# docker-mailserver [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/tvial/docker-mailserver.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/tvial/docker-mailserver/) [![Github Stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/tomav/docker-mailserver.svg?label=github%20%E2%98%85)](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/) [![Github Stars](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/tomav/docker-mailserver.svg)](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/) [![Github Forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/tomav/docker-mailserver.svg?label=github%20forks)](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/) A fullstack but simple mail server (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus...). Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade. Includes: - postfix with smtp or ldap auth - dovecot for sasl, imap (and optional pop3) with ssl support, with ldap auth - saslauthd with ldap auth - amavis - spamassasin supporting custom rules - clamav with automatic updates - opendkim - opendmarc - fail2ban - fetchmail - postgrey - basic [sieve support](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/Configure-Sieve-filters) using dovecot - [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) and self-signed certificates - persistent data and state (but think about backups!) - [integration tests](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver) - [automated builds on docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/tvial/docker-mailserver/) Why I created this image: [Simple mail server with Docker](http://tvi.al/simple-mail-server-with-docker/) Before you open an issue, please have a look this `README`, the [Wiki](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/) and Postfix/Dovecot documentation. ## Usage #### Get latest image docker pull tvial/docker-mailserver:latest #### Create a `docker-compose.yml` Adapt this file with your FQDN. Install [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) in the version `1.6` or higher. Your configs must be mounted in `/tmp/docker-mailserver/`. To understand how things work on boot, please have a look to [start-mailserver.sh](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/blob/master/target/start-mailserver.sh) ```yaml version: '2' services: mail: image: tvial/docker-mailserver:2.1 hostname: mail domainname: domain.com container_name: mail ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" - "587:587" - "993:993" volumes: - maildata:/var/mail - mailstate:/var/mail-state - ./config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/ environment: - ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1 - ENABLE_CLAMAV=1 - ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=1 - ENABLE_POSTGREY=1 - ONE_DIR=1 - DMS_DEBUG=0 cap_add: - NET_ADMIN volumes: maildata: driver: local mailstate: driver: local ``` #### Create your mail accounts Don't forget to adapt MAIL_USER and MAIL_PASS to your needs mkdir -p config touch config/postfix-accounts.cf docker run --rm \ -e MAIL_USER=user1@domain.tld \ -e MAIL_PASS=mypassword \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:latest \ /bin/sh -c 'echo "$MAIL_USER|$(doveadm pw -s SHA512-CRYPT -u $MAIL_USER -p $MAIL_PASS)"' >> config/postfix-accounts.cf #### Generate DKIM keys docker run --rm \ -v "$(pwd)/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:latest generate-dkim-config Now the keys are generated, you can configure your DNS server by just pasting the content of `config/opendkim/keys/domain.tld/mail.txt` in your `domain.tld.hosts` zone. Note: you can also manage email accounts, DKIM keys and more with the [setup.sh convenience script](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/Setup-docker-mailserver-using-the-script-setup.sh). #### Start the container docker-compose up -d mail You're done! ## Environment variables Please check [how the container starts](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/blob/master/target/start-mailserver.sh) to understand what's expected. Value in **bold** is the default value. ##### DMS_DEBUG - **0** => Debug disabled - 1 => Enables debug on startup #### ENABLE_CLAMAV - **0** => Clamav is disabled - 1 => Clamav is enabled #### ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN - **0** => Spamassassin is disabled - 1 => Spamassassin is enabled ##### SA_TAG - **2.0** => add spam info headers if at, or above that level Note: this spamassassin setting needs `ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1` ##### SA_TAG2 - **6.31** => add 'spam detected' headers at that level Note: this spamassassin setting needs `ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1` ##### SA_KILL - **6.31** => triggers spam evasive actions Note: this spamassassin setting needs `ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1` ##### ONE_DIR - **0** => state in default directories - 1 => consolidate all states into a single directory (`/var/mail-state`) to allow persistence using docker volumes ##### ENABLE_POP3 - **empty** => POP3 service disabled - 1 => Enables POP3 service ##### ENABLE_FAIL2BAN - **0** => fail2ban service disabled - 1 => Enables fail2ban service If you enable Fail2Ban, don't forget to add the following lines to your `docker-compose.yml`: cap_add: - NET_ADMIN Otherwise, `iptables` won't be able to ban IPs. ##### ENABLE_MANAGESIEVE - **empty** => Managesieve service disabled - 1 => Enables Managesieve on port 4190 ##### ENABLE_FETCHMAIL - **0** => `fetchmail` disabled - 1 => `fetchmail` enabled ##### ENABLE_LDAP - **empty** => LDAP authentification is disabled - 1 => LDAP authentification is enabled - NOTE: - A second container for the ldap service is necessary (e.g. [docker-openldap](https://github.com/osixia/docker-openldap)) - For preparing the ldap server to use in combination with this continer [this](http://acidx.net/wordpress/2014/06/installing-a-mailserver-with-postfix-dovecot-sasl-ldap-roundcube/) article may be helpful ##### LDAP_SERVER_HOST - **empty** => mail.domain.com - => Specify the dns-name/ip-address where the ldap-server - NOTE: If you going to use the mailserver in combination with docker-compose you can set the service name here ##### LDAP_SEARCH_BASE - **empty** => ou=people,dc=domain,dc=com - => e.g. LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=dc=mydomain,dc=local ##### LDAP_BIND_DN - **empty** => cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com - => take a look at examples of SASL_LDAP_BIND_DN ##### LDAP_BIND_PW - **empty** => admin - => Specify the password to bind against ldap ##### OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME - **empty** => uses the `hostname` command to get the mail server's canonical hostname - => Specify a fully-qualified domainname to serve mail for. This is used for many of the config features so if you can't set your hostname (e.g. you're in a container platform that doesn't let you) specify it in this environment variable. ##### POSTMASTER_ADDRESS - **empty** => postmaster@domain.com - => Specify the postmaster address #### ENABLE_POSTGREY - **0** => `postgrey` is disabled - 1 => `postgrey` is enabled ##### POSTGREY_DELAY - **300** => greylist for N seconds Note: This postgrey setting needs `ENABLE_POSTGREY=1` ##### POSTGREY_MAX_AGE - **35** => delete entries older than N days since the last time that they have been seen Note: This postgrey setting needs `ENABLE_POSTGREY=1` ##### POSTGREY_TEXT - **Delayed by postgrey** => response when a mail is greylisted Note: This postgrey setting needs `ENABLE_POSTGREY=1` ##### ENABLE_SASLAUTHD - **0** => `saslauthd` is disabled - 1 => `saslauthd` is enabled ##### SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS - empty => pam - ldap => authenticate against ldap server - shadow => authenticate against local user db - mysql => authenticate against mysql db - rimap => authenticate against imap server - NOTE: can be a list of mechanisms like pam ldap shadow ##### SASLAUTHD_MECH_OPTIONS - empty => None - e.g. with SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS rimap you need to specify the ip-address/servername of the imap server ==> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SERVER - empty => localhost ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SSL - empty or 0 => ldap:// will be used - 1 => ldaps:// will be used ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN - empty => anonymous bind - specify an object with priviliges to search the directory tree - e.g. active directory: SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=net - e.g. openldap: SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=net ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_PASSWORD - empty => anonymous bind ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE - empty => Reverting to SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS pam - specify the search base ##### SASLAUTHD_LDAP_FILTER - empty => default filter (&(uniqueIdentifier=%u)(mailEnabled=TRUE)) - e.g. for active directory: (&(sAMAccountName=%U)(objectClass=person)) - e.g. for openldap: (&(uid=%U)(objectClass=person)) ##### SASL_PASSWD - **empty** => No sasl_passwd will be created - string => `/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd` will be created with the string as password ##### SMTP_ONLY - **empty** => all daemons start - 1 => only launch postfix smtp ##### SSL_TYPE - **empty** => SSL disabled - letsencrypt => Enables Let's Encrypt certificates - custom => Enables custom certificates - manual => Let's you manually specify locations of your SSL certificates for non-standard cases - self-signed => Enables self-signed certificates Please read [the SSL page in the wiki](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/Configure-SSL) for more information. ##### PERMIT_DOCKER Set different options for mynetworks option (can be overwrite in postfix-main.cf) - **empty** => localhost only - host => Add docker host (ipv4 only) - network => Add all docker containers (ipv4 only) ##### VIRUSMAILS_DELETE_DELAY Set how many days a virusmail will stay on the server before being deleted - **empty** => 7 days ##### ENABLE_POSTFIX_VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT This Option is activating the Usage of POSTFIX_DAGENT to specify a ltmp client different from default dovecot socket. - **empty** => disabled - 1 => enabled ##### POSTFIX_DAGENT Enabled by ENABLE_POSTFIX_VIRTUAL_TRANSPORT. Specify the final delivery of postfix - **empty**: fail - lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp (use socket) - lmtps:inet:: (secure lmtp with starttls, take a look at https://sys4.de/en/blog/2014/11/17/sicheres-lmtp-mit-starttls-in-dovecot/) - lmtp::2003 (use kopano as mailstore) - etc.