--- title: 'Contributing | Documentation' --- ## Prerequisites You will need have Python and Python pip installed. Or just docker. ## Building and serving the documentation This tutorial was written using Python `2.7.18` and Python pip `20.3.4`. And Docker `19.03.6`. ### Python way #### Install the modules The documentation builder ```sh pip install mkdocs ``` Now the theme ```sh pip install mkdocs-material ``` #### Serve !!! note "Note: be sure to be in the docs folder (`cd ./docs/`)" ```sh mkdocs serve ``` Wait for it to build and open the URL in your browser. Each change will be hot-reloaded onto the page you view, just edit, save and look at the result. ### Docker way Using the official image ([squidfunk/mkdocs-material](https://hub.docker.com/r/squidfunk/mkdocs-material)) for our documentation theme. #### Serve !!! note "Note: be sure to be in the docs folder (`cd ./docs/`)" ```sh docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v "${PWD}:/docs" squidfunk/mkdocs-material ``` Each change will be hot-reloaded onto the page you view, just edit, save and look at the result.