mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-06-30 05:01:40 +02:00
Brennan Kinney bdb770a0aa
ci(fix): Do not trust user controlled input (#2337)
The prepare workflow runs in an untrusted context already and thus should not have anything worthwhile to exploit.

However care should still be taken to avoid interpolating expressions into shell scripts directly that is data a user can control the value of. Especially to avoid any maintainer referencing an existing workflow from copying a risky snippet unaware of different security contexts for workflows.

In this case, as per Github Documentation and referenced issue comment, the PR title is user controllable data, which if directly interpolated into the shell script being run (as it previously was), allows for injecting commands to execute.
2021-12-21 21:46:09 +13:00

104 lines
4.0 KiB

name: 'Documentation'
- master
- '.github/workflows/deploy-docs.yml'
- 'docs/**'
# Responds to tags being pushed (branches and paths conditions above do not apply to tags).
# Takes a snapshot of the docs from the tag (unaffected by branch or path restraints above),
# Stores build in a subdirectory with name matching the git tag `v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>` substring:
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+*'
# Default docs version to build and deploy:
# Assign commit authorship to official Github Actions bot when pushing to the `gh-pages` branch:
GIT_USER: 'github-actions[bot]'
GIT_EMAIL: '41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com'
name: 'Deploy Docs'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0
- name: 'Check if deploy is for a `v<major>.<minor>` tag version instead of `edge`'
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
working-directory: docs
run: |
DOCS_VERSION=$(grep -oE 'v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' <<< "${GITHUB_REF}")
# Docs should build referencing the tagged version instead:
sed -i "s|^\(site_url:.*\)edge|\1${DOCS_VERSION}|" mkdocs.yml
- name: 'Build with mkdocs-material via Docker'
working-directory: docs
run: '../.github/workflows/scripts/docs/build-docs.sh'
- name: 'If a tagged version, fix canonical links and remove `404.html`'
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
working-directory: docs/site
run: |
# 404 is not useful due to how Github Pages implement custom 404 support:
# (Note the edge 404.html isn't useful either as it's not copied to the `gh-pages` branch root)
rm 404.html
# Replace the tagged '${DOCS_VERSION}' in the 'canonical' link element of HTML files,
# to point to the 'edge' version of docs as the authoritative source:
find . -type f -name "*.html" -exec \
sed -i "s|^\(.*<link rel=\"canonical\".*\)${DOCS_VERSION}|\1edge|" \
{} +
- name: 'Deploy to Github Pages'
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3.8.0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Build directory contents to publish to the `gh-pages` branch:
publish_dir: ./docs/site
# Directory to place `publish_dir` contents on the `gh-pages` branch:
destination_dir: ${{ env.DOCS_VERSION }}
user_name: ${{ env.GIT_USER }}
user_email: ${{ env.GIT_EMAIL }}
name: 'Update `versions.json` if necessary'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
# Avoid race condition with pushing to `gh-pages` branch by waiting for `deploy` to complete first
needs: deploy
- name: 'Checkout the tagged commit (shallow clone)'
uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0
- name: 'Checkout the docs deployment branch to a subdirectory'
uses: actions/checkout@v2.4.0
ref: gh-pages
path: gh-pages
# Updates `env.DOCS_VERSION` to the tag version; if invalid exits job early.
- name: 'Ensure `versions.json` has `v<major>.<minor>` substring from tag name'
id: add-version
continue-on-error: true
working-directory: gh-pages
run: '../.github/workflows/scripts/docs/update-versions-json.sh'
# If an actual change was made to `versions.json`, commit and push it.
# Otherwise the step is skipped instead of reporting job failure.
- name: 'Push update for `versions.json`'
if: ${{ steps.add-version.outcome == 'success' }}
working-directory: gh-pages
run: |
git config user.name ${{ env.GIT_USER }}
git config user.email ${{ env.GIT_EMAIL }}
git add versions.json
git commit -m "chore: Add ${{ env.DOCS_VERSION }} to version selector list"
git push