#!/bin/bash # ? ABOUT: Functions defined here should be used when initializing tests. # ! ATTENTION: Functions prefixed with `__` are intended for internal use within this file only, not in tests. # ! ATTENTION: This script must not use functions from `common.bash` to # ! avoid dependency hell. # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ? >> Miscellaneous initialization functionality # Does pre-flight checks for each test: check whether certain required variables # are set and exports other variables. # # ## Note # # This function is internal and should not be used in tests. function __initialize_variables() { function __check_if_set() { if [[ ${!1+set} != 'set' ]] then echo "ERROR: (helper/setup.sh) '${1:?No variable name given to __check_if_set}' is not set" >&2 exit 1 fi } local REQUIRED_VARIABLES_FOR_TESTS=( 'REPOSITORY_ROOT' 'IMAGE_NAME' 'CONTAINER_NAME' ) for VARIABLE in "${REQUIRED_VARIABLES_FOR_TESTS[@]}" do __check_if_set "${VARIABLE}" done export SETUP_FILE_MARKER TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES SETUP_FILE_MARKER="${BATS_TMPDIR:?}/$(basename "${BATS_TEST_FILENAME:?}").setup_file" TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS=${TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS:-120} NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES=${NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES:-10} } # ? << Miscellaneous initialization functionality # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ? >> File setup # Print the private config path for the given container or test file, # if no container name was given. # # @param ${1} = container name [OPTIONAL] function _print_private_config_path() { local TARGET_NAME=${1:-$(basename "${BATS_TEST_FILENAME}")} echo "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/duplicate_configs/${TARGET_NAME}" } # Create a dedicated configuration directory for a test file. # # @param ${1} = relative source in test/config folder # @param ${2} = (optional) container name, defaults to ${BATS_TEST_FILENAME} # @return = path to the folder where the config is duplicated function _duplicate_config_for_container() { local OUTPUT_FOLDER OUTPUT_FOLDER=$(_print_private_config_path "${2}") if [[ -z ${OUTPUT_FOLDER} ]] then echo "'OUTPUT_FOLDER' in '_duplicate_config_for_container' is empty" >&2 return 1 fi rm -rf "${OUTPUT_FOLDER:?}/" mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}" cp -r "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/config/${1:?}/." "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}" || return $? echo "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}" } # Common defaults appropriate for most tests. # # Override variables in test cases within a file when necessary: # - Use `export ` in `setup_file()` to overrides for all test cases. # - Use `local ` to override within a specific test case. # # ## Attenton # # The ENV `CONTAINER_NAME` must be set before this method is called. It only affects the # `TEST_TMP_CONFIG` directory created, but will be used in `common_container_create()` # and implicitly in other helper methods. # # ## Example # # For example, if you need an immutable config volume that can't be affected by other tests # in the file, then use `local TEST_TMP_CONFIG=$(_duplicate_config_for_container . "${UNIQUE_ID_HERE}")` function _init_with_defaults() { __initialize_variables export TEST_TMP_CONFIG TEST_TMP_CONFIG=$(_duplicate_config_for_container . "${CONTAINER_NAME}") # Common complimentary test files, read-only safe to share across containers: export TEST_FILES_CONTAINER_PATH='/tmp/docker-mailserver-test' export TEST_FILES_VOLUME="${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/test-files:${TEST_FILES_CONTAINER_PATH}:ro" # The config volume cannot be read-only as some data needs to be written at container startup # # - two sed failures (unknown lines) # - dovecot-quotas.cf (setup-stack.sh:_setup_dovecot_quotas) # - postfix-aliases.cf (setup-stack.sh:_setup_postfix_aliases) # TODO: Check how many tests need write access. Consider using `docker create` + `docker cp` for easier cleanup. export TEST_CONFIG_VOLUME="${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}:/tmp/docker-mailserver" # Default Root CA cert used in TLS tests with `openssl` commands: export TEST_CA_CERT="${TEST_FILES_CONTAINER_PATH}/ssl/example.test/with_ca/ecdsa/ca-cert.ecdsa.pem" } # ? << File setup # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ? >> Container startup # Waits until the container has finished starting up. # # @param ${1} = container name # # TODO: Should also fail early on "docker logs ${1} | egrep '^[ FATAL ]'"? function _wait_for_finished_setup_in_container() { local TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME=${1:?Container name must be provided} local STATUS=0 _repeat_until_success_or_timeout \ --fatal-test "_container_is_running ${1}" \ "${TEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS}" \ bash -c "docker logs ${TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME} | grep 'is up and running'" || STATUS=1 if [[ ${STATUS} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Last ${NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES} lines of container (${TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME}) log" docker logs "${1}" | tail -n "${NUMBER_OF_LOG_LINES}" fi return "${STATUS}" } # Uses `docker create` to create a container with proper defaults without starting it instantly. # # @param ${1} = Pass an array by it's variable name as a string; it will be used as a # reference for appending extra config into the `docker create` below [OPTIONAL] # # ## Note # # Using array reference for a single input parameter, as this method is still # under development while adapting tests to it and requirements it must serve # (eg: support base config matrix in CI) function _common_container_create() { [[ -n ${1} ]] && local -n X_EXTRA_ARGS=${1} run docker create \ --tty \ --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \ --hostname "${TEST_FQDN:-mail.example.test}" \ --volume "${TEST_FILES_VOLUME}" \ --volume "${TEST_CONFIG_VOLUME}" \ --env ENABLE_AMAVIS=0 \ --env ENABLE_CLAMAV=0 \ --env ENABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=0 \ --env ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=0 \ --env ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=0 \ --env POSTFIX_INET_PROTOCOLS=ipv4 \ --env DOVECOT_INET_PROTOCOLS=ipv4 \ --env LOG_LEVEL=debug \ "${X_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" \ "${IMAGE_NAME}" assert_success } # Starts a container given by it's name. # Uses `CONTAINER_NAME` as the name for the `docker start` command. # # ## Attenton # # The ENV `CONTAINER_NAME` must be set before this method is called. function _common_container_start() { run docker start "${CONTAINER_NAME:?Container name must be set}" assert_success _wait_for_finished_setup_in_container "${CONTAINER_NAME}" } # Using `create` and `start` instead of only `run` allows to modify # the container prior to starting it. Otherwise use this combined method. # # ## Note # # This function forwards all arguments to `_common_container_create` at present. function _common_container_setup() { _common_container_create "${@}" _common_container_start } # Can be used in BATS' `teardown_file` function as a default value. # # @param ${1} = container name [OPTIONAL] function _default_teardown() { local TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME=${1:-${CONTAINER_NAME}} docker rm -f "${TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME}" }