot UserDB+PassDB):
wait_for_service "${TEST_NAME}" dovecot
RESPONSE=$(docker exec "${TEST_NAME}" doveadm auth test "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${MAIL_PASS}" | grep 'passdb')
assert_equal "${RESPONSE}" "passdb: ${MAIL_ACCOUNT} auth succeeded"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email list" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email list
# Update an existing account
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email update" {
local MAIL_ACCOUNT='user@example.com'
local MAIL_PASS='test_password'
local DATABASE_ACCOUNTS="${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf"
# `postfix-accounts.cf` should already have an account with a non-empty hashed password:
MAIL_PASS_HASH=$(grep "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS}" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}')
assert_not_equal "${MAIL_PASS_HASH}" ""
# Update the password should be successful:
local NEW_PASS='new_password'
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email update "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${NEW_PASS}"
refute_output --partial 'Password must not be empty'
# NOTE: this was put in place for the next test `setup.sh email del` to properly work.
wait_until_change_detection_event_completes "${TEST_NAME}"
# `postfix-accounts.cf` should have an updated password hash stored:
NEW_PASS_HASH=$(grep "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS}" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}')
assert_not_equal "${NEW_PASS_HASH}" ""
assert_not_equal "${NEW_PASS_HASH}" "${MAIL_PASS_HASH}"
# Verify Dovecot derives NEW_PASS_HASH from NEW_PASS:
run docker exec "${TEST_NAME}" doveadm pw -t "${NEW_PASS_HASH}" -p "${NEW_PASS}"
refute_output 'Fatal: reverse password verification check failed: Password mismatch'
assert_output "${NEW_PASS_HASH} (verified)"
# Delete an existing account
# WARNING: While this feature works via the internal `setup` command, the external `setup.sh`
# has no support to mount a volume to `/var/mail` (only via `-c` to use a running container),
# thus the `-y` option to delete the account maildir has no effect nor informs the user.
# https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/issues/949
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email del" {
local MAIL_ACCOUNT='user@example.com'
local MAIL_PASS='test_password'
# Account deletion is successful:
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email del -y "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}"
# NOTE: Sometimes the directory still exists, possibly from change detection
# of the previous test (`email udpate`) triggering. Therefore, the function
# `wait_until_change_detection_event_completes was added to the
# `setup.sh email update` test.
repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout 60 "${TEST_NAME}" bash -c '[[ ! -d /var/mail/example.com/user ]]'
# Account is not present in `postfix-accounts.cf`:
run grep "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf"
# NOTE: Actual account will still exist briefly in Dovecot UserDB+PassDB
# until `changedetector` service is triggered by `postfix-accounts.cf`
# which will rebuild Dovecots accounts from scratch.
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email restrict" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add send lorem@impsum.org
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list send
assert_output --regexp "^lorem@impsum.org.*REJECT"
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict del send lorem@impsum.org
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list send
assert_output --partial "Everyone is allowed"
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add receive rec_lorem@impsum.org
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list receive
assert_output --regexp "^rec_lorem@impsum.org.*REJECT"
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict del receive rec_lorem@impsum.org
# alias
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias list" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias list
assert_output --partial "alias1@localhost.localdomain user1@localhost.localdomain"
assert_output --partial "@localdomain2.com user1@localhost.localdomain"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias add" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias@example.com target1@forward.com
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias@example.com target2@forward.com
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias2@example.org target3@forward.com
sleep 5
run grep "alias@example.com target1@forward.com,target2@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias del" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias@example.com target1@forward.com
run grep "target1@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
run grep "target2@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
assert_output "alias@example.com target2@forward.com"
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias@example.org target2@forward.com
run grep "alias@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
run grep "alias2@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias2@example.org target3@forward.com
run grep "alias2@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf"
# quota
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh setquota" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user@example.com test_password
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user2@example.com test_password
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 12M
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set 51M quota_user@example.com
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set unknown@domain.com 150M
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user2 51M
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1"
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 26M
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:26M\$' | wc -l | grep 1"
run grep "quota_user2@example.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf"
# `quota_user@example.com` created in previous `setquota` test
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh delquota" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 12M
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1"
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota del unknown@domain.com
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1"
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota del quota_user@example.com
run grep "quota_user@example.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh config dkim help correctly displayed" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" config dkim help
assert_line --index 3 --partial " open-dkim - configure DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)"
# debug
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh debug fetchmail" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" debug fetchmail
assert_output --partial "fetchmail: normal termination, status 11"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh debug login ls" {
run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" debug login ls
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay add-domain" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example1.org smtp.relay1.com 2525
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example2.org smtp.relay2.com
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example3.org smtp.relay3.com 2525
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example3.org smtp.relay.com 587
# check adding
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example1.org\s\+\[smtp.relay1.com\]:2525' | wc -l | grep 1"
# test default port
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example2.org\s\+\[smtp.relay2.com\]:25' | wc -l | grep 1"
# test modifying
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example3.org\s\+\[smtp.relay.com\]:587' | wc -l | grep 1"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay add-auth" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example.org smtp_user smtp_pass
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example2.org smtp_user2 smtp_pass2
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example2.org smtp_user2 smtp_pass_new
# test adding
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-sasl-password.cf | grep -e '^@example.org\s\+smtp_user:smtp_pass' | wc -l | grep 1"
# test updating
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-sasl-password.cf | grep -e '^@example2.org\s\+smtp_user2:smtp_pass_new' | wc -l | grep 1"
@test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay exclude-domain" {
./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay exclude-domain example.org
run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example.org\s*$' | wc -l | grep 1"