# Introduction Rather than having Postfix deliver mail directly, you can configure Postfix to send mail via another mail relay (smarthost). Examples include [Mailgun](https://www.mailgun.com/), [Sendgrid](https://sendgrid.com/) and [AWS SES](https://aws.amazon.com/ses/). Depending on the domain of the sender, you may want to send via a different relay, or authenticate in a different way. # Basic Configuration Basic configuration is done via environment variables: * **RELAY_HOST** _default host to relay mail through, empty will disable this feature_ * **RELAY_PORT** _port on default relay, defaults to port 25_ * **RELAY_USER** _username for the default relay_ * **RELAY_PASSWORD** _password for the default user_ Setting these environment variables will cause mail for all sender domains to be routed via the specified host, authenticating with the user/password combination. Note for users of the previous AWS_SES_* variables: please update your configuration to use these new variables, no other configuration is required. # Advanced Configuration ## Sender-dependent Authentication Sender dependent authentication is done in `config/postfix-sasl-password.cf`. You can create this file manually, or use ```bash setup.sh relay add-auth [] ``` An example configuration file looks like this: ``` @domain1.com relay_user_1:password_1 @domain2.com relay_user_2:password_2 ``` If there is no other configuration, this will cause Postfix to deliver email throught the relay specified in `RELAY_HOST` env variable, authenticating as `relay_user_1` when sent from domain1.com and authenticating as `relay_user_2` when sending from domain2.com. ## Sender-dependent Relay Host Sender dependent relay hosts are configured in `config/postfix-relaymap.cf`. You can create this file manually, or use ```bash setup.sh relay add-domain [] ``` An example configuration file looks like this: ``` @domain1.com [relay1.org]:587 @domain2.com [relay2.org]:2525 ``` Combined with the previous configuration in `config/postfix-sasl-password.cf`, this will cause Postfix to deliver mail sent from domain1.com via `relay1.org:587`, authenticating as `relay_user_1`, and mail sent from domain2.com via `relay2.org:2525` authenticating as `relay_user_2`. ## Excluding Sender Domains If you want mail sent from some domains to be delivered directly, you can exclude them from being delivered via the default relay by adding them to `config/postfix-relaymap.cf` with no destination. You can also do this via ```bash setup.sh relay exclude-domain ``` Extending the configuration file from above: ``` @domain1.com [relay1.org]:587 @domain2.com [relay2.org]:2525 @domain3.com ``` This will cause email sent from domain3.com to be delivered directly.