#!/bin/bash function _setup_fetchmail { if [[ ${ENABLE_FETCHMAIL} -eq 1 ]] then _log 'trace' 'Enabling and configuring Fetchmail' local CONFIGURATION FETCHMAILRC CONFIGURATION='/tmp/docker-mailserver/fetchmail.cf' FETCHMAILRC='/etc/fetchmailrc' if [[ -f ${CONFIGURATION} ]] then cat /etc/fetchmailrc_general "${CONFIGURATION}" >"${FETCHMAILRC}" else cat /etc/fetchmailrc_general >"${FETCHMAILRC}" fi chmod 700 "${FETCHMAILRC}" chown fetchmail:root "${FETCHMAILRC}" else _log 'debug' 'Fetchmail is disabled' fi } function _setup_fetchmail_parallel { if [[ ${FETCHMAIL_PARALLEL} -eq 1 ]] then _log 'trace' 'Enabling and configuring Fetchmail parallel' mkdir /etc/fetchmailrc.d/ # Split the content of /etc/fetchmailrc into # smaller fetchmailrc files per server [poll] entries. Each # separate fetchmailrc file is stored in /etc/fetchmailrc.d # # The sole purpose for this is to work around what is known # as the Fetchmail IMAP idle issue. function _fetchmailrc_split { local FETCHMAILRC='/etc/fetchmailrc' local FETCHMAILRCD='/etc/fetchmailrc.d' local DEFAULT_FILE="${FETCHMAILRCD}/defaults" if [[ ! -r ${FETCHMAILRC} ]] then _log 'warn' "File '${FETCHMAILRC}' not found" return 1 fi if [[ ! -d ${FETCHMAILRCD} ]] then if ! mkdir "${FETCHMAILRCD}" then _log 'warn' "Unable to create folder '${FETCHMAILRCD}'" return 1 fi fi local COUNTER=0 SERVER=0 while read -r LINE do if [[ ${LINE} =~ poll ]] then # If we read "poll" then we reached a new server definition # We need to create a new file with fetchmail defaults from # /etc/fetcmailrc COUNTER=$(( COUNTER + 1 )) SERVER=1 cat "${DEFAULT_FILE}" >"${FETCHMAILRCD}/fetchmail-${COUNTER}.rc" echo "${LINE}" >>"${FETCHMAILRCD}/fetchmail-${COUNTER}.rc" elif [[ ${SERVER} -eq 0 ]] then # We have not yet found "poll". Let's assume we are still reading # the default settings from /etc/fetchmailrc file echo "${LINE}" >>"${DEFAULT_FILE}" else # Just the server settings that need to be added to the specific rc.d file echo "${LINE}" >>"${FETCHMAILRCD}/fetchmail-${COUNTER}.rc" fi done < <(_get_valid_lines_from_file "${FETCHMAILRC}") rm "${DEFAULT_FILE}" } _fetchmailrc_split local COUNTER=0 for RC in /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-*.rc do COUNTER=$(( COUNTER + 1 )) cat >"/etc/supervisor/conf.d/fetchmail-${COUNTER}.conf" << EOF [program:fetchmail-${COUNTER}] startsecs=0 autostart=false autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s.log stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s.log user=fetchmail command=/usr/bin/fetchmail -f ${RC} -v --nodetach --daemon %(ENV_FETCHMAIL_POLL)s -i /var/lib/fetchmail/.fetchmail-UIDL-cache --pidfile /var/run/fetchmail/%(program_name)s.pid EOF chmod 700 "${RC}" chown fetchmail:root "${RC}" done supervisorctl reread supervisorctl update else _log 'debug' 'Fetchmail parallel is disabled' fi }