load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/setup" load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/common" # This file tests Rspamd when all of its features are enabled, and # all other interfering features are disabled. BATS_TEST_NAME_PREFIX='[Rspamd] (full) ' CONTAINER_NAME='dms-test_rspamd-full' function setup_file() { _init_with_defaults # Comment for maintainers about `PERMIT_DOCKER=host`: # https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/2815/files#r991087509 local CUSTOM_SETUP_ARGUMENTS=( --env ENABLE_AMAVIS=0 --env ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=0 --env ENABLE_CLAMAV=1 --env ENABLE_RSPAMD=1 --env ENABLE_OPENDKIM=0 --env ENABLE_OPENDMARC=0 --env ENABLE_POLICYD_SPF=0 --env ENABLE_POSTGREY=0 --env CLAMAV_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT=42M --env PERMIT_DOCKER=host --env LOG_LEVEL=trace --env MOVE_SPAM_TO_JUNK=1 --env RSPAMD_LEARN=1 --env RSPAMD_CHECK_AUTHENTICATED=0 --env RSPAMD_GREYLISTING=1 --env RSPAMD_HFILTER=1 --env RSPAMD_HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN_SCORE=7 --env SPAM_SUBJECT='[POTENTIAL SPAM] ' ) cp -r "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}"/rspamd_full/* "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/" _common_container_setup 'CUSTOM_SETUP_ARGUMENTS' # wait for ClamAV to be fully setup or we will get errors on the log _repeat_in_container_until_success_or_timeout 60 "${CONTAINER_NAME}" test -e /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl _wait_for_service rspamd-redis _wait_for_service rspamd _wait_for_service clamav _wait_for_service postfix _wait_for_smtp_port_in_container # We will send 5 emails: # 1. The first one should pass just fine _send_email_with_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-pass' # 2. The second one should be rejected (Rspamd-specific GTUBE pattern for rejection) _send_spam --expect-rejection # 3. The third one should be rejected due to a virus (ClamAV EICAR pattern) # shellcheck disable=SC2016 _send_email_with_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-virus' --expect-rejection \ --body 'X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*' # 4. The fourth one will receive an added header (Rspamd-specific GTUBE pattern for adding a spam header) # ref: https://rspamd.com/doc/gtube_patterns.html _send_email_with_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-header' \ --body "YJS*C4JDBQADN1.NSBN3*2IDNEN*GTUBE-STANDARD-ANTI-UBE-TEST-EMAIL*C.34X" # 5. The fifth one will have its subject rewritten, but now spam header is applied. _send_email_with_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-rewrite_subject' \ --body "ZJS*C4JDBQADN1.NSBN3*2IDNEN*GTUBE-STANDARD-ANTI-UBE-TEST-EMAIL*C.34X" _run_in_container cat /var/log/mail.log assert_success refute_output --partial 'inet:localhost:11332: Connection refused' } function teardown_file() { _default_teardown ; } @test "Postfix's main.cf was adjusted" { # shellcheck disable=SC2016 _run_in_container grep -F 'smtpd_milters = $rspamd_milter' /etc/postfix/main.cf assert_success _run_in_container postconf rspamd_milter assert_success assert_output 'rspamd_milter = inet:localhost:11332' } @test 'Rspamd base configuration is correct' { _run_in_container rspamadm configdump actions assert_success assert_line 'greylist = 4;' assert_line 'reject = 11;' assert_line 'add_header = 6;' refute_line --regexp 'rewrite_subject = [0-9]+;' } @test 'Rspamd Redis configuration is correct' { _run_in_container rspamadm configdump redis assert_success assert_line 'expand_keys = true;' assert_line 'servers = "";' _run_in_container rspamadm configdump history_redis assert_success assert_line 'compress = true;' assert_line 'key_prefix = "rs_history{{COMPRESS}}";' } @test "contents of '/etc/rspamd/override.d/' are copied" { local OVERRIDE_D='/etc/rspamd/override.d' _file_exists_in_container "${OVERRIDE_D}/testmodule_complicated.conf" } @test 'startup log shows all features as properly enabled' { run docker logs "${CONTAINER_NAME}" assert_success assert_line --partial 'Enabling ClamAV integration' assert_line --partial 'Adjusting maximum size for ClamAV to 42000000 bytes (42M)' assert_line --partial 'Setting up intelligent learning of spam and ham' assert_line --partial 'Enabling greylisting' assert_line --partial 'Hfilter (group) module is enabled' assert_line --partial "Adjusting score for 'HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN' in Hfilter group module to" assert_line --partial "Spam subject is set - the prefix '[POTENTIAL SPAM] ' will be added to spam e-mails" assert_line --partial "Found file '/tmp/docker-mailserver/rspamd/custom-commands.conf' - parsing and applying it" } @test 'service log exist and contains proper content' { _service_log_should_contain_string_regexp 'rspamd' 'rspamd .* is loading configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module clickhouse is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module elastic is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module neural is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module reputation is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module spamassassin is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module url_redirector is disabled in the configuration' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'lua module metric_exporter is disabled in the configuration' } @test 'antivirus maximum size was adjusted' { _run_in_container grep 'max_size = 42000000' /etc/rspamd/local.d/antivirus.conf assert_success } @test 'normal mail passes fine' { _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'F (no action)' _print_mail_log_for_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-pass' assert_output --partial "stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'" _count_files_in_directory_in_container /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ 2 } @test 'detects and rejects spam' { _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'S (reject)' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'reject "Gtube pattern"' _print_mail_log_of_queue_id_from_msgid 'dms-test-email-spam' assert_output --partial 'milter-reject' assert_output --partial '5.7.1 Gtube pattern' _print_mail_log_for_msgid 'dms-test-email-spam' refute_output --partial "stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'" assert_failure _count_files_in_directory_in_container /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ 2 } @test 'detects and rejects virus' { _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'T (reject)' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'reject "ClamAV FOUND VIRUS "Eicar-Signature"' _print_mail_log_of_queue_id_from_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-virus' assert_output --partial 'milter-reject' assert_output --partial '5.7.1 ClamAV FOUND VIRUS "Eicar-Signature"' _print_mail_log_for_msgid 'dms-test-email-spam' refute_output --partial "stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'" assert_failure _count_files_in_directory_in_container /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ 2 } @test 'custom commands work correctly' { # check `testmodule1` which should be disabled local MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/testmodule1.conf' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F '# documentation: https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/testmodule1.html' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'enabled = false;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'someoption = somevalue;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_failure # check `testmodule2` which should be enabled and it should have extra options set MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/testmodule2.conf' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F '# documentation: https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/testmodule2.html' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'enabled = true;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'someoption = somevalue;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'anotheroption = whatAvaLue;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success # check whether writing the same option twice overwrites the first value in `testmodule3` MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/testmodule3.conf' _run_in_container grep -F 'someoption = somevalue;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_failure _run_in_container grep -F 'someoption = somevalue2;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success # check whether adding a single line writes the line properly in `testmodule4.something` MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/testmodule4.something' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" # shellcheck disable=SC2016 _run_in_container grep -F 'some very long line with "weird $charact"ers' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'and! ano. ther &line' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F '# some comment' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success # check whether spaces in front of options are handles properly in `testmodule_complicated` MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/testmodule_complicated.conf' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F ' anOption = anotherValue;' "${MODULE_PATH}" # check whether controller option was written properly MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/worker-controller.inc' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F 'someOption = someValue42;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success # check whether controller option was written properly MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/worker-proxy.inc' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F 'abcdefg71 = RAAAANdooM;' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success # check whether basic options are written properly MODULE_PATH='/etc/rspamd/override.d/options.inc' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_PATH}" _run_in_container grep -F 'OhMy = "PraiseBeLinters !";' "${MODULE_PATH}" assert_success } @test 'MOVE_SPAM_TO_JUNK works for Rspamd' { _file_exists_in_container /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global/after/spam_to_junk.sieve _file_exists_in_container /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global/after/spam_to_junk.svbin _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'S (add header)' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'add header "Gtube pattern"' _print_mail_log_for_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-header' assert_output --partial "fileinto action: stored mail into mailbox 'Junk'" _count_files_in_directory_in_container /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ 2 _count_files_in_directory_in_container /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/.Junk/new/ 1 } @test 'Rewriting subject works when enforcing it via GTUBE' { _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'S (rewrite subject)' _service_log_should_contain_string 'rspamd' 'rewrite subject "Gtube pattern"' _print_mail_log_for_msgid 'rspamd-test-email-rewrite_subject' assert_output --partial "stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'" # check that the inbox contains the subject-rewritten e-mail _run_in_container_bash "grep --fixed-strings 'Subject: *** SPAM ***' /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/*" assert_success # check that the inbox contains the normal e-mail (that passes just fine) _run_in_container_bash "grep --fixed-strings 'Subject: test' /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/*" assert_success } @test 'SPAM_SUBJECT works' { _file_exists_in_container /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global/before/spam_subject.sieve _file_exists_in_container /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global/before/spam_subject.svbin # we only have one e-mail in the junk folder, hence using '*' is fine _run_in_container_bash "grep --fixed-strings 'Subject: [POTENTIAL SPAM]' /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/.Junk/new/*" assert_success } @test 'RSPAMD_LEARN works' { for FILE in learn-{ham,spam}.{sieve,svbin}; do _file_exists_in_container "/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/${FILE}" done _run_in_container grep 'mail_plugins.*imap_sieve' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf assert_success local SIEVE_CONFIG_FILE='/etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf' _run_in_container grep 'sieve_plugins.*sieve_imapsieve' "${SIEVE_CONFIG_FILE}" assert_success _run_in_container grep -F 'sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe' "${SIEVE_CONFIG_FILE}" assert_success local LEARN_SPAM_LINES=( 'imapsieve: mailbox Junk: MOVE event' "sieve: file storage: script: Opened script \`learn-spam'" 'sieve: file storage: Using Sieve script path: /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-spam.sieve' "sieve: Executing script from \`/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-spam.svbin'" "Finished running script \`/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-spam.svbin'" 'sieve: action pipe: running program: rspamc' "pipe action: piped message to program \`rspamc'" "left message in mailbox 'Junk'" ) local LEARN_HAM_LINES=( "sieve: file storage: script: Opened script \`learn-ham'" 'sieve: file storage: Using Sieve script path: /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-ham.sieve' "sieve: Executing script from \`/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-ham.svbin'" "Finished running script \`/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe/learn-ham.svbin'" "left message in mailbox 'INBOX'" ) # Move an email to the "Junk" folder from "INBOX"; the first email we # sent should pass fine, hence we can now move it. _nc_wrapper 'nc/rspamd_imap_move_to_junk.txt' ' 143' sleep 1 # wait for the transaction to finish _service_log_should_contain_string 'mail' 'imapsieve: Matched static mailbox rule [1]' _service_log_should_not_contain_string 'mail' 'imapsieve: Matched static mailbox rule [2]' _show_complete_mail_log for LINE in "${LEARN_SPAM_LINES[@]}"; do assert_output --partial "${LINE}" done # Move an email to the "INBOX" folder from "Junk"; there should be two mails # in the "Junk" folder, since the second email we sent during setup should # have landed in the Junk folder already. _nc_wrapper 'nc/rspamd_imap_move_to_inbox.txt' ' 143' sleep 1 # wait for the transaction to finish _service_log_should_contain_string 'mail' 'imapsieve: Matched static mailbox rule [2]' _show_complete_mail_log for LINE in "${LEARN_HAM_LINES[@]}"; do assert_output --partial "${LINE}" done } @test 'greylisting is enabled' { _run_in_container grep 'enabled = true;' /etc/rspamd/local.d/greylist.conf assert_success _run_in_container rspamadm configdump greylist assert_success assert_output --partial 'enabled = true;' } @test 'hfilter group module is configured correctly' { local MODULE_FILE='/etc/rspamd/local.d/hfilter_group.conf' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_FILE}" _run_in_container grep '__TAG__HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN' "${MODULE_FILE}" assert_success assert_output --partial 'score = 7;' } @test 'checks on authenticated users are disabled' { local MODULE_FILE='/etc/rspamd/local.d/settings.conf' _file_exists_in_container "${MODULE_FILE}" _run_in_container grep -E -A 6 'authenticated \{' "${MODULE_FILE}" assert_success assert_output --partial 'authenticated = yes;' assert_output --partial 'groups_enabled = [dkim];' }