--- title: 'Email Gathering with Fetchmail' --- To enable the [fetchmail][fetchmail-website] service to retrieve e-mails set the environment variable `ENABLE_FETCHMAIL` to `1`. Your `docker-compose.yml` file should look like following snippet: ```yaml environment: - ENABLE_FETCHMAIL=1 - FETCHMAIL_POLL=300 ``` Generate a file called `fetchmail.cf` and place it in the `config` folder. Your `docker-mailserver` folder should look like this example: ```txt ├── config │   ├── dovecot.cf │   ├── fetchmail.cf │   ├── postfix-accounts.cf │   └── postfix-virtual.cf ├── docker-compose.yml └── README.md ``` ## Configuration A detailed description of the configuration options can be found in the [online version of the manual page][fetchmail-docs]. ### Example IMAP Configuration ```fetchmailrc poll 'imap.example.com' proto imap user 'username' pass 'secret' is 'user1@domain.tld' ssl ``` ### Example POP3 Configuration ```fetchmailrc poll 'pop3.example.com' proto pop3 user 'username' pass 'secret' is 'user2@domain.tld' ssl ``` !!! caution Don’t forget the last line: eg: `is 'user1@domain.tld'`. After `is` you have to specify one email address from the configuration file `config/postfix-accounts.cf`. More details how to configure fetchmail can be found in the [fetchmail man page in the chapter “The run control file”][fetchmail-docs-run]. ### Polling Interval By default the fetchmail service searches every 5 minutes for new mails on your external mail accounts. You can override this default value by changing the ENV variable `FETCHMAIL_POLL`: ```yaml environment: - FETCHMAIL_POLL=60 ``` You must specify a numeric argument which is a polling interval in seconds. The example above polls every minute for new mails. ## Debugging To debug your `fetchmail.cf` configuration run this command: ```sh ./setup.sh debug fetchmail ``` For more informations about the configuration script `setup.sh` [read the corresponding docs][docs-setup]. Here a sample output of `./setup.sh debug fetchmail`: ```log fetchmail: 6.3.26 querying outlook.office365.com (protocol POP3) at Mon Aug 29 22:11:09 2016: poll started Trying to connect to fetchmail: Server certificate: fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Microsoft Corporation fetchmail: Issuer CommonName: Microsoft IT SSL SHA2 fetchmail: Subject CommonName: outlook.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: outlook.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.outlook.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: office365.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.office365.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.live.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.internal.outlook.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.outlook.office365.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: outlook.office.com fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: attachment.outlook.office.net fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: attachment.outlook.officeppe.net fetchmail: Subject Alternative Name: *.office.com fetchmail: outlook.office365.com key fingerprint: 3A:A4:58:42:56:CD:BD:11:19:5B:CF:1E:85:16:8E:4D fetchmail: POP3< +OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. [SABFADEAUABSADAAMQBDAEEAMAAwADAANwAuAGUAdQByAHAAcgBkADAAMQAuAHAAcgBvAGQALgBlAHgAYwBoAGEAbgBnAGUAbABhAGIAcwAuAGMAbwBtAA==] fetchmail: POP3> CAPA fetchmail: POP3< +OK fetchmail: POP3< TOP fetchmail: POP3< UIDL fetchmail: POP3< SASL PLAIN fetchmail: POP3< USER fetchmail: POP3< . fetchmail: POP3> USER user1@outlook.com fetchmail: POP3< +OK fetchmail: POP3> PASS * fetchmail: POP3< +OK User successfully logged on. fetchmail: POP3> STAT fetchmail: POP3< +OK 0 0 fetchmail: No mail for user1@outlook.com at outlook.office365.com fetchmail: POP3> QUIT fetchmail: POP3< +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 POP3 server signing off. fetchmail: 6.3.26 querying outlook.office365.com (protocol POP3) at Mon Aug 29 22:11:11 2016: poll completed fetchmail: normal termination, status 1 ``` [docs-setup]: ../config/setup.sh.md [fetchmail-website]: https://www.fetchmail.info [fetchmail-docs]: https://www.fetchmail.info/fetchmail-man.html [fetchmail-docs-run]: https://www.fetchmail.info/fetchmail-man.html#31