#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse,json parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Traefik acme.json key and cert extractor utility.') parser.add_argument('filepath', metavar='', help='Path to acme.json') parser.add_argument('fqdn', metavar='', help="FQDN to match in a certificates 'main' or 'sans' field") # Only one of these options can be used at a time, `const` is the key value that will be queried: key_or_cert = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) key_or_cert.add_argument('--key', dest='requested', action='store_const', const='key', help='Output the key data to stdout') key_or_cert.add_argument('--cert', dest='requested', action='store_const', const='certificate', help='Output the cert data to stdout') args = parser.parse_args() def has_fqdn(domains, fqdn): main = domains.get('main', '') sans = domains.get('sans', []) return main == fqdn or fqdn in sans # Searches the acme.json data for the target FQDN, # upon a match returns the requested key or cert: def retrieve_data(): with open(args.filepath) as json_file: acme_data = json.load(json_file) for key, value in acme_data.items(): try: certs = value['Certificates'] or [] for cert in certs: if has_fqdn(cert['domain'], args.fqdn): return cert[args.requested] # One of the expected keys is missing.. return an empty result # Certificates: [{domain: [main, sans], key, certificate}] except KeyError: return None # No match == 'None', we convert to empty string for # existing error handling: result = retrieve_data() or '' print(result)