#!/bin/bash # shellcheck source=../scripts/helpers/index.sh source /usr/local/bin/helpers/index.sh # Workaround to support ENABLE_QUOTAS toggling during tests: # shellcheck source=/dev/null source /etc/dms-settings 2>/dev/null function _main { local DATABASE_ACCOUNTS='/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-accounts.cf' local DATABASE_VIRTUAL='/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-virtual.cf' _list_entries "${DATABASE_ACCOUNTS}" } function _list_entries { local DATABASE=${1} _db_should_exist_with_content "${DATABASE}" local ENTRY_TO_DISPLAY while read -r LINE do ENTRY_TO_DISPLAY=$(_format_list_item "${LINE}") echo -e "* ${ENTRY_TO_DISPLAY}\n" done < <(_get_valid_lines_from_file "${DATABASE}") } function _format_list_item { local LINE=${1} local MAIL_ACCOUNT MAIL_ACCOUNT=$(echo "${LINE}" | cut -d'|' -f1) local WITH_QUOTA WITH_QUOTA=$(_quota_show_for "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}") local WITH_ALIASES WITH_ALIASES=$(_alias_list_for_account "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}") local ACCOUNT_ENTRY="${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" [[ -n ${WITH_QUOTA} ]] && ACCOUNT_ENTRY+=" ${WITH_QUOTA}" [[ -n ${WITH_ALIASES} ]] && ACCOUNT_ENTRY+="\n [ aliases -> ${WITH_ALIASES} ]" echo "${ACCOUNT_ENTRY}" } function _quota_show_for { local MAIL_ACCOUNT=${1} [[ ${ENABLE_QUOTAS} -ne 1 ]] && return 0 local QUOTA_INFO # Matches a line where the 3rd column is `type='STORAGE'` - returning the next three column values: IFS=' ' read -r -a QUOTA_INFO <<< "$(doveadm quota get -u "${MAIL_ACCOUNT}" | tail +2 | awk '{ if ($3 == "STORAGE") { print $4" "$5" "$6 } }')" local CURRENT_SIZE SIZE_LIMIT PERCENT_USED # Format the extracted quota storage columns: CURRENT_SIZE="$(_bytes_to_human_readable_size "${QUOTA_INFO[0]}")" SIZE_LIMIT="$(_bytes_to_human_readable_size "${QUOTA_INFO[1]}")" PERCENT_USED="${QUOTA_INFO[2]}%" echo "( ${CURRENT_SIZE} / ${SIZE_LIMIT} ) [${PERCENT_USED}]" } function _bytes_to_human_readable_size { # `-` represents a non-applicable value (eg: Like when `SIZE_LIMIT` is not set): if [[ ${1:-} == '-' ]]; then echo '~' # Otherwise a value in KibiBytes (1024 bytes == 1k) is expected (Dovecots internal representation): elif [[ ${1:-} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then # kibibytes to bytes, converted to approproate IEC unit (eg: MiB): echo $(( 1024 * ${1} )) | numfmt --to=iec else _exit_with_error "Supplied non-number argument '${1:-}' to '_bytes_to_human_readable_size()'" fi } # Returns a comma delimited list of aliases associated to a recipient (ideally the recipient is a mail account): function _alias_list_for_account { local GREP_OPTIONS local MAIL_ACCOUNT=${1} # postfix-virtual.cf sample lines: # # all@example.com foo@example.com # all@example.com foo@example.com,another@example.com # all@example.com another@example.com,foo@example.com,yetanother@example.com # all@example.com another@example.com,foo@example.com GREP_OPTIONS=( --ignore-case --extended-regexp -e "\s${MAIL_ACCOUNT}($|,)" # match first and second sample line -e ",${MAIL_ACCOUNT}($|,)" # match third and fourth sample line "${DATABASE_VIRTUAL}" ) if grep --quiet --no-messages "${GREP_OPTIONS[@]}"; then grep "${GREP_OPTIONS[@]}" | awk '{print $1;}' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g' fi } _main