To enable the [fetchmail]( service to retrieve e-mails set the environment variable `ENABLE_FETCHMAIL` to `1`. Your `docker-compose.yml` file should look like following snippet: ``` ... environment: - ENABLE_FETCHMAIL=1 ... ``` Generate a file called `` and place it in the `config` folder. Your dockermail folder should look like this example: ``` ├── config │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   └── ├── docker-compose.yml └── ``` # Configuration A detailed description of the configuration options can be found in the [online version of the manual page]( ## Example IMAP configuration ``` poll proto imap user 'username' pass 'secret' is 'user1@domain.tld' ``` ## Example POP3 configuration ``` poll proto pop3 user 'username' pass 'secret' is 'user2@domain.tld' ``` __IMPORTANT__: Don’t forget the last line: e. g. `is 'user1@domain.tld'`. After `is` you have to specify one email address from the configuration file `config/`. More details how to configure fetchmail can be found in the [fetchmail man page in the chapter “The run control file”]( # Debugging To debug your `` configuration run this command: ``` docker run --rm \ -v "$(pwd)/config:/tmp/docker-mailserver" \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:latest \ sh -c "cat /etc/fetchmailrc_general /tmp/docker-mailserver/ > /etc/fetchmailrc; /etc/init.d/fetchmail debug-run" ``` By default the fetchmail service searches very 5 minutes for new mails on your external mail accounts.