load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/common" load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/change-detection" load "${REPOSITORY_ROOT}/test/helper/setup" # TODO: These tests date back to the very beginning of DMS and therefore # TODO: lack the more advanced test suite functions that make tests more # TODO: robust. As a consequence, the tests should be adjusted. BATS_TEST_NAME_PREFIX='[General] ' CONTAINER_NAME='mail' function setup_file() { _init_with_defaults mv "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/user-patches/user-patches.sh" "${TEST_TMP_CONFIG}/user-patches.sh" local CONTAINER_ARGS_ENV_CUSTOM=( --env ENABLE_AMAVIS=1 --env AMAVIS_LOGLEVEL=2 --env ENABLE_QUOTAS=1 --env ENABLE_SRS=1 --env PERMIT_DOCKER=host --env PFLOGSUMM_TRIGGER=logrotate --env REPORT_RECIPIENT=user1@localhost.localdomain --env REPORT_SENDER=report1@mail.example.test --env SPOOF_PROTECTION=1 --env SSL_TYPE='snakeoil' --ulimit "nofile=$(ulimit -Sn):$(ulimit -Hn)" --health-cmd "ss --listening --tcp | grep -P 'LISTEN.+:smtp' || exit 1" ) _common_container_setup 'CONTAINER_ARGS_ENV_CUSTOM' _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'added@localhost.localdomain' 'mypassword' _wait_for_service postfix _wait_for_smtp_port_in_container } function teardown_file() { _default_teardown ; } # # configuration checks # @test "configuration: user-patches.sh executed" { run docker logs "${CONTAINER_NAME}" assert_output --partial "Default user-patches.sh successfully executed" } @test "configuration: hostname/domainname" { run docker run "${IMAGE_NAME:?}" assert_success } # # healthcheck # # NOTE: Healthcheck defaults an interval of 30 seconds # If Postfix is temporarily down (eg: restart triggered by `check-for-changes.sh`), # it may result in a false-positive `unhealthy` state. # Be careful with re-locating this test if earlier tests could potentially fail it by # triggering the `changedetector` service. @test "container healthcheck" { # ensure, that at least 30 seconds have passed since container start while [[ "$(docker inspect --format='{{.State.Health.Status}}' "${CONTAINER_NAME}")" == "starting" ]]; do sleep 1 done run docker inspect --format='{{.State.Health.Status}}' "${CONTAINER_NAME}" assert_output "healthy" assert_success } # # imap # @test "imap: server is ready with STARTTLS" { _run_in_container_bash "nc -w 2 143 | grep '* OK' | grep 'STARTTLS' | grep 'ready'" assert_success } @test "imap: authentication works" { _send_email 'auth/imap-auth' '-w 1 143' } @test "imap: added user authentication works" { _send_email 'auth/added-imap-auth' '-w 1 143' } # # sasl # @test "sasl: doveadm auth test works with good password" { _run_in_container_bash "doveadm auth test -x service=smtp user2@otherdomain.tld mypassword | grep 'auth succeeded'" assert_success } @test "sasl: doveadm auth test fails with bad password" { _run_in_container_bash "doveadm auth test -x service=smtp user2@otherdomain.tld BADPASSWORD | grep 'auth failed'" assert_success } # # logs # @test "logs: mail related logs should be located in a subdirectory" { _run_in_container_bash "ls -1 /var/log/mail/ | grep -E 'mail.log'" assert_success } # # postfix # @test "postfix: vhost file is correct" { _run_in_container cat /etc/postfix/vhost assert_success assert_line --index 0 "localdomain2.com" assert_line --index 1 "localhost.localdomain" assert_line --index 2 "otherdomain.tld" } # # postsrsd # @test "SRS: main.cf entries" { _run_in_container grep "sender_canonical_maps = tcp:localhost:10001" /etc/postfix/main.cf assert_success _run_in_container grep "sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender" /etc/postfix/main.cf assert_success _run_in_container grep "recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:localhost:10002" /etc/postfix/main.cf assert_success _run_in_container grep "recipient_canonical_classes = envelope_recipient,header_recipient" /etc/postfix/main.cf assert_success } @test "SRS: fallback to hostname is handled correctly" { _run_in_container grep "SRS_DOMAIN=example.test" /etc/default/postsrsd assert_success } # # system # @test "system: freshclam cron is disabled" { _run_in_container_bash "grep '/usr/bin/freshclam' -r /etc/cron.d" assert_failure } @test "amavis: virusmail wiper cron exists" { _run_in_container_bash "crontab -l | grep '/usr/local/bin/virus-wiper'" assert_success } @test "amavis: VIRUSMAILS_DELETE_DELAY override works as expected" { # shellcheck disable=SC2016 run docker run --rm -e VIRUSMAILS_DELETE_DELAY=2 "${IMAGE_NAME:?}" /bin/bash -c 'echo "${VIRUSMAILS_DELETE_DELAY}"' assert_output 2 } @test "amavis: old virusmail is wipped by cron" { # shellcheck disable=SC2016 _exec_in_container_bash 'touch -d "`date --date=2000-01-01`" /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/should-be-deleted' _run_in_container_bash '/usr/local/bin/virus-wiper' assert_success _run_in_container_bash 'ls -la /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/ | grep should-be-deleted' assert_failure } @test "amavis: recent virusmail is not wipped by cron" { # shellcheck disable=SC2016 _exec_in_container_bash 'touch -d "`date`" /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/should-not-be-deleted' _run_in_container_bash '/usr/local/bin/virus-wiper' assert_success _run_in_container_bash 'ls -la /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/ | grep should-not-be-deleted' assert_success } @test "system: /var/log/mail/mail.log is error free" { _run_in_container grep 'non-null host address bits in' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep 'mail system configuration error' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep ': error:' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep -i 'is not writable' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep -i 'permission denied' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep -i '(!)connect' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep -i 'using backwards-compatible default setting' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure _run_in_container grep -i 'connect to Connection refused' /var/log/mail/mail.log assert_failure } @test "system: /var/log/auth.log is error free" { _run_in_container grep 'Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale' /var/log/auth.log assert_failure } @test "system: postfix should not log to syslog" { _run_in_container grep 'postfix' /var/log/syslog assert_failure } @test "system: amavis decoders installed and available" { _run_in_container_bash "grep -E '.*(Internal decoder|Found decoder) for\s+\..*' /var/log/mail/mail.log*|grep -Eo '(mail|Z|gz|bz2|xz|lzma|lrz|lzo|lz4|rpm|cpio|tar|deb|rar|arj|arc|zoo|doc|cab|tnef|zip|kmz|7z|jar|swf|lha|iso|exe)' | sort | uniq" assert_success # Support for doc and zoo removed in buster cat <<'EOF' | assert_output 7z Z arc arj bz2 cab cpio deb exe gz iso jar kmz lha lrz lz4 lzma lzo mail rar rpm swf tar tnef xz zip EOF } @test "quota: setquota user must be existing" { _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quota_user@domain.tld' _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user 50M" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 50M" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "setquota username@fulldomain 50M" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success } @test "quota: setquota must be well formatted" { _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quota_user@domain.tld' _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 26GIGOTS" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 123" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld M" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld -60M" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10B" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10k" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10M" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10G" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10T" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success } @test "quota: delquota user must be existing" { _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quota_user@domain.tld' _run_in_container_bash "delquota uota_user@domain.tld" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "delquota quota_user" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "delquota dontknowyou@domain.tld" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "setquota quota_user@domain.tld 10T" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delquota quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "grep -i 'quota_user@domain.tld' /tmp/docker-mailserver/dovecot-quotas.cf" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success } @test "quota: delquota allow when no quota for existing user" { _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quota_user@domain.tld' _run_in_container_bash "grep -i 'quota_user@domain.tld' /tmp/docker-mailserver/dovecot-quotas.cf" assert_failure _run_in_container_bash "delquota quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delquota quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quota_user@domain.tld" assert_success } @test "quota: dovecot quota present in postconf" { _run_in_container_bash "postconf | grep 'check_policy_service inet:localhost:65265'" assert_success } @test "quota: dovecot mailbox max size must be equal to postfix mailbox max size" { postfix_mailbox_size=$(_exec_in_container_bash "postconf | grep -Po '(?<=mailbox_size_limit = )[0-9]+'") run echo "${postfix_mailbox_size}" refute_output "" # dovecot relies on virtual_mailbox_size by default postfix_virtual_mailbox_size=$(_exec_in_container_bash "postconf | grep -Po '(?<=virtual_mailbox_limit = )[0-9]+'") assert_equal "${postfix_virtual_mailbox_size}" "${postfix_mailbox_size}" postfix_mailbox_size_mb=$(( postfix_mailbox_size / 1000000)) dovecot_mailbox_size_mb=$(_exec_in_container_bash "doveconf | grep -oP '(?<=quota_rule \= \*\:storage=)[0-9]+'") run echo "${dovecot_mailbox_size_mb}" refute_output "" assert_equal "${postfix_mailbox_size_mb}" "${dovecot_mailbox_size_mb}" } @test "quota: dovecot message max size must be equal to postfix messsage max size" { postfix_message_size=$(_exec_in_container_bash "postconf | grep -Po '(?<=message_size_limit = )[0-9]+'") run echo "${postfix_message_size}" refute_output "" postfix_message_size_mb=$(( postfix_message_size / 1000000)) dovecot_message_size_mb=$(_exec_in_container_bash "doveconf | grep -oP '(?<=quota_max_mail_size = )[0-9]+'") run echo "${dovecot_message_size_mb}" refute_output "" assert_equal "${postfix_message_size_mb}" "${dovecot_message_size_mb}" } @test "quota: quota directive is removed when mailbox is removed" { _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quserremoved@domain.tld' _run_in_container_bash "setquota quserremoved@domain.tld 12M" assert_success _run_in_container_bash 'cat /tmp/docker-mailserver/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E "^quserremoved@domain.tld\:12M\$" | wc -l | grep 1' assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quserremoved@domain.tld" assert_success _run_in_container_bash 'cat /tmp/docker-mailserver/dovecot-quotas.cf | grep -E "^quserremoved@domain.tld\:12M\$"' assert_failure } @test "quota: dovecot applies user quota" { _run_in_container_bash "doveadm quota get -u 'user1@localhost.localdomain' | grep 'User quota STORAGE'" assert_output --partial "- 0" _run_in_container_bash "setquota user1@localhost.localdomain 50M" assert_success # wait until quota has been updated run _repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 _exec_in_container_bash 'doveadm quota get -u user1@localhost.localdomain | grep -oP "(User quota STORAGE\s+[0-9]+\s+)51200(.*)"' assert_success _run_in_container_bash "delquota user1@localhost.localdomain" assert_success # wait until quota has been updated run _repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 _exec_in_container_bash 'doveadm quota get -u user1@localhost.localdomain | grep -oP "(User quota STORAGE\s+[0-9]+\s+)-(.*)"' assert_success } @test "quota: warn message received when quota exceeded" { skip 'disabled as it fails randomly: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/2511' # create user _add_mail_account_then_wait_until_ready 'quotauser@otherdomain.tld' _run_in_container_bash 'setquota quotauser@otherdomain.tld 10k' assert_success # wait until quota has been updated run _repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 _exec_in_container_bash 'doveadm quota get -u quotauser@otherdomain.tld | grep -oP \"(User quota STORAGE\s+[0-9]+\s+)10(.*)\"' assert_success # dovecot and postfix has been restarted _wait_for_service postfix _wait_for_service dovecot sleep 10 # send some big emails _send_email 'email-templates/quota-exceeded' ' 25' _send_email 'email-templates/quota-exceeded' ' 25' _send_email 'email-templates/quota-exceeded' ' 25' # check for quota warn message existence run _repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 _exec_in_container_bash 'grep \"Subject: quota warning\" /var/mail/otherdomain.tld/quotauser/new/ -R' assert_success run _repeat_until_success_or_timeout 20 sh -c "docker logs mail | grep 'Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)'" assert_success # ensure only the first big message and the warn message are present (other messages are rejected: mailbox is full) _run_in_container sh -c 'ls /var/mail/otherdomain.tld/quotauser/new/ | wc -l' assert_success assert_output "2" _run_in_container_bash "delmailuser -y quotauser@otherdomain.tld" assert_success } # # PERMIT_DOCKER mynetworks # @test "PERMIT_DOCKER: can get container ip" { _run_in_container_bash "ip addr show eth0 | grep 'inet ' | sed 's/[^0-9\.\/]*//g' | cut -d '/' -f 1 | egrep '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}'" assert_success } @test "PERMIT_DOCKER: my network value" { _run_in_container_bash "postconf | grep '^mynetworks =' | egrep '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.0\.0/16'" assert_success } # # amavis # @test "amavis: config overrides" { _run_in_container_bash "grep 'Test Verification' /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user | wc -l" assert_success assert_output 1 } # TODO investigate why this test fails @test "user login: predefined user can login" { skip 'disabled as it fails randomly: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/2177' _run_in_container_bash "doveadm auth test -x service=smtp pass@localhost.localdomain 'may be \\a \`p^a.*ssword' | grep 'passdb'" assert_output "passdb: pass@localhost.localdomain auth succeeded" } # # LDAP # # postfix @test "dovecot: postmaster address" { _run_in_container_bash "grep 'postmaster_address = postmaster@example.test' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf" assert_success } @test "spoofing: rejects sender forging" { # rejection of spoofed sender _wait_for_smtp_port_in_container_to_respond _run_in_container_bash "openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/added-smtp-auth-spoofed.txt" assert_output --partial 'Sender address rejected: not owned by user' } @test "spoofing: accepts sending as alias" { _run_in_container_bash "openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/added-smtp-auth-spoofed-alias.txt | grep 'End data with'" assert_success } # # Pflogsumm delivery check # @test "pflogsum delivery" { # logrotation working and report being sent _exec_in_container logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/maillog sleep 10 _run_in_container grep "Subject: Postfix Summary for " /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ -R assert_success # check sender is the one specified in REPORT_SENDER _run_in_container grep "From: report1@mail.example.test" /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ -R assert_success # check sender is not the default one. _run_in_container grep "From: mailserver-report@mail.example.test" /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/user1/new/ -R assert_failure }