load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/setup" load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/common" BATS_TEST_NAME_PREFIX='[LDAP] ' CONTAINER1_NAME='dms-test_ldap' CONTAINER2_NAME='dms-test_ldap_provider' function setup_file() { export DMS_TEST_NETWORK='test-network-ldap' export DOMAIN='example.test' export FQDN_MAIL="mail.${DOMAIN}" export FQDN_LDAP="ldap.${DOMAIN}" # LDAP is provisioned with two domains (via `.ldif` files) unrelated to the FQDN of DMS: export FQDN_LOCALHOST_A='localhost.localdomain' export FQDN_LOCALHOST_B='localhost.otherdomain' # Link the test containers to separate network: # NOTE: If the network already exists, test will fail to start. docker network create "${DMS_TEST_NETWORK}" # Setup local openldap service: docker run --rm -d --name "${CONTAINER2_NAME}" \ --env LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \ --env LDAP_ROOT='dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' \ --env LDAP_PORT_NUMBER=389 \ --env LDAP_SKIP_DEFAULT_TREE=yes \ --volume './test/config/ldap/docker-openldap/bootstrap/ldif/:/ldifs/:ro' \ --volume './test/config/ldap/docker-openldap/bootstrap/schemas/:/schemas/:ro' \ --hostname "${FQDN_LDAP}" \ --network "${DMS_TEST_NETWORK}" \ bitnami/openldap:latest _run_until_success_or_timeout 20 sh -c "docker logs ${CONTAINER2_NAME} 2>&1 | grep 'LDAP setup finished'" # # Setup DMS container # local ENV_LDAP_CONFIG=( # Configure for LDAP account provisioner and alternative to Dovecot SASL: --env ACCOUNT_PROVISIONER=LDAP --env ENABLE_SASLAUTHD=1 --env SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS=ldap # ENV to configure LDAP configs for Dovecot + Postfix: # NOTE: `scripts/startup/setup.d/ldap.sh:_setup_ldap()` uses `_replace_by_env_in_file()` to configure settings (stripping `DOVECOT_` / `LDAP_` prefixes): # Dovecot: --env DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER='(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))' --env DOVECOT_TLS=no --env DOVECOT_USER_FILTER='(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))' # Postfix: --env LDAP_BIND_DN='cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' --env LDAP_BIND_PW='admin' --env LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS='(|(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE)))' --env LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_DOMAIN='(|(&(mail=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailGroupMember=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailalias=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward)))' --env LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP='(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))' --env LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_SENDERS='(|(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(|(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE)))(uniqueIdentifier=some.user.id))' --env LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER='(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))' --env LDAP_SEARCH_BASE='ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' --env LDAP_SERVER_HOST="${FQDN_LDAP}" --env LDAP_START_TLS=no ) # Extra ENV needed to support specific testcases: local ENV_SUPPORT=( --env PERMIT_DOCKER=container # Required for attempting SMTP auth on port 25 via nc # Required for openssl commands to be successul: # NOTE: snakeoil cert is created (for `docker-mailserver.invalid`) via Debian post-install script for Postfix package. # TODO: Use proper TLS cert --env SSL_TYPE='snakeoil' # TODO; All below are questionable value to LDAP tests? --env POSTMASTER_ADDRESS="postmaster@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}" # TODO: Only required because LDAP accounts use unrelated domain part. FQDN_LOCALHOST_A / ldif files can be adjusted to FQDN_MAIL --env PFLOGSUMM_TRIGGER=logrotate --env REPORT_RECIPIENT=1 # TODO: Invalid value, should be a recipient address (if not default postmaster), remove? --env SPOOF_PROTECTION=1 ) local CUSTOM_SETUP_ARGUMENTS=( --hostname "${FQDN_MAIL}" --network "${DMS_TEST_NETWORK}" "${ENV_LDAP_CONFIG[@]}" "${ENV_SUPPORT[@]}" ) # Set default implicit container fallback for helpers: export CONTAINER_NAME=${CONTAINER1_NAME} _init_with_defaults # NOTE: `test/config/` has now been duplicated, can move test specific files to host-side `/tmp/docker-mailserver`: mv "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/ldap/overrides/"*.cf "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/" _common_container_setup 'CUSTOM_SETUP_ARGUMENTS' _wait_for_smtp_port_in_container } function teardown_file() { docker rm -f "${CONTAINER1_NAME}" "${CONTAINER2_NAME}" docker network rm "${DMS_TEST_NETWORK}" } # postfix # NOTE: Each of the 3 user accounts tested below are defined in separate LDIF config files, # Those are bundled into the locally built OpenLDAP Dockerfile. @test "postfix: ldap lookup works correctly" { _should_exist_in_ldap_tables "some.user@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}" # Test email receiving from a other domain then the primary domain of the mailserver _should_exist_in_ldap_tables "some.other.user@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_B}" # Should not require `uniqueIdentifier` to match the local part of `mail` (`.ldif` defined settings): # REF: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/642#issuecomment-313916384 # NOTE: This account has no `mailAlias` or `mailGroupMember` defined in it's `.ldif`. local MAIL_ACCOUNT="some.user.email@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}" _run_in_container postmap -q "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf assert_success assert_output "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" } # Custom LDAP config files support: # TODO: Compare to provided configs and if they're just including a test comment, # could just copy the config and append without carrying a separate test config? @test "postfix: ldap custom config files copied" { local LDAP_CONFIGS_POSTFIX=( /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf ) for LDAP_CONFIG in "${LDAP_CONFIGS_POSTFIX[@]}"; do _run_in_container grep '# Testconfig for ldap integration' "${LDAP_CONFIG}" assert_success done } @test "postfix: ldap config overwrites success" { local LDAP_SETTINGS_POSTFIX=( "server_host = ${FQDN_LDAP}" 'start_tls = no' 'search_base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' 'bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' ) for LDAP_SETTING in "${LDAP_SETTINGS_POSTFIX[@]}"; do # "${LDAP_SETTING%=*}" is to match only the key portion of the var (helpful for assert_output error messages) # NOTE: `start_tls = no` is a default setting, but the white-space differs when ENV `LDAP_START_TLS` is not set explicitly. _run_in_container grep "${LDAP_SETTING%=*}" /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf assert_output "${LDAP_SETTING}" assert_success _run_in_container grep "${LDAP_SETTING%=*}" /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf assert_output "${LDAP_SETTING}" assert_success _run_in_container grep "${LDAP_SETTING%=*}" /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf assert_output "${LDAP_SETTING}" assert_success done } # dovecot @test "dovecot: ldap imap connection and authentication works" { _run_in_container_bash 'nc -w 1 143 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/imap-ldap-auth.txt' assert_success } @test "dovecot: ldap mail delivery works" { _should_successfully_deliver_mail_to "some.user@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}" "/var/mail/${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}/some.user/new/" # Should support delivering to a local recipient with a different domain (and disjoint mail location): # NOTE: Mail is delivered to location defined in `.ldif` (an account config setting, either `mailHomeDirectory` or `mailStorageDirectory`). # `some.other.user` has been configured to use a mailbox domain different from it's address domain part, hence the difference here: _should_successfully_deliver_mail_to "some.other.user@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_B}" "/var/mail/${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}/some.other.user/new/" } @test "dovecot: ldap config overwrites success" { local LDAP_SETTINGS_DOVECOT=( "uris = ldap://${FQDN_LDAP}" 'tls = no' 'base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' 'dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' ) for LDAP_SETTING in "${LDAP_SETTINGS_DOVECOT[@]}"; do _run_in_container grep "${LDAP_SETTING%=*}" /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext assert_output "${LDAP_SETTING}" assert_success done } # Requires ENV `POSTMASTER_ADDRESS` # NOTE: Not important to LDAP feature tests? @test "dovecot: postmaster address" { _run_in_container grep "postmaster_address = postmaster@${FQDN_LOCALHOST_A}" /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf assert_success } # NOTE: `target/scripts/startup/setup.d/dovecot.sh` should prevent enabling the quotas feature when using LDAP: @test "dovecot: quota plugin is disabled" { # Dovecot configs have not enabled the quota plugins: _run_in_container grep "\$mail_plugins quota" /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf assert_failure _run_in_container grep "\$mail_plugins imap_quota" /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf assert_failure # Dovecot Quota config only present with disabled extension: _run_in_container_bash '[[ -f /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf ]]' assert_failure _run_in_container_bash '[[ -f /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf.disab ]]' assert_success # Postfix quotas policy service not configured in `main.cf`: _run_in_container postconf smtpd_recipient_restrictions refute_output --partial 'check_policy_service inet:localhost:65265' } @test "saslauthd: sasl ldap authentication works" { _run_in_container testsaslauthd -u some.user -p secret assert_success } # Requires ENV `PFLOGSUMM_TRIGGER=logrotate` @test "pflogsumm delivery" { # Verify default sender is `mailserver-report` when ENV `PFLOGSUMM_SENDER` + `REPORT_SENDER` are unset: # NOTE: Mail is sent from Postfix (configured hostname used as domain part) _run_in_container grep "mailserver-report@${FQDN_MAIL}" /etc/logrotate.d/maillog assert_success # When `LOGROTATE_INTERVAL` is unset, the default should be configured as `weekly`: _run_in_container grep 'weekly' /etc/logrotate.d/maillog assert_success } # ATTENTION: Remaining tests must come after "dovecot: ldap mail delivery works" since the below tests would affect the expected count (by delivering extra mail), # Thus not friendly for running testcases in this file in parallel # Requires ENV `SPOOF_PROTECTION=1` for the expected assert_output @test "spoofing (with LDAP): rejects sender forging" { _wait_for_smtp_port_in_container_to_respond dms-test_ldap _run_in_container_bash 'openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/ldap-smtp-auth-spoofed.txt' assert_output --partial 'Sender address rejected: not owned by user' } @test "spoofing (with LDAP): accepts sending as alias" { _run_in_container_bash 'openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/ldap-smtp-auth-spoofed-alias.txt' assert_output --partial 'End data with' } @test "spoofing (with LDAP): uses senders filter" { # skip introduced with #3006, changing port 25 to 465 # Template used has invalid AUTH: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/3006#discussion_r1073321432 skip 'TODO: This test seems to have been broken from the start (?)' _run_in_container_bash 'openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/ldap-smtp-auth-spoofed-sender-with-filter-exception.txt' assert_output --partial 'Sender address rejected: not owned by user' } @test "saslauthd: ldap smtp authentication" { # Requires ENV `PERMIT_DOCKER=container` _send_email 'auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth' '-w 5 25' assert_output --partial 'Error: authentication not enabled' _run_in_container_bash 'openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth.txt' assert_output --partial 'Authentication successful' _run_in_container_bash 'openssl s_client -quiet -starttls smtp -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth.txt' assert_output --partial 'Authentication successful' } # # Test helper methods: # function _should_exist_in_ldap_tables() { local MAIL_ACCOUNT=${1:?Mail account is required} local DOMAIN_PART="${MAIL_ACCOUNT#*@}" # Each LDAP config file sets `query_filter` to lookup a key in LDAP (values defined in `.ldif` test files) # `mail` (ldap-users), `mailAlias` (ldap-aliases), `mailGroupMember` (ldap-groups) # `postmap` is queried with the mail account address, and the LDAP service should respond with # `result_attribute` which is the LDAP `mail` value (should match what we'r'e quering `postmap` with) _run_in_container postmap -q "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf assert_success assert_output "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" # Check which account has the `postmaster` virtual alias: _run_in_container postmap -q "postmaster@${DOMAIN_PART}" ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf assert_success assert_output "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" _run_in_container postmap -q "employees@${DOMAIN_PART}" ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf assert_success assert_output "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" } # NOTE: `test-email.txt` is only used for these two LDAP tests with `sendmail` command. # The file excludes sender/recipient addresses, thus not usable with `_send_email()` helper (`nc` command)? # TODO: Could probably adapt? function _should_successfully_deliver_mail_to() { local SENDER_ADDRESS='user@external.tld' local RECIPIENT_ADDRESS=${1:?Recipient address is required} local MAIL_STORAGE_RECIPIENT=${2:?Recipient storage location is required} local MAIL_TEMPLATE='/tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/test-email.txt' _run_in_container_bash "sendmail -f ${SENDER_ADDRESS} ${RECIPIENT_ADDRESS} < ${MAIL_TEMPLATE}" _wait_for_empty_mail_queue_in_container _run_in_container grep -R 'This is a test mail.' "${MAIL_STORAGE_RECIPIENT}" assert_success _should_output_number_of_lines 1 # NOTE: Prevents compatibility for running testcases in parallel (for same container) when the count could become racey: _count_files_in_directory_in_container "${MAIL_STORAGE_RECIPIENT}" 1 }