mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-07 16:41:06 +02:00
Brennan Kinney a7e6439a39
fix: Workaround postconf write settling logic (#2998)
* fix: Workaround `postconf` write settle logic

After updating `main.cf`, to avoid an enforced delay from reading the config by postfix tools, we can ensure the modified time is at least 2 seconds in the past as a workaround. This should be ok with our usage AFAIK.

Shaves off 2+ seconds roughly off each container startup, reduces roughly 2+ minutes off tests.

* chore: Only modify `mtime` if less than 2 seconds ago

- Slight improvement by avoiding unnecessary writes with a conditional check on the util method.
- Can more comfortably call this during `postfix reload` in the change detection cycle now.
- Identified other tests that'd benefit from this, created a helper method to call instead of copy/paste.
- The `setup email restrict` command also did a modification and reload. Added util method here too.

* tests(fix): `mail_smtponly.bats` should wait for Postfix

- `postfix reload` fails if the service is not ready yet.
- `service postfix reload` and `/etc/init.d/postfix reload` presumably wait until it is ready? (as these work regardless)

* chore: Review feedback - Move reload method into utilities
2023-01-13 10:10:58 +13:00

87 lines
4.1 KiB

load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/common"
setup_file() {
docker network create --driver bridge "${NON_DEFAULT_DOCKER_MAIL_NETWORK_NAME}"
docker network create --driver bridge "${NON_DEFAULT_DOCKER_MAIL_NETWORK_NAME}2"
# use two networks (default ("bridge") and our custom network) to recreate problematic test case where PERMIT_DOCKER=host would not help
# currently we cannot use --network in `docker run` multiple times, it will just use the last one
# instead we need to use create, network connect and start (see https://success.docker.com/article/multiple-docker-networks)
PRIVATE_CONFIG=$(duplicate_config_for_container . mail_smtponly_second_network)
docker create --name mail_smtponly_second_network \
-v "${PRIVATE_CONFIG}":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "$(pwd)/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \
-e SMTP_ONLY=1 \
-e PERMIT_DOCKER=connected-networks \
-e OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME=mail.my-domain.com \
-t "${NAME}"
docker network connect "${NON_DEFAULT_DOCKER_MAIL_NETWORK_NAME}2" mail_smtponly_second_network
docker start mail_smtponly_second_network
PRIVATE_CONFIG=$(duplicate_config_for_container . mail_smtponly_second_network_sender)
docker run -d --name mail_smtponly_second_network_sender \
-v "${PRIVATE_CONFIG}":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "$(pwd)/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \
-e SMTP_ONLY=1 \
-e PERMIT_DOCKER=connected-networks \
-e OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME=mail.my-domain.com \
-t "${NAME}"
# wait until postfix is up
wait_for_smtp_port_in_container mail_smtponly_second_network
# create another container that enforces authentication even on local connections
docker run -d --name mail_smtponly_force_authentication \
-v "${PRIVATE_CONFIG}":/tmp/docker-mailserver \
-v "$(pwd)/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \
-e SMTP_ONLY=1 \
-e OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME=mail.my-domain.com \
-t "${NAME}"
# wait until postfix is up
wait_for_smtp_port_in_container mail_smtponly_force_authentication
teardown_file() {
docker logs mail_smtponly_second_network
docker rm -f mail_smtponly_second_network mail_smtponly_second_network_sender mail_smtponly_force_authentication
@test "checking PERMIT_DOCKER: connected-networks" {
IPNET1=$(docker network inspect --format '{{(index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet}}' non-default-docker-mail-network)
IPNET2=$(docker network inspect --format '{{(index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet}}' non-default-docker-mail-network2)
run docker exec mail_smtponly_second_network /bin/sh -c "postconf | grep '^mynetworks ='"
assert_output --partial "${IPNET1}"
assert_output --partial "${IPNET2}"
run docker exec mail_smtponly_second_network /bin/sh -c "postconf smtp_host_lookup=no"
_reload_postfix mail_smtponly_second_network
# we should be able to send from the other container on the second network!
run docker exec mail_smtponly_second_network_sender /bin/sh -c "nc mail_smtponly_second_network 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/smtp-only.txt"
assert_output --partial "250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as "
repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout 60 mail_smtponly_second_network /bin/sh -c 'grep -cE "to=<user2\@external.tld>.*status\=sent" /var/log/mail/mail.log'
@test "checking PERMIT_DOCKER: none" {
run docker exec mail_smtponly_force_authentication /bin/sh -c "postconf smtp_host_lookup=no"
_reload_postfix mail_smtponly_force_authentication
# the mailserver should require authentication and a protocol error should occur when using TLS
run docker exec mail_smtponly_force_authentication /bin/sh -c "nc localhost 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/smtp-only.txt"
assert_output --partial "550 5.5.1 Protocol error"
[[ ${status} -ge 0 ]]