SHELL := /bin/bash .SHELLFLAGS += -e -u -o pipefail export IMAGE_NAME := mailserver-testing:ci export NAME ?= $(IMAGE_NAME) # ----------------------------------------------- # --- Generic Targets --------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------- all: lint build backup generate-accounts tests clean build: @ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \ --tag $(IMAGE_NAME) \ --build-arg VCS_VERSION=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ --build-arg VCS_REVISION=$(shell cat VERSION) \ . generate-accounts: @ cp test/config/templates/ test/config/ @ cp test/config/templates/ test/config/ backup: # if backup directory exist, clean hasn't been called, therefore # we shouldn't overwrite it. It still contains the original content. -@ [[ ! -d testconfig.bak ]] && cp -rp test/config testconfig.bak || : clean: # remove test containers and restore test/config directory -@ [[ -d testconfig.bak ]] && { sudo rm -rf test/config ; mv testconfig.bak test/config ; } || : -@ for CONTAINER in $$(docker ps -a --filter name='^dms-test-.*|^mail_.*|^hadolint$$|^eclint$$|^shellcheck$$' | sed 1d | cut -f 1-1 -d ' '); do docker rm -f $${CONTAINER}; done -@ while read -r LINE; do [[ $${LINE} =~ test/.+ ]] && sudo rm -rf $${LINE}; done < .gitignore # ----------------------------------------------- # --- Tests & Lints ---------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------- tests: @ ./test/bats/bin/bats --timing test/*.bats test/%: @ ./test/bats/bin/bats --timing $@.bats lint: eclint hadolint shellcheck hadolint: @ ./test/linting/ hadolint shellcheck: @ ./test/linting/ shellcheck eclint: @ ./test/linting/ eclint