#! /bin/bash # shellcheck source=../scripts/helpers/index.sh source /usr/local/bin/helpers/index.sh function _main { [[ ${1:-} == 'help' ]] && { __usage ; exit 0 ; } local DOMAIN="${1}" local RELAY_ACCOUNT="${2}" shift 2 local PASSWD="${*}" _validate_parameters _add_relayhost_credentials } function __usage { printf '%s' "${PURPLE}addsaslpassword${RED}(${YELLOW}8${RED}) ${ORANGE}USAGE${RESET} ./setup.sh relay add-auth [] ${ORANGE}OPTIONS${RESET} ${BLUE}Generic Program Information${RESET} help Print the usage information. ${ORANGE}DESCRIPTION${RESET} Add credentials to authenticate to a relay-host service. To avoid a password being logged in the command history of your shell, you may omit it, you'll be prompted to input the password instead. ${ORANGE}EXAMPLES${RESET} ${LWHITE}./setup.sh relay add-auth example.com relay-account${RESET} Any mail submitted for your '@example.com' accounts that is sent through a relay-host service will authenticate with the credentials: 'relay-account' + the password you entered at the prompt. ${ORANGE}EXIT STATUS${RESET} Exit status is 0 if command was successful. If wrong arguments are provided or arguments contain errors, the script will exit early with exit status 1. " } function _validate_parameters { [[ -z ${DOMAIN} ]] && { __usage ; _exit_with_error 'No domain specified' ; } [[ -z ${RELAY_ACCOUNT} ]] && { __usage ; _exit_with_error 'No relay account specified' ; } _password_request_if_missing } # Config is for sender dependent relay-host auth, # current support restricts senders to their domain scope. # # NOTE: This command does not support providing a relay-host # as the lookup key, it only supports a lookup via sender domain. function _add_relayhost_credentials { local SENDER="@${DOMAIN}" local RELAY_HOST_ENTRY_AUTH="${RELAY_ACCOUNT}:${PASSWD}" local DATABASE_PASSWD='/tmp/docker-mailserver/postfix-sasl-password.cf' _db_entry_add_or_replace "${DATABASE_PASSWD}" "${SENDER}" "${RELAY_HOST_ENTRY_AUTH}" } _main "${@}"