### What kind of database are you using? None. No *sql database required. This image is based on config files that can be versioned. You'll probably want to `push` your config updates to your server and restart the container to apply changes. ### Where are emails stored? Mails are stored in `/var/mail/${domain}/${username}`. You should use a data volume container for `/var/mail` for data persistence. Otherwise, your data may be lost. ### How can I configure my email client? Login are full email address (`user@domain.com`). Both login and password are managed in `postfix/accounts.cf` file. Please have a look to the `README` in order to manage users and aliases. # imap username: password: server: imap port: 143 or 993 with ssl (recommended) imap path prefix: INBOX # smtp smtp port: 25 or 587 with ssl (recommended) username: password: ### How can I manage my custom Spamassassin rules? Antispam rules are managed in `spamassassin/rules.cf`. ### What kind of SSL certificates can I use? You can use the same certificates you use with another mail server. The only thing is that we provide a `self-signed` certificate tool and a `letsencrypt` certificate loader. ### What about backups? ## Backups Assuming that you use `docker-compose` and a data volume container named `maildata`, you can backup your user mails like this: docker run --rm \ --volumes-from maildata_1 \ -v "$(pwd)":/backups \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver \ tar cvzf /backups/docker-mailserver-`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`.tgz /var/mail