load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/common" setup_file() { local PRIVATE_CONFIG PRIVATE_ETC PRIVATE_CONFIG=$(duplicate_config_for_container .) PRIVATE_ETC=$(duplicate_config_for_container dovecot-lmtp/ mail_lmtp_ip_dovecot-lmtp) docker run -d --name mail_lmtp_ip \ -v "${PRIVATE_CONFIG}":/tmp/docker-mailserver \ -v "${PRIVATE_ETC}":/etc/dovecot \ -v "$(pwd)/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \ -e ENABLE_POSTFIX_VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT=1 \ -e POSTFIX_DAGENT=lmtp: \ -e PERMIT_DOCKER=container \ -h mail.my-domain.com -t "${NAME}" wait_for_finished_setup_in_container mail_lmtp_ip } teardown_file() { docker rm -f mail_lmtp_ip } # # Postfix VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT # @test "checking postfix-lmtp: virtual_transport config is set" { run docker exec mail_lmtp_ip /bin/sh -c "grep 'virtual_transport = lmtp:' /etc/postfix/main.cf" assert_success } @test "checking postfix-lmtp: delivers mail to existing account" { # maybe we can move this into the setup to speed things up further. # this likely would need an async coroutine to avoid blocking the other tests while waiting for the server to come up wait_for_smtp_port_in_container mail_lmtp_ip run docker exec mail_lmtp_ip /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/existing-user1.txt" assert_success # polling needs to avoid wc -l's unconditionally successful return status repeat_until_success_or_timeout 60 docker exec mail_lmtp_ip /bin/sh -c "grep 'postfix/lmtp' /var/log/mail/mail.log | grep 'status=sent' | grep ' Saved)'" run docker exec mail_lmtp_ip /bin/sh -c "grep 'postfix/lmtp' /var/log/mail/mail.log | grep 'status=sent' | grep ' Saved)' | wc -l" assert_success assert_output 1 }