#! /bin/bash # version v0.2.0 unstable # executed by Make during CI or manually # task checks files against linting targets SCRIPT="lint.sh" SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" REPO_ROOT="$(realpath "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/../../)" HADOLINT_VERSION=2.4.1 ECLINT_VERSION=2.3.5 SHELLCHECK_VERSION=0.7.2 set -eEuo pipefail trap '__log_err "${FUNCNAME[0]:-?}" "${BASH_COMMAND:-?}" ${LINENO:-?} ${?:-?}' ERR function __log_err { printf "\n--- \e[1m\e[31mUNCHECKED ERROR\e[0m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" \ " - script = ${SCRIPT:-${0}}" \ " - function = ${1} / ${2}" \ " - line = ${3}" \ " - exit code = ${4}" } function __log_info { printf "\n--- \e[34m%s\e[0m\n%s\n%s\n\n" \ "${SCRIPT:-${0}}" \ " - type = INFO" \ " - version = ${*}" } function __log_failure { printf "\n--- \e[91m%s\e[0m\n%s\n%s\n\n" \ "${SCRIPT:-${0}}" \ " - type = FAILURE" \ " - message = ${*:-errors encountered}" } function __log_success { printf "\n--- \e[32m%s\e[0m\n%s\n%s\n\n" \ "${SCRIPT}" \ " - type = SUCCESS" \ " - message = no errors detected" } function __in_path { command -v "${@}" &>/dev/null && return 0 ; return 1 ; } function _eclint { local SCRIPT='EDITORCONFIG LINTER' if docker run --rm --tty \ --volume "${REPO_ROOT}:/ci:ro" \ --workdir "/ci" \ --name eclint \ "mstruebing/editorconfig-checker:${ECLINT_VERSION}" ec -config "/ci/test/linting/.ecrc.json" then __log_success else __log_failure return 1 fi } function _hadolint { local SCRIPT='HADOLINT' if docker run --rm --tty \ --volume "${REPO_ROOT}:/ci:ro" \ --workdir "/ci" \ "hadolint/hadolint:v${HADOLINT_VERSION}-alpine" hadolint --config "/ci/test/linting/.hadolint.yaml" Dockerfile then __log_success else __log_failure return 1 fi } function _shellcheck { local SCRIPT='SHELLCHECK' # File paths for shellcheck: F_SH="$(find . -type f -iname '*.sh' \ -not -path './test/bats/*' \ -not -path './test/test_helper/*' \ -not -path './target/docker-configomat/*' )" # macOS lacks parity for `-executable` but presently produces the same results: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4458361 [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]] && FIND_EXEC="-perm +111 -type l -or" || FIND_EXEC="-executable" # shellcheck disable=SC2248 F_BIN="$(find 'target/bin' ${FIND_EXEC} -type f)" F_BATS="$(find 'test' -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname '*.bats')" # This command is a bit easier to grok as multi-line. There is a `.shellcheckrc` file, but it's only supports half of the options below, thus kept as CLI: CMD_SHELLCHECK=(shellcheck --external-sources --check-sourced --severity=style --color=auto --wiki-link-count=50 --enable=all --exclude=SC2154 --source-path=SCRIPTDIR "${F_SH} ${F_BIN} ${F_BATS}" ) # shellcheck disable=SC2068 if docker run --rm --tty \ --volume "${REPO_ROOT}:/ci:ro" \ --workdir "/ci" \ "koalaman/shellcheck-alpine:v${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}" ${CMD_SHELLCHECK[@]} then __log_success else __log_failure return 1 fi } function __main { case "${1:-}" in 'eclint' ) _eclint ;; 'hadolint' ) _hadolint ;; 'shellcheck' ) _shellcheck ;; *) __log_failure "'${1:-}' is not a command nor an option." return 3 ;; esac } __main "${@}" || exit ${?}