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# Support for Postfix features
# Docs - virtual_mailbox_domains (Used in /etc/postfix/main.cf):
# http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_CLASS_README.html#virtual_mailbox_class
# http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html
# > If you omit this setting then Postfix will reject mail (relay access denied) or will not be able to deliver it.
# > NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a `mydestination` domain!
# > NEVER list a virtual MAILBOX domain name as a virtual ALIAS domain!
# > Execute the command "postmap /etc/postfix/virtual" after changing the virtual file,
# > execute "postmap /etc/postfix/vmailbox" after changing the vmailbox file,
# > and execute the command "postfix reload" after changing the main.cf file.
# - virtual_alias_domains is not used by docker-mailserver at present, although LDAP docs reference it.
# - `postmap` only seems relevant when the lookup type is one of these `file_type` values: http://www.postfix.org/postmap.1.html
# Should not be a concern for most types used by `docker-mailserver`: texthash, ldap, pcre, tcp, unionmap, unix.
# The only other type in use by `docker-mailserver` is the hash type for /etc/aliases, which `postalias` handles.
function _create_postfix_vhost
# `main.cf` configures `virtual_mailbox_domains = /etc/postfix/vhost`
# NOTE: Amavis also consumes this file.
local DATABASE_VHOST='/etc/postfix/vhost'
local TMP_VHOST='/tmp/vhost.postfix.tmp'
# Filter unique values into a proper DATABASE_VHOST config:
function _create_vhost
if [[ -f ${TMP_VHOST} ]]; then
sort < "${TMP_VHOST}" | uniq >>"${DATABASE_VHOST}"
rm "${TMP_VHOST}"
# Collects domains from configs (DATABASE_) into TMP_VHOST
function _vhost_collect_postfix_domains
local DATABASE_ACCOUNTS='/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-accounts.cf'
local DATABASE_VIRTUAL='/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-virtual.cf'
# getting domains FROM mail accounts
if [[ -f ${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS} ]]; then
while IFS=$'|' read -r LOGIN _
DOMAIN=$(echo "${LOGIN}" | cut -d @ -f2)
echo "${DOMAIN}" >>"${TMP_VHOST}"
done < <(_get_valid_lines_from_file "${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS}")
# getting domains FROM mail aliases
if [[ -f ${DATABASE_VIRTUAL} ]]; then
while read -r FROM _
UNAME=$(echo "${FROM}" | cut -d @ -f1)
DOMAIN=$(echo "${FROM}" | cut -d @ -f2)
# if they are equal it means the line looks like: "user1 other@domain.tld"
[[ ${UNAME} != "${DOMAIN}" ]] && echo "${DOMAIN}" >>"${TMP_VHOST}"
done < <(_get_valid_lines_from_file "${DATABASE_VIRTUAL}")
# Add DOMAINNAME (not an ENV, set by `helpers/dns.sh`) to vhost.
# NOTE: `setup-stack.sh:_setup_ldap` has related logic:
# - `main.cf:mydestination` setting removes `$mydestination` as an LDAP bugfix.
# - `main.cf:virtual_mailbox_domains` uses `/etc/postfix/vhost`, but may
# conditionally include a 2nd table (ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-domains.cf).
function _vhost_ldap_support
# Docs - Postfix lookup table files:
# http://www.postfix.org/DATABASE_README.html
# Types used in scripts or config: ldap, texthash, hash, pcre, tcp, unionmap, unix
# ldap type changes are network based, no `postfix reload` required.
# texthash type is read into memory when Postfix process starts, requires `postfix reload` to apply changes.
# texthash type does not require running `postmap` after changes are made, other types might.
# Examples of different types actively used:
# setup-stack.sh:_setup_spoof_protection uses texthash + hash + pcre, and conditionally unionmap
# main.cf:
# - alias_maps and alias_database both use hash:/etc/aliases
# - virtual_mailbox_maps and virtual_alias_maps use texthash
# - `alias.sh` may append pcre:/etc/postfix/regexp to virtual_alias_maps in `main.cf`
# /etc/aliases is handled by `alias.sh` and uses `postalias` to update the Postfix alias database. No need for `postmap`.
# http://www.postfix.org/postalias.1.html