mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-06-27 19:55:40 +02:00
youtous 2527ebfaf2
added dovecot quota feature
add postfix service quota check

check-for-changes on quotas

setquota command

fix checkforchanges quota

addquota verify user exists

add setquota in setup.sh

merging addquota into setquota

test quota commands

add ldap tests for dovecot quota

fix smtp only quota postfix rules

test postfix conf

add quota test integration

add quota exceeded test

add wait analyze

fix tests

fix setup typo

add test fixes

fix error output


update startup rules

fix setup

fix setup tests

fix output commands

remove quota on remove user

try to fix sync limit mails

check if file exists

fix path

change used quota user

fix post size

check if quota file exists

update tests

configure virtualmailbox limit for dovecot

last fix

fix quota expr

relax dovecot tests

auto create dovecot-quotas

fix dovecot apply quota test

wip quota warning

trying to fix get dovadm quota

dovecot applies fix

fix quota warning lda path

test count mail on quota

fix quota warning permissiosn

fix test
2020-04-24 14:56:15 +02:00

251 lines
9.6 KiB

FROM debian:buster-slim
LABEL maintainer="Thomas VIAL" \
org.label-schema.name="docker-mailserver" \
org.label-schema.description="A fullstack but simple mailserver (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus, ssl...)" \
org.label-schema.url="https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver" \
org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$VCS_REF \
org.label-schema.vcs-url="https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver" \
org.label-schema.version=$VCS_VERSION \
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV POSTGREY_TEXT="Delayed by postgrey"
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Packages
# hadolint ignore=DL3015,DL3005
apt-get update -q --fix-missing && \
apt-get -y upgrade && \
apt-get -y install postfix && \
apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
altermime \
amavisd-new \
apt-transport-https \
arj \
binutils \
bzip2 \
ca-certificates \
cabextract \
clamav \
clamav-daemon \
cpio \
curl \
ed \
fail2ban \
fetchmail \
file \
gamin \
gzip \
gnupg \
iproute2 \
iptables \
locales \
logwatch \
lhasa \
libdate-manip-perl \
liblz4-tool \
libmail-spf-perl \
libnet-dns-perl \
libsasl2-modules \
lrzip \
lzop \
netcat-openbsd \
nomarch \
opendkim \
opendkim-tools \
opendmarc \
pax \
pflogsumm \
p7zip-full \
postfix-ldap \
postfix-pcre \
postfix-policyd-spf-python \
postsrsd \
pyzor \
razor \
rpm2cpio \
rsyslog \
sasl2-bin \
spamassassin \
supervisor \
postgrey \
unrar-free \
unzip \
whois \
xz-utils \
# use Dovecot community repo to react faster on security updates
#curl https://repo.dovecot.org/DOVECOT-REPO-GPG | gpg --import && \
#gpg --export ED409DA1 > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/dovecot.gpg && \
#echo "deb https://repo.dovecot.org/ce-2.3-latest/debian/stretch stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dovecot-community.list && \
#apt-get update -q --fix-missing && \
#apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
dovecot-core \
dovecot-imapd \
dovecot-ldap \
dovecot-lmtpd \
dovecot-managesieved \
dovecot-pop3d \
dovecot-sieve \
dovecot-solr \
&& \
apt-get autoclean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/locale/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/man/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/doc/* && \
touch /var/log/auth.log && \
update-locale && \
rm /etc/postsrsd.secret && \
rm /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch
RUN echo "0 */6 * * * clamav /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet" > /etc/cron.d/clamav-freshclam && \
chmod 644 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf && \
freshclam && \
sed -i 's/Foreground false/Foreground true/g' /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && \
mkdir /var/run/clamav && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/run/clamav && \
rm -rf /var/log/clamav/
# Configures Dovecot
COPY target/dovecot/auth-passwdfile.inc target/dovecot/??-*.conf /etc/dovecot/conf.d/
COPY target/dovecot/scripts/quota-warning.sh /usr/local/bin/quota-warning.sh
WORKDIR /usr/share/dovecot
# hadolint ignore=SC2016,SC2086
RUN sed -i -e 's/include_try \/usr\/share\/dovecot\/protocols\.d/include_try \/etc\/dovecot\/protocols\.d/g' /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/#mail_plugins = \$mail_plugins/mail_plugins = \$mail_plugins sieve/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*lda_mailbox_autocreate.*/lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*lda_mailbox_autosubscribe.*/lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*postmaster_address.*/postmaster_address = '${POSTMASTER_ADDRESS:="postmaster@domain.com"}'/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i 's/#imap_idle_notify_interval = 2 mins/imap_idle_notify_interval = 29 mins/' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf && \
# Adapt mkcert for Dovecot community repo
sed -i 's/CERTDIR=.*/CERTDIR=\/etc\/dovecot\/ssl/g' /usr/share/dovecot/mkcert.sh && \
sed -i 's/KEYDIR=.*/KEYDIR=\/etc\/dovecot\/ssl/g' /usr/share/dovecot/mkcert.sh && \
sed -i 's/KEYFILE=.*/KEYFILE=\$KEYDIR\/dovecot.key/g' /usr/share/dovecot/mkcert.sh && \
# create directory for certificates created by mkcert
mkdir /etc/dovecot/ssl && \
chmod 755 /etc/dovecot/ssl && \
./mkcert.sh && \
mkdir -p /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global && \
chmod 755 -R /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global
# Configures LDAP
COPY target/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext /etc/dovecot
COPY target/postfix/ldap-users.cf target/postfix/ldap-groups.cf target/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf target/postfix/ldap-domains.cf /etc/postfix/
# Enables Spamassassin CRON updates and update hook for supervisor
# hadolint ignore=SC2016
RUN sed -i -r 's/^(CRON)=0/\1=1/g' /etc/default/spamassassin && \
sed -i -r 's/^\$INIT restart/supervisorctl restart amavis/g' /etc/spamassassin/sa-update-hooks.d/amavisd-new
# Enables Postgrey
COPY target/postgrey/postgrey /etc/default/postgrey
COPY target/postgrey/postgrey.init /etc/init.d/postgrey
RUN chmod 755 /etc/init.d/postgrey && \
mkdir /var/run/postgrey && \
chown postgrey:postgrey /var/run/postgrey
# Copy PostSRSd Config
COPY target/postsrsd/postsrsd /etc/default/postsrsd
# Enables Amavis
COPY target/amavis/conf.d/* /etc/amavis/conf.d/
RUN sed -i -r 's/#(@| \\%)bypass/\1bypass/g' /etc/amavis/conf.d/15-content_filter_mode && \
adduser clamav amavis && \
adduser amavis clamav && \
# no syslog user in debian compared to ubuntu
adduser --system syslog && \
useradd -u 5000 -d /home/docker -s /bin/bash -p "$(echo docker | openssl passwd -1 -stdin)" docker && \
echo "0 4 * * * /usr/local/bin/virus-wiper" | crontab -
# Configure Fail2ban
COPY target/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
COPY target/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf
RUN mkdir /var/run/fail2ban
# Enables Pyzor and Razor
RUN su - amavis -c "razor-admin -create && \
razor-admin -register"
# Configure DKIM (opendkim)
# DKIM config files
COPY target/opendkim/opendkim.conf /etc/opendkim.conf
COPY target/opendkim/default-opendkim /etc/default/opendkim
# Configure DMARC (opendmarc)
COPY target/opendmarc/opendmarc.conf /etc/opendmarc.conf
COPY target/opendmarc/default-opendmarc /etc/default/opendmarc
COPY target/opendmarc/ignore.hosts /etc/opendmarc/ignore.hosts
# Configure fetchmail
COPY target/fetchmail/fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc_general
RUN sed -i 's/START_DAEMON=no/START_DAEMON=yes/g' /etc/default/fetchmail
RUN mkdir /var/run/fetchmail && chown fetchmail /var/run/fetchmail
# Configures Postfix
COPY target/postfix/main.cf target/postfix/master.cf /etc/postfix/
COPY target/postfix/header_checks.pcre target/postfix/sender_header_filter.pcre target/postfix/sender_login_maps.pcre /etc/postfix/maps/
RUN echo "" > /etc/aliases
# Configuring Logs
RUN sed -i -r "/^#?compress/c\compress\ncopytruncate" /etc/logrotate.conf && \
mkdir -p /var/log/mail && \
chown syslog:root /var/log/mail && \
touch /var/log/mail/clamav.log && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/log/mail/clamav.log && \
touch /var/log/mail/freshclam.log && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/log/mail/freshclam.log && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/mail|/var/log/mail/mail|g' /etc/rsyslog.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|;auth,authpriv.none|;mail.none;mail.error;auth,authpriv.none|g' /etc/rsyslog.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|LogFile /var/log/clamav/|LogFile /var/log/mail/|g' /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|UpdateLogFile /var/log/clamav/|UpdateLogFile /var/log/mail/|g' /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/clamav|/var/log/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-daemon && \
sed -i -r 's|invoke-rc.d.*|/usr/bin/supervisorctl signal hup clamav >/dev/null \|\| true|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-daemon && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/clamav|/var/log/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam && \
sed -i -r 's|invoke-rc.d|#invoke-rc.d|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/mail|/var/log/mail/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog && \
sed -i -r '/\/var\/log\/mail\/mail.log/d' /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog && \
# prevent syslog logrotate warnings \
sed -i -e 's/\(printerror "could not determine current runlevel"\)/#\1/' /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d && \
sed -i -e 's/^\(POLICYHELPER=\).*/\1/' /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d && \
# prevent email when /sbin/init or init system is not existing \
sed -i -e 's|invoke-rc.d rsyslog rotate > /dev/null|/usr/bin/supervisorctl signal hup rsyslog >/dev/null|g' /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate
# Get LetsEncrypt signed certificate
RUN curl -s https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem > /etc/ssl/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem
COPY ./target/bin /usr/local/bin
# Start-mailserver script
COPY ./target/helper_functions.sh ./target/check-for-changes.sh ./target/start-mailserver.sh ./target/fail2ban-wrapper.sh ./target/postfix-wrapper.sh ./target/postsrsd-wrapper.sh ./target/docker-configomat/configomat.sh /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*
# Configure supervisor
COPY target/supervisor/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
COPY target/supervisor/conf.d/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
# Switch iptables and ip6tables to legacy for fail2ban
RUN update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy \
&& update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
EXPOSE 25 587 143 465 993 110 995 4190
CMD ["supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]