mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-16 04:38:13 +02:00
Brennan Kinney e9f04cf8a7
chore: Change setup config dkim default key size to 2048 (open-dkim) (#3508)
* chore: Adjust default DKIM size (`open-dkim`) from 4096-bit to 2048-bit

4096-bit is excessive in size for DKIM key. 2048-bit is plenty.

* chore: Additional revisions to `open-dkim` command help output

- The examples use `keysize 2048`, but as that's the new default it makes sense to change that.
- Other help text was also revised.
- Last example for domains did not need to demonstrate the other options. Changed example domains to more appropriate values.

* docs: Revise DKIM docs

Primarily for the change in default key size, but does revise some text to better communicate to the user.
- While the referenced RFC advises 512-bit to 2048-bit key size, we now explicitly discourage `512-bit` as it's not secure. `1024-bit` is still likely safe for most, but `2048-bit` is a good default for those not rotating their keys.
- Adjusted the domains example to match the new `setup config dkim domain` domains example.
- Tip for changing default key size changed to "info" with added clarity of lowering security or increasing it (excessively).
- Rspamd section is minor formatting changes, with the exception of clarifying the "main domain" for the mail accounts is assumed as the DMS FQDN with any subdomain (like `mail.`) stripped away. This is not great, but a legacy issue that needs to be addressed in future.
- `docs-rspamd-override-d` ref removed, and usage replaced with equivalent ref `docs-rspamd-config-dropin`, while `docs-rspamd-config-declarative` ref was not in use and also removed.
- Revised the `<selector>.txt` DNS formatting info section to better communicate with the reader. Additionally it had mixed usage of default `mail` and custom `dkim-rsa` selectors (_file content and output_).

* docs: Sync DKIM commands help messages and update DKIM docs for LDAP

- Adopt the help options format style from the `rspamd-dkim` into `open-dkim` command. And convert `./setup.sh` to `setup`. `selector` option has been implemented. for a while now.
- Update `rspamd-dkim` examples help output to align with `open-dkim` command examples.
- Give both DKIM command tools a consistent description. The two tools differ in support for the `domain` option (_implicit domain sourcing for default account provisioner, and support for multiple domains as input_).
- DKIM docs for LDAP domain support revised to better communicate when explicit domain config is necessary.

* tests: Adjust test-cases for `setup config dkim` change

- Update assert for command help output.
- Don't bother creating a DKIM key at 512-bit size.

- Update assert for command help output of the `setup config dkim` (OpenDKIM) command.

* docs: Update DKIM section for large keys to newer RFC

The linked discussion from 2021 does mention this updated RFC over the original. That removes outdated advice about `512-bit` key length support.

The discussion link is still kept to reference a comment for the reader to better understand the security strength of 2048-bit RSA keys and why larger keys are not worthwhile, especially for DKIM.

* docs: Extract out common DKIM generation command from content tabs

Should be fine to be DRY here, not specific to `open-dkim` or `rspamd` generation/support. Previously rspamd lacked support of an equivalent command in DMS.

* docs: DKIM refactoring

- Shifted out the info admonition on key size advice out of the content tabs as it's now generic information.
- Indented the 4096-bit warning into this, which is less of a concern as the default for our DKIM generation tools is consistently 2048-bit now.
- Reworked the LDAP and Rspamd multi-domain advice. To avoid causing a bad diff, these sections haven't been moved/merged yet.

* docs: Revise DKIM docs

Advice for managing domains individually with LDAP and Rspamd extracted out of the content tabs. Default domain behaviour explained with extra info about OpenDKIM + FILE provisioner sourcing extra domains implicitly.
2023-08-29 09:40:02 +12:00

280 lines
10 KiB

load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/common"
load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/setup"
function teardown() { _default_teardown ; }
# TODO: Neither of these are too important, but might be worth covering:
# - May want to also add test cases for log: 'No entries found, no keys to make'
# - May want to also do a redundant 2nd run for matching no log output? (Bad UX?)
@test "should support creating keys of different sizes" {
# The default size created should be 4096-bit:
# Explicit sizes:
__should_support_creating_key_of_size '4096'
__should_support_creating_key_of_size '2048'
__should_support_creating_key_of_size '1024'
# NOTE: This pre-generated opendkim config was before the alias `localdomain2.com`
# was present or supported by open-dkim? (when sourcing domains from generated vhost entries)
@test "providing config volume should setup /etc/opendkim" {
mv "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/example-opendkim/" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/opendkim/"
_run_in_container cat '/etc/opendkim/KeyTable'
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'localhost.localdomain'
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'otherdomain.tld'
_should_output_number_of_lines 2
_should_have_content_in_directory '/etc/opendkim/keys/'
assert_output --partial 'localhost.localdomain'
assert_output --partial 'otherdomain.tld'
_should_output_number_of_lines 2
# /etc/opendkim.conf should contain nameservers copied from /etc/resolv.conf
_run_in_container grep -E \
'^Nameservers ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)' \
# No default config supplied to /tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim
# Generating key should create keys and tables + TrustedHosts files:
@test "should create keys and config files (with defaults)" {
__should_generate_dkim_key 6
__should_have_key_for_domain 'localhost.localdomain'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'localdomain2.com'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'otherdomain.tld'
@test "should create keys and config files (without postfix-accounts.cf)" {
# Only mount single config file (postfix-virtual.cf):
__init_container_without_waiting "${PWD}/test/config/postfix-virtual.cf:/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-virtual.cf:ro"
__should_generate_dkim_key 5
__should_have_key_for_domain 'localhost.localdomain'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'localdomain2.com'
# NOTE: This would only be present if supplying the default postfix-accounts.cf:
__should_not_have_key_for_domain 'otherdomain.tld'
@test "should create keys and config files (without postfix-virtual.cf)" {
# Only mount single config file (postfix-accounts.cf):
__init_container_without_waiting "${PWD}/test/config/postfix-accounts.cf:/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-accounts.cf:ro"
__should_generate_dkim_key 5
__should_have_key_for_domain 'localhost.localdomain'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'otherdomain.tld'
# NOTE: This would only be present if supplying the default postfix-virtual.cf:
__should_not_have_key_for_domain 'localdomain2.com'
@test "should create keys and config files (with custom domains and selector)" {
# Create without config volume (creates an empty anonymous volume instead):
__init_container_without_waiting '/tmp/docker-mailserver'
# generate first key (with a custom selector)
__should_generate_dkim_key 4 '1024' 'domain1.tld' 'mailer'
# generate two additional keys different to the previous one
__should_generate_dkim_key 2 '1024' 'domain2.tld,domain3.tld'
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'domain2.tld'
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'domain3.tld'
# generate an additional key whilst providing already existing domains
__should_generate_dkim_key 1 '1024' 'domain3.tld,domain4.tld'
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'domain4.tld'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'domain1.tld' 'mailer'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'domain2.tld'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'domain3.tld'
__should_have_key_for_domain 'domain4.tld'
# This would be created by default (from vhost) if no domain was given to open-dkim:
__should_not_have_key_for_domain 'localhost.localdomain'
# Without the default account configs, neither of these should be present:
__should_not_have_key_for_domain 'otherdomain.tld'
__should_not_have_key_for_domain 'localdomain2.com'
_run_in_container cat "/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/KeyTable"
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'domain1.tld' 'mailer'
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'domain2.tld'
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'domain3.tld'
__assert_has_entry_in_keytable 'domain4.tld'
_should_output_number_of_lines 4
_run_in_container cat "/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/SigningTable"
__assert_has_entry_in_signingtable 'domain1.tld' 'mailer'
__assert_has_entry_in_signingtable 'domain2.tld'
__assert_has_entry_in_signingtable 'domain3.tld'
__assert_has_entry_in_signingtable 'domain4.tld'
_should_output_number_of_lines 4
function __init_container_without_waiting {
# Override the default config volume:
[[ -n ${1} ]] && TEST_CONFIG_VOLUME="${1}"
function __assert_has_entry_in_keytable() {
local EXPECTED_SELECTOR=${2:-mail}
# EXAMPLE: mail._domainkey.domain1.tld domain1.tld:mail:/etc/opendkim/keys/domain1.tld/mail.private
assert_output --partial "${EXPECTED_SELECTOR}._domainkey.${EXPECTED_DOMAIN} ${EXPECTED_DOMAIN}:${EXPECTED_SELECTOR}:/etc/opendkim/keys/${EXPECTED_DOMAIN}/${EXPECTED_SELECTOR}.private"
function __assert_has_entry_in_signingtable() {
local EXPECTED_SELECTOR=${2:-mail}
# EXAMPLE: *@domain1.tld mail._domainkey.domain1.tld
assert_output --partial "*@${EXPECTED_DOMAIN} ${EXPECTED_SELECTOR}._domainkey.${EXPECTED_DOMAIN}"
function __assert_logged_dkim_creation() {
local EXPECTED_SELECTOR=${2:-mail}
assert_output --partial "Creating DKIM private key '/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/keys/${EXPECTED_DOMAIN}/${EXPECTED_SELECTOR}.private'"
function __assert_outputs_common_dkim_logs() {
refute_output --partial 'No entries found, no keys to make'
assert_output --partial 'Creating DKIM KeyTable'
assert_output --partial 'Creating DKIM SigningTable'
assert_output --partial 'Creating DKIM TrustedHosts'
function __should_support_creating_key_of_size() {
__should_generate_dkim_key 6 "${EXPECTED_KEYSIZE}"
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'localdomain2.com'
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'localhost.localdomain'
__assert_logged_dkim_creation 'otherdomain.tld'
__should_have_expected_files "${EXPECTED_KEYSIZE:-2048}"
_run_in_container rm -r /tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim
function __should_generate_dkim_key() {
local ARG_KEYSIZE=${2:-}
local ARG_DOMAINS=${3:-}
local ARG_SELECTOR=${4:-}
local DKIM_CMD='open-dkim'
[[ -n ${ARG_KEYSIZE} ]] && DKIM_CMD+=" keysize ${ARG_KEYSIZE}"
[[ -n ${ARG_DOMAINS} ]] && DKIM_CMD+=" domain '${ARG_DOMAINS}'"
[[ -n ${ARG_SELECTOR} ]] && DKIM_CMD+=" selector '${ARG_SELECTOR}'"
_run_in_container_bash "${DKIM_CMD}"
_should_output_number_of_lines "${EXPECTED_LINES}"
function __should_have_expected_files() {
local EXPECTED_KEYSIZE=${1:?Keysize must be provided}
local DKIM_DOMAIN='localhost.localdomain'
local TARGET_DIR="/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/keys/${DKIM_DOMAIN}"
# DKIM private key for signing, parse it to verify private key size is correct:
_run_in_container_bash "openssl rsa -in '${TARGET_DIR}/mail.private' -noout -text"
assert_line --index 0 "RSA Private-Key: (${EXPECTED_KEYSIZE} bit, 2 primes)"
# DKIM record, extract public key (base64 encoded, potentially multi-line)
# - tail to exclude first line,
# - then sed to extract values within quoted lines, then remove `p=` from the start,
# - and finally echo to concatenate all lines into single string
# Next decode and parse it with openssl to verify public-key key size is correct:
_run_in_container_bash "echo \$( \
tail -n +2 '${TARGET_DIR}/mail.txt' \
| sed -nE -e 's/.*\"(.*)\".*/\1/p' \
| sed -e 's/^p=//' \
) | openssl enc -base64 -d | openssl pkey -inform DER -pubin -noout -text
assert_line --index 0 "RSA Public-Key: (${EXPECTED_KEYSIZE} bit)"
# Contents is for expected DKIM_DOMAIN and selector (mail):
_run_in_container cat "${TARGET_DIR}/mail.txt"
assert_output --regexp "; ----- DKIM key mail for ${DKIM_DOMAIN}$"
function __should_have_key_for_domain() {
local KEY_DOMAIN=${1}
local KEY_SELECTOR=${2:-mail}
_should_have_content_in_directory "/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/keys/${KEY_DOMAIN}"
assert_line "${KEY_SELECTOR}.private"
assert_line "${KEY_SELECTOR}.txt"
_should_output_number_of_lines 2
function __should_not_have_key_for_domain() {
local KEY_DOMAIN=${1:?Domain must be provided}
local KEY_SELECTOR=${2:-mail}
local TARGET_DIR="/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim/keys/${KEY_DOMAIN}"
_run_in_container_bash "[[ -d ${TARGET_DIR} ]]"
function __should_have_tables_trustedhosts_for_domain() {
_should_have_content_in_directory '/tmp/docker-mailserver/opendkim'
assert_line 'keys'
assert_line 'KeyTable'
assert_line 'SigningTable'
assert_line 'TrustedHosts'