load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test_helper/common" function setup_file() { local PRIVATE_CONFIG PRIVATE_CONFIG=$(duplicate_config_for_container .) docker run -d --name mail_fetchmail_parallel \ -v "${PRIVATE_CONFIG}":/tmp/docker-mailserver \ -v "$(pwd)/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \ -e ENABLE_FETCHMAIL=1 \ -e FETCHMAIL_PARALLEL=1 \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ -h mail.my-domain.com -t "${NAME}" wait_for_finished_setup_in_container mail_fetchmail_parallel } function teardown_file() { docker rm -f mail_fetchmail_parallel } # # processes # @test "checking process: fetchmail 1 (fetchmail server enabled)" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel /bin/bash -c "ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-1.rc'" assert_success } @test "checking process: fetchmail 2 (fetchmail server enabled)" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel /bin/bash -c "ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-2.rc'" assert_success } # # fetchmail # @test "checking fetchmail: gerneral options in fetchmail-1.rc are loaded" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'set syslog' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-1.rc assert_success } @test "checking fetchmail: gerneral options in fetchmail-2.rc are loaded" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'set syslog' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-2.rc assert_success } @test "checking fetchmail: fetchmail-1.rc is loaded with pop3.example.com" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'pop3.example.com' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-1.rc assert_success } @test "checking fetchmail: fetchmail-1.rc is loaded without pop3-2.example.com" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'pop3-2.example.com' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-1.rc assert_failure } @test "checking fetchmail: fetchmail-2.rc is loaded without pop3.example.com" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'pop3.example.com' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-2.rc assert_failure } @test "checking fetchmail: fetchmail-2.rc is loaded with pop3-2.example.com" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel grep 'pop3-2.example.com' /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-2.rc assert_success } # # supervisor # @test "checking restart of process: fetchmail-1" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel /bin/bash -c "pkill fetchmail && sleep 10 && ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-1.rc'" assert_success } @test "checking restart of process: fetchmail-2" { run docker exec mail_fetchmail_parallel /bin/bash -c "pkill fetchmail && sleep 10 && ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /etc/fetchmailrc.d/fetchmail-2.rc'" assert_success }