#! /bin/bash # version v0.3.0 stable # executed manually / via Make # task wrapper for various setup scripts SCRIPT='setup.sh' set -euEo pipefail trap '__log_err ${FUNCNAME[0]:-"?"} ${BASH_COMMAND:-"?"} ${LINENO:-"?"} ${?:-"?"}' ERR trap '_unset_vars || :' EXIT function __log_err { printf "\n––– \e[1m\e[31mUNCHECKED ERROR\e[0m\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" \ " – script = ${SCRIPT:-${0}}" \ " – function = ${1} / ${2}" \ " – line = ${3}" \ " – exit code = ${4}" >&2 printf "Make sure you use a version of this script that matches the version / tag of docker-mailserver. Please read the 'Get the tools' section in the README on GitHub careful- ly and use ./setup.sh help and read the VERSION section.\n" >&2 } function _unset_vars { unset CDIR CRI INFO IMAGE_NAME CONTAINER_NAME DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH unset USE_CONTAINER WISHED_CONFIG_PATH CONFIG_PATH VOLUME USE_TTY unset SCRIPT USING_SELINUX } function _get_current_directory { if dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")" &>/dev/null then CDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")" elif realpath -e -L "${0}" &>/dev/null then CDIR="$(realpath -e -L "${0}")" CDIR="${CDIR%/setup.sh}" fi } CDIR="$(pwd)" _get_current_directory CRI= INFO= IMAGE_NAME= CONTAINER_NAME= DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH="${CDIR}/config" USE_CONTAINER=false WISHED_CONFIG_PATH= CONFIG_PATH= VOLUME= USE_TTY= USING_SELINUX= function _check_root { if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Curently docker-mailserver doesn't support podman's rootless mode, please run this script as root user." exit 1 fi } function _update_config_path { if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]] then VOLUME=$(${CRI} inspect "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \ --format="{{range .Mounts}}{{ println .Source .Destination}}{{end}}" | \ grep "/tmp/docker-mailserver$" 2>/dev/null) fi if [[ -n ${VOLUME} ]] then CONFIG_PATH=$(echo "${VOLUME}" | awk '{print $1}') fi } function _inspect { if _docker_image_exists "${IMAGE_NAME}" then echo "Image: ${IMAGE_NAME}" else echo "Image: '${IMAGE_NAME}' can’t be found." fi if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]] then echo "Container: ${CONTAINER_NAME}" echo "Config mount: ${CONFIG_PATH}" else echo "Container: Not running, please start docker-mailserver." fi } function _usage { # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "\e[35mSETUP\e[31m(\e[93m1\e[31m) \e[38;5;214mNAME\e[39m ${SCRIPT:-${0}} - docker-mailserver administration script \e[38;5;214mSYNOPSIS\e[39m ./${SCRIPT:-${0}} [ OPTIONS\e[31m...\e[39m ] COMMAND [ help \e[31m|\e[39m ARGUMENTS\e[31m...\e[39m ] COMMAND \e[31m:=\e[39m { email \e[31m|\e[39m alias \e[31m|\e[39m quota \e[31m|\e[39m config \e[31m|\e[39m relay \e[31m|\e[39m debug } SUBCOMMAND \e[38;5;214mDESCRIPTION\e[39m This is the main administration script that you use for all interactions with your mail server. Setup, configuration and much more is done with this script. Please note that the script executes most of the commands inside the container itself. If the image was not found, this script will pull the \e[37m:latest\e[39m tag of \e[37mmailserver/docker-mailserver\e[39m. This tag refers to the latest release, see the tagging convention in the README under \e[34mhttps://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/master/README.md\e[39m You will be able to see detailed information about the script you're invoking and its arguments by appending \e[37mhelp\e[39m after your command. Currently, this does not work with all scripts. \e[38;5;214mVERSION\e[39m The current version of this script is backwards compatible with versions of \e[37mdocker-mailserver\e[39m \e[1mafter\e[0m \e[34m8.0.1\e[0m. In case that there is not a more recent release, this script is currently only working with the \e[37m:edge\e[0m tag. You can download the script for your release by substituting TAG from the following URL, where TAG looks like 'vX.X.X': https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/TAG/setup.sh \e[38;5;214mOPTIONS\e[39m \e[94mConfig path, container or image adjustments\e[39m -i IMAGE_NAME Provides the name of the docker-mailserver image. The default value is \e[37mdocker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest\e[39m -c CONTAINER_NAME Provides the name of the running container. -p PATH Provides the config folder path. The default is \e[37m${CDIR}/config/\e[39m \e[94mSELinux\e[39m -z Allows container access to the bind mount content that is shared among multiple containers on a SELinux-enabled host. -Z Allows container access to the bind mount content that is private and unshared with other containers on a SELinux-enabled host. \e[94mOthers\e[39m -h \e[31m|\e[39m help Shows this help dialogue. \e[31m[\e[38;5;214mSUB\e[31m]\e[38;5;214mCOMMANDS\e[39m \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m email \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} email add [] ${0} email update [] ${0} email del [ OPTIONS\e[31m...\e[39m ] ${0} email restrict [] ${0} email list \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m alias \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} alias add ${0} alias del ${0} alias list \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m quota \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} quota set [] ${0} quota del \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m config \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} config dkim [ ARGUMENTS\e[31m...\e[39m ] ${0} config ssl (\e[96mATTENTION\e[39m: This is deprecated and will be removed soon.) \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m relay \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} relay add-domain [] ${0} relay add-auth [] ${0} relay exclude-domain \e[94mCOMMAND\e[39m debug \e[31m:=\e[39m ${0} debug fetchmail ${0} debug fail2ban [unban ] ${0} debug show-mail-logs ${0} debug inspect ${0} debug login \e[38;5;214mEXAMPLES\e[39m \e[37m./setup.sh email add test@domain.tld\e[39m Add the email account \e[37mtest@domain.tld\e[39m. You will be prompted to input a password afterwards since no password was supplied. \e[37m./setup.sh config dkim size 2048 domain 'whoami.com,whoareyou.org'\e[39m Creates keys of length 2048 but in an LDAP setup where domains are not known to Postfix by default, so you need to provide them yourself in a comma-separated list. \e[37m./setup.sh config dkim help\e[39m This will provide you with a detailed explanation on how to use the \e[37m config dkim\e[39m command, showing what arguments can be passed and what they do. \e[38;5;214mEXIT STATUS\e[39m Exit status is 0 if the command was successful. If there was an unexpected error, an error message is shown describing the error. In case of an error, the script will exit with exit status 1. " } function _docker_image_exists { ${CRI} history -q "${1}" &>/dev/null return ${?} } function _docker_image { if ${USE_CONTAINER} then # reuse existing container specified on command line ${CRI} exec "${USE_TTY}" "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${@}" else # start temporary container with specified image if ! _docker_image_exists "${IMAGE_NAME}" then echo "Image '${IMAGE_NAME}' not found. Pulling ..." ${CRI} pull "${IMAGE_NAME}" fi ${CRI} run --rm \ -v "${CONFIG_PATH}:/tmp/docker-mailserver${USING_SELINUX}" \ "${USE_TTY}" "${IMAGE_NAME}" "${@}" fi } function _docker_container { if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]] then ${CRI} exec "${USE_TTY}" "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${@}" else echo "The mailserver is not running!" exit 1 fi } function _main { if command -v docker &>/dev/null then CRI=docker elif command -v podman &>/dev/null then CRI=podman _check_root else echo "No supported Container Runtime Interface detected." exit 10 fi INFO=$(${CRI} ps --no-trunc --format "{{.Image}};{{.Names}}" --filter \ label=org.opencontainers.image.title="docker-mailserver" | tail -1) IMAGE_NAME=${INFO%;*} CONTAINER_NAME=${INFO#*;} if [[ -z ${IMAGE_NAME} ]] then IMAGE_NAME=${NAME:-docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest} fi if test -t 0 then USE_TTY="-ti" else # GitHub Actions will fail (or really anything else # lacking an interactive tty) if we don't set a # value here; "-t" alone works for these cases. USE_TTY="-t" fi local OPTIND while getopts ":c:i:p:hzZ" OPT do case ${OPT} in i ) IMAGE_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; z ) USING_SELINUX=":z" ;; Z ) USING_SELINUX=":Z" ;; c ) # container specified, connect to running instance CONTAINER_NAME="${OPTARG}" USE_CONTAINER=true ;; h ) _usage return ;; p ) case "${OPTARG}" in /* ) WISHED_CONFIG_PATH="${OPTARG}" ;; * ) WISHED_CONFIG_PATH="${CDIR}/${OPTARG}" ;; esac if [[ ! -d ${WISHED_CONFIG_PATH} ]] then echo "Directory doesn't exist" _usage exit 40 fi ;; * ) echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" >&2 ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) if [[ -z ${WISHED_CONFIG_PATH} ]] then # no wished config path _update_config_path if [[ -z ${CONFIG_PATH} ]] then CONFIG_PATH=${DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH} fi else CONFIG_PATH=${WISHED_CONFIG_PATH} fi case ${1:-} in email ) case ${2:-} in add ) shift 2 ; _docker_image addmailuser "${@}" ;; update ) shift 2 ; _docker_image updatemailuser "${@}" ;; del ) shift 2 ; _docker_image delmailuser "${@}" ;; restrict ) shift 2 ; _docker_container restrict-access "${@}" ;; list ) _docker_image listmailuser ;; * ) _usage ;; esac ;; alias ) case ${2:-} in add ) shift 2 ; _docker_image addalias "${1}" "${2}" ;; del ) shift 2 ; _docker_image delalias "${1}" "${2}" ;; list ) shift 2 ; _docker_image listalias ;; * ) _usage ;; esac ;; quota ) shift ; case ${1:-} in set ) shift ; _docker_image setquota "${@}" ;; del ) shift ; _docker_image delquota "${@}" ;; * ) _usage ;; esac ;; config ) case ${2:-} in dkim ) shift 2 ; _docker_image open-dkim "${@}" ;; ssl ) shift 2 ; _docker_image generate-ssl-certificate "${1}" ;; * ) _usage ;; esac ;; relay ) case ${2:-} in add-domain ) shift 2 ; _docker_image addrelayhost "${@}" ;; add-auth ) shift 2 ; _docker_image addsaslpassword "${@}" ;; exclude-domain ) shift 2 ; _docker_image excluderelaydomain "${@}" ;; * ) _usage ;; esac ;; debug ) case ${2:-} in fetchmail ) _docker_image debug-fetchmail ;; fail2ban ) shift 2 ; _docker_container fail2ban "${@}" ;; show-mail-logs ) _docker_container cat /var/log/mail/mail.log ;; inspect ) _inspect ;; login ) shift 2 if [[ -z ${1:-} ]] then _docker_container /bin/bash else _docker_container /bin/bash -c "${@}" fi ;; * ) _usage ; exit 1 ;; esac ;; help ) _usage ;; * ) _usage ; exit 1 ;; esac } _main "${@}"