load 'test_helper/common' # Globals referenced from `test_helper/common`: # TEST_NAME (should match the filename, minus the bats extension) # This is a bare minimal container setup. # All test-cases run sequentially against the same container instance, # no state is reset between test-cases. function setup_file() { # Initializes common default vars to prepare a DMS container with: init_with_defaults # Creates and starts the container: common_container_setup } function teardown_file() { docker rm -f "${TEST_NAME}" } @test "checking setup.sh: show usage when no arguments provided" { run ./setup.sh assert_success assert_output --partial "This is the main administration script that you use for all your interactions with" } @test "checking setup.sh: exit with error when wrong arguments provided" { run ./setup.sh lol troll assert_failure assert_line --index 0 --partial "The command 'lol troll' is invalid." } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email add and login" { wait_for_service "${TEST_NAME}" changedetector assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add setup_email_add@example.com test_password assert_success value=$(grep setup_email_add@example.com "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf" | awk -F '|' '{print $1}') [[ ${value} == "setup_email_add@example.com" ]] assert_success wait_for_changes_to_be_detected_in_container "${TEST_NAME}" wait_for_service "${TEST_NAME}" postfix wait_for_service "${TEST_NAME}" dovecot sleep 5 run docker exec "${TEST_NAME}" /bin/bash -c "doveadm auth test -x service=smtp setup_email_add@example.com 'test_password' | grep 'passdb'" assert_output "passdb: setup_email_add@example.com auth succeeded" } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email list" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email list assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email update" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add lorem@impsum.org test_test assert_success initialpass=$(grep lorem@impsum.org "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}') [[ ${initialpass} != "" ]] assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email update lorem@impsum.org my password assert_success updatepass=$(grep lorem@impsum.org "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}') [[ ${updatepass} != "" ]] [[ ${initialpass} != "${updatepass}" ]] docker exec "${TEST_NAME}" doveadm pw -t "${updatepass}" -p 'my password' | grep 'verified' assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email del" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email del -y lorem@impsum.org assert_success # TODO # delmailuser does not work as expected. # Its implementation is not functional, you cannot delete a user data # directory in the running container by running a new docker container # and not mounting the mail folders (persistance is broken). # The add script is only adding the user to account file. # run docker exec "${TEST_NAME}" ls /var/mail/impsum.org/lorem # assert_failure run grep lorem@impsum.org "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-accounts.cf" assert_failure } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh email restrict" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict assert_failure run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add assert_failure ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add send lorem@impsum.org run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list send assert_output --regexp "^lorem@impsum.org.*REJECT" run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict del send lorem@impsum.org assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list send assert_output --partial "Everyone is allowed" ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict add receive rec_lorem@impsum.org run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict list receive assert_output --regexp "^rec_lorem@impsum.org.*REJECT" run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email restrict del receive rec_lorem@impsum.org assert_success } # alias @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias list" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias list assert_success assert_output --partial "alias1@localhost.localdomain user1@localhost.localdomain" assert_output --partial "@localdomain2.com user1@localhost.localdomain" } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias add" { ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias@example.com target1@forward.com ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias@example.com target2@forward.com ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias add alias2@example.org target3@forward.com sleep 5 run grep "alias@example.com target1@forward.com,target2@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh alias del" { ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias@example.com target1@forward.com run grep "target1@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_failure run grep "target2@forward.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_output "alias@example.com target2@forward.com" ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias@example.org target2@forward.com run grep "alias@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_failure run grep "alias2@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_success ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" alias del alias2@example.org target3@forward.com run grep "alias2@example.org" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-virtual.cf" assert_failure } # quota @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh setquota" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user@example.com test_password run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user2@example.com test_password run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 12M assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set 51M quota_user@example.com assert_failure run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set unknown@domain.com 150M assert_failure run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user2 51M assert_failure run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 26M assert_success run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:26M\$' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success run grep "quota_user2@example.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf" assert_failure } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh delquota" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user@example.com test_password run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" email add quota_user2@example.com test_password run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota set quota_user@example.com 12M assert_success run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota del unknown@domain.com assert_failure run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E '^quota_user@example.com\:12M\$' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" quota del quota_user@example.com assert_success run grep "quota_user@example.com" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/dovecot-quotas.cf" assert_failure } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh config dkim help correctly displayed" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" config dkim help assert_success assert_line --index 3 --partial " open-dkim - configure DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)" } # debug @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh debug fetchmail" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" debug fetchmail assert_failure assert_output --partial "fetchmail: normal termination, status 11" } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh debug login ls" { run ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" debug login ls assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay add-domain" { ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example1.org smtp.relay1.com 2525 ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example2.org smtp.relay2.com ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example3.org smtp.relay3.com 2525 ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-domain example3.org smtp.relay.com 587 # check adding run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example1.org\s\+\[smtp.relay1.com\]:2525' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success # test default port run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example2.org\s\+\[smtp.relay2.com\]:25' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success # test modifying run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example3.org\s\+\[smtp.relay.com\]:587' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay add-auth" { ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example.org smtp_user smtp_pass ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example2.org smtp_user2 smtp_pass2 ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay add-auth example2.org smtp_user2 smtp_pass_new # test adding run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-sasl-password.cf | grep -e '^@example.org\s\+smtp_user:smtp_pass' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success # test updating run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-sasl-password.cf | grep -e '^@example2.org\s\+smtp_user2:smtp_pass_new' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success } @test "checking setup.sh: setup.sh relay exclude-domain" { ./setup.sh -c "${TEST_NAME}" relay exclude-domain example.org run /bin/sh -c "cat ${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/postfix-relaymap.cf | grep -e '^@example.org\s*$' | wc -l | grep 1" assert_success }