# Changelog ## `v8.0.1` This release is a hotfix for #1781. - **[spam]** `bl.spamcop.net` was removed from the list of spam lists since the domain expired and became unusable ## `v8.0.0` The transfer of the old repository to the new organization has completed. This release marks the new starting point for `docker-mailserver` in the `docker-mailserver` organization. Various improvements were made, small bugs fixed and the complete CI was transferred. - **[general]** transferred the whole repository to `docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver` - **[general]** adjusted `README.md` and split off `ENVIRONMENT.md` - **[ci]** usage of the GitHub Container Registry - **[ci]** switched from TravisCI to **GitHub Actions for CI/CD** - now building images for `amd64` and `arm/v7` and `arm/64` - integrated stale issues action to automatically close stale issues - adjusted issue templates - **[build]** completely refactored and improved the `Dockerfile` - **[build]** improved the `Makefile` - **[image improvement]** added a proper init process - **[image improvement]** improved logging significantly - **[image improvement]** major LDAP improvements - **[bugfixes]** miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements ### Breaking changes of release `8.0.0` - **[image improvement]** log-level now defaults to `warn` - **[image improvement]** DKIM default key size now 4096 - **[general]** the `:latest` tag is now the latest release and `:edge` represents the latest push on `master` - **[general]** URL changed from `tomav/...` to `docker-mailserver/...` ## `v7.2.0` - **[scripts]** refactored `target/bin/` - **[scripts]** redesigned environment variable use - **[general]** added Code of Conduct - **[general]** added missing Dovecot descriptions - **[tests]** enhanced and refactored all tests ## `v7.1.0` - **[scripts]** use of default variables has changed slightly (consult [environment variables](./ENVIRONMENT.md)) - **[scripts]** Added coherent coding style and linting - **[scripts]** Added option to use non-default network interface - **[general]** new contributing guidelines were added - **[general]** SELinux is now supported