#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=../scripts/helpers/index.sh source /usr/local/bin/helpers/index.sh function _main { _require_n_parameters_or_print_usage 1 "${@}" # Tests expect early exit without error if no DB exists: [[ -s ${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS} ]] || return 0 _maildel_request_if_missing # TODO: May want to lock all database files prior to loop? (DATABASE_ACCOUNTS DATABASE_QUOTA DATABASE_VIRTUAL) # NOTE: Present lock method locks the original sourcing script itself. _create_lock # Actual command to perform: for MAIL_ACCOUNT in "${@}" do _account_should_already_exist [[ ${MAILDEL} -eq 1 ]] && _remove_maildir "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" _manage_virtual_aliases_delete '_' "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" \ || _exit_with_error "Aliases for '${MAIL_ACCOUNT}' could not be deleted" _manage_dovecot_quota_delete "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" \ || _exit_with_error "Quota for '${MAIL_ACCOUNT}' could not be deleted" # Performed last, avoids breaking command if a prior failure occurred _manage_accounts_delete "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" \ || _exit_with_error "'${MAIL_ACCOUNT}' could not be deleted" _log 'info' "'${MAIL_ACCOUNT}' and associated data deleted" done } function __usage { printf '%s' "${PURPLE}delmailuser${RED}(${YELLOW}8${RED}) ${ORANGE}USAGE${RESET} ./setup.sh email del [ OPTIONS ] [ ${RED}...${RESET} ] ${ORANGE}OPTIONS${RESET} -y Skip prompt by approving to ${LWHITE}delete all mail storage${RESET} for the account(s). ${BLUE}Generic Program Information${RESET} help Print the usage information. ${ORANGE}DESCRIPTION${RESET} Delete a mail account, including associated data (aliases, quotas) and optionally the mailbox storage for that account. ${ORANGE}EXAMPLES${RESET} ${LWHITE}./setup.sh email del user@example.com${RESET} Delete the mail account 'user@example.com' and associated data, but ask if mailbox data should also be deleted. ${LWHITE}./setup.sh email del -y user@example.com extra-user@example.com${RESET} Delete the two mail accounts requested, their associated data and delete the mailbox data for both accounts without asking. ${ORANGE}EXIT STATUS${RESET} Exit status is 0 if command was successful. If wrong arguments are provided or arguments contain errors, the script will exit early with exit status 1. " } function _parse_options { while getopts ":yY" OPT do case "${OPT}" in ( 'y' | 'Y' ) MAILDEL=1 ;; ( * ) __usage _exit_with_error "The option '${OPT}' is unknown" ;; esac done } function _maildel_request_if_missing { if [[ ${MAILDEL} -eq 0 ]] then local MAILDEL_CHOSEN read -r -p "Do you want to delete the mailbox as well (removing all mails)? [Y/n] " MAILDEL_CHOSEN # TODO: Why would MAILDEL be set to true if MAILDEL_CHOSEN is empty? if [[ ${MAILDEL_CHOSEN} =~ (y|Y|yes|Yes) ]] || [[ -z ${MAILDEL_CHOSEN} ]] then MAILDEL=1 fi fi } function _remove_maildir { local MAIL_ACCOUNT=${1} local LOCAL_PART="${MAIL_ACCOUNT%@*}" local DOMAIN_PART="${MAIL_ACCOUNT#*@}" local MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR="/var/mail/${DOMAIN_PART}/${LOCAL_PART}" [[ ! -d ${MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR} ]] && _exit_with_error "Mailbox directory '${MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR}' does not exist" _log 'info' "Deleting Mailbox: '${MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR}'" rm -R "${MAIL_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_DIR}" || _exit_with_error 'Mailbox could not be deleted' # Remove parent directory too if it's empty: rmdir "/var/mail/${DOMAIN_PART}" &>/dev/null } # Support for optional maildir removal: MAILDEL=0 _parse_options "${@}" # Remove options before passing over parameters to _main: shift $((OPTIND-1)) _main "${@}"