--- title: Mail Delivery with POP3 hide: - toc # Hide Table of Contents for this page --- If you want to use POP3(S), you have to add the ports 110 and/or 995 (TLS secured) and the environment variable `ENABLE_POP3` to your `docker-compose.yml`: ```yaml mailserver: ports: - "25:25" # SMTP (explicit TLS => STARTTLS) - "143:143" # IMAP4 (explicit TLS => STARTTLS) - "465:465" # ESMTP (implicit TLS) - "587:587" # ESMTP (explicit TLS => STARTTLS) - "993:993" # IMAP4 (implicit TLS) - "110:110" # POP3 - "995:995" # POP3 (with TLS) environment: - ENABLE_POP3=1 ```