# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- General Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOSTNAME=mail DOMAINNAME=domain.com CONTAINER_NAME=mail # empty => uses the `hostname` command to get the mail server's canonical hostname # => Specify a fully-qualified domainname to serve mail for. This is used for many of the config features so if you can't set your hostname (e.g. you're in a container platform that doesn't let you) specify it in this environment variable. OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME= # 0 => Debug disabled # 1 => Enables debug on startup DMS_DEBUG=0 # 0 => mail state in default directories # 1 => consolidate all states into a single directory (`/var/mail-state`) to allow persistence using docker volumes ONE_DIR=0 # empty => postmaster@domain.com # => Specify the postmaster address POSTMASTER_ADDRESS= # Set different options for mynetworks option (can be overwrite in postfix-main.cf) # empty => localhost only # host => Add docker host (ipv4 only) # network => Add all docker containers (ipv4 only) PERMIT_DOCKER= # empty => modern # modern => Enables TLSv1.2 and modern ciphers only. (default) # intermediate => Enables TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 and broad compatibility ciphers. # old => NOT implemented. If you really need it, then customize the TLS ciphers overriding postfix and dovecot settings # (https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/) TLS_LEVEL= # Configures the handling of creating mails with forged sender addresses. # # empty => (not recommended, but default for backwards compatability reasons) # Mail address spoofing allowed. Any logged in user may create email messages with a forged sender address. # See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing # 1 => (recommended) Mail spoofing denied. Each user may only send with his own or his alias addresses. # Addresses with extension delimiters(http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter) are not able to send messages. SPOOF_PROTECTION= # Enables the Sender Rewriting Scheme. SRS is needed if your mail server acts as forwarder. See [postsrsd](https://github.com/roehling/postsrsd/blob/master/README.md#sender-rewriting-scheme-crash-course) for further explanation. # - **0** => Disabled # - 1 => Enabled ENABLE_SRS=0 # 1 => Enables POP3 service # empty => disables POP3 ENABLE_POP3= ENABLE_CLAMAV=0 # If you enable Fail2Ban, don't forget to add the following lines to your `docker-compose.yml`: # cap_add: # - NET_ADMIN # Otherwise, `iptables` won't be able to ban IPs. ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=0 # 1 => Enables Managesieve on port 4190 # empty => disables Managesieve ENABLE_MANAGESIEVE= # **enforce** => Allow other tests to complete. Reject attempts to deliver mail with a 550 SMTP reply, and log the helo/sender/recipient information. Repeat this test the next time the client connects. # drop => Drop the connection immediately with a 521 SMTP reply. Repeat this test the next time the client connects. # ignore => Ignore the failure of this test. Allow other tests to complete. Repeat this test the next time the client connects. This option is useful for testing and collecting statistics without blocking mail. POSTSCREEN_ACTION=enforce # empty => all daemons start # 1 => only launch postfix smtp SMTP_ONLY= # Please read [the SSL page in the wiki](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/Configure-SSL) for more information. # # empty => SSL disabled # letsencrypt => Enables Let's Encrypt certificates # custom => Enables custom certificates # manual => Let's you manually specify locations of your SSL certificates for non-standard cases # self-signed => Enables self-signed certificates SSL_TYPE= # Set how many days a virusmail will stay on the server before being deleted # empty => 7 days VIRUSMAILS_DELETE_DELAY= # This Option is activating the Usage of POSTFIX_DAGENT to specify a ltmp client different from default dovecot socket. # empty => disabled # 1 => enabled ENABLE_POSTFIX_VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT= # Enabled by ENABLE_POSTFIX_VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT. Specify the final delivery of postfix # # empty => fail # `lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp` (use socket) # `lmtps:inet::` (secure lmtp with starttls, take a look at https://sys4.de/en/blog/2014/11/17/sicheres-lmtp-mit-starttls-in-dovecot/) # `lmtp::2003` (use kopano as mailstore) # etc. POSTFIX_DAGENT= # Enables a report being sent (created by pflogsumm) on a regular basis. # **0** => Report emails are disabled # 1 => Using POSTMASTER_ADDRESS as the recipient # => Specify the recipient address REPORT_RECIPIENT=0 # Changes the interval in which a report is being sent. # **daily** => Send a daily report # weekly => Send a report every week # monthly => Send a report every month # # Note: This Variable actually controls logrotate inside the container and rotates the log depending on this setting. The main log output is still available in its entirety via `docker logs mail` (Or your respective container name). If you want to control logrotation for the docker generated logfile see: [Docker Logging Drivers](https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/configure/) REPORT_INTERVAL=daily # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- Spamassassin section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=0 # add spam info headers if at, or above that level: SA_TAG=2.0 # add 'spam detected' headers at that level SA_TAG2=6.31 # triggers spam evasive actions SA_KILL=6.31 # add tag to subject if spam detected SA_SPAM_SUBJECT=***SPAM***** # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- Fetchmail section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENABLE_FETCHMAIL=0 # The interval to fetch mail in seconds FETCHMAIL_POLL=300 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------- LDAP section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A second container for the ldap service is necessary (i.e. https://github.com/osixia/docker-openldap) # For preparing the ldap server to use in combination with this container this article may be helpful: http://acidx.net/wordpress/2014/06/installing-a-mailserver-with-postfix-dovecot-sasl-ldap-roundcube/ # empty => LDAP authentification is disabled # 1 => LDAP authentification is enabled ENABLE_LDAP= # empty => no # yes => LDAP over TLS enabled for Postfix LDAP_START_TLS= # If you going to use the mailserver in combination with docker-compose you can set the service name here # empty => mail.domain.com # Specify the dns-name/ip-address where the ldap-server LDAP_SERVER_HOST= # empty => ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com # => e.g. LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=dc=mydomain,dc=local LDAP_SEARCH_BASE= # empty => cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com # => take a look at examples of SASL_LDAP_BIND_DN LDAP_BIND_DN= # empty** => admin # => Specify the password to bind against ldap LDAP_BIND_PW= # e.g. `"(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))"` # => Specify how ldap should be asked for users LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER= # e.g. `"(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))"` # => Specify how ldap should be asked for groups LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP= # e.g. `"(&(mailAlias=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))"` # => Specify how ldap should be asked for aliases LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- Dovecot section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # empty => no # yes => LDAP over TLS enabled for Dovecot DOVECOT_TLS= # e.g. `"(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))"` DOVECOT_USER_FILTER= # e.g. `"(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))"` DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- Postgrey section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENABLE_POSTGREY=0 # greylist for N seconds POSTGREY_DELAY=300 # delete entries older than N days since the last time that they have been seen POSTGREY_MAX_AGE=35 # response when a mail is greylisted POSTGREY_TEXT=Delayed by postgrey # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- SASL section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENABLE_SASLAUTHD=0 # empty => pam # `ldap` => authenticate against ldap server # `shadow` => authenticate against local user db # `mysql` => authenticate against mysql db # `rimap` => authenticate against imap server # NOTE: can be a list of mechanisms like pam ldap shadow SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS= # empty => None # e.g. with SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS rimap you need to specify the ip-address/servername of the imap server ==> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx SASLAUTHD_MECH_OPTIONS= # empty => localhost SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SERVER= # empty or 0 => `ldap://` will be used # 1 => `ldaps://` will be used SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SSL= # empty => anonymous bind # specify an object with priviliges to search the directory tree # e.g. active directory: SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=net # e.g. openldap: SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=net SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN= # empty => anonymous bind SASLAUTHD_LDAP_PASSWORD= # empty => Reverting to SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS pam # specify the search base SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE= # empty => default filter `(&(uniqueIdentifier=%u)(mailEnabled=TRUE))` # e.g. for active directory: `(&(sAMAccountName=%U)(objectClass=person))` # e.g. for openldap: `(&(uid=%U)(objectClass=person))` SASLAUTHD_LDAP_FILTER= # empty => No sasl_passwd will be created # string => `/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd` will be created with the string as password SASL_PASSWD= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- SRS section -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # empty => Envelope sender will be rewritten for all domains # provide comma separated list of domains to exclude from rewriting SRS_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS= # empty => generated when the image is built # provide a secret to use in base64 # you may specify multiple keys, comma separated. the first one is used for # signing and the remaining will be used for verification. this is how you # rotate and expire keys SRS_SECRET= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- Multi-domain relay section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup relaying for multiple domains based on the domain name of the sender # optionally uses usernames and passwords in postfix-sasl-password.cf and relay host mappings in postfix-relaymap.cf # # empty => don't configure relay host # default host to relay mail through RELAY_HOST= # empty => 25 # default port to relay mail RELAY_PORT=25 # empty => no default # default relay username (if no specific entry exists in postfix-sasl-password.cf) RELAY_USER= # empty => no default # password for default relay user RELAY_PASSWORD=