mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-20 22:57:43 +02:00

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docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
title: Your best friend setup.sh
- toc # Hide Table of Contents for this page
[`setup.sh`][github-file-setupsh] is an administration script that helps with the most common tasks, including initial configuration. It is intented to be used from the host machine, _not_ from within your running container.
The latest version of the script is included in the `docker-mailserver` repository. You may retrieve it at any time by running this command in your console:
2016-08-29 21:51:09 +02:00
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/master/setup.sh
chmod a+x ./setup.sh
2016-08-29 21:51:09 +02:00
!!! info
Make sure to get the `setup.sh` that comes with the release you're using. Look up the release and the git commit on which this release is based upon by selecting the appropriate tag on GitHub. This can done with the "Switch branches/tags" button on GitHub, choosing the right tag. This is done in order to rule out possible inconsistencies between versions.
## Usage
Run `./setup.sh help` and you'll get some usage information:
setup.sh - docker-mailserver administration script
./setup.sh [ OPTIONS... ] COMMAND [ help | ARGUMENTS... ]
COMMAND := { email | alias | quota | config | relay | debug } SUBCOMMAND
This is the main administration script that you use for all interactions with your
mail server. Setup, configuration and much more is done with this script.
Please note that the script executes most of the commands inside the container itself.
If the image was not found, this script will pull the :latest tag of
mailserver/docker-mailserver. This tag refers to the latest release,
see the tagging convention in the README under
You will be able to see detailed information about the script you are invoking and
its arguments by appending help after your command. Currently, this
does not work with all scripts.
The current version of this script is backwards compatible with versions of
docker-mailserver after 8.0.1. In case that there is not a more recent release,
this script is currently only working with the :edge tag.
You can download the script for your release by substituting TAG from the
following URL, where TAG looks like 'vX.X.X':
Config path, container or image adjustments
Provides the name of the docker-mailserver image. The default value is
Provides the name of the running container.
Provides the config folder path. The default is
Allows container access to the bind mount content that is shared among
multiple containers on a SELinux-enabled host.
Allows container access to the bind mount content that is private and
unshared with other containers on a SELinux-enabled host.
COMMAND email :=
./setup.sh email add <EMAIL ADDRESS> [<PASSWORD>]
./setup.sh email update <EMAIL ADDRESS> [<PASSWORD>]
./setup.sh email del [ OPTIONS... ] <EMAIL ADDRESS> [ <EMAIL ADDRESS>... ]
./setup.sh email restrict <add|del|list> <send|receive> [<EMAIL ADDRESS>]
./setup.sh email list
COMMAND alias :=
./setup.sh alias add <EMAIL ADDRESS> <RECIPIENT>
./setup.sh alias del <EMAIL ADDRESS> <RECIPIENT>
./setup.sh alias list
COMMAND quota :=
./setup.sh quota set <EMAIL ADDRESS> [<QUOTA>]
./setup.sh quota del <EMAIL ADDRESS>
COMMAND config :=
./setup.sh config dkim [ ARGUMENTS... ]
COMMAND relay :=
./setup.sh relay add-domain <DOMAIN> <HOST> [<PORT>]
./setup.sh relay add-auth <DOMAIN> <USERNAME> [<PASSWORD>]
./setup.sh relay exclude-domain <DOMAIN>
COMMAND debug :=
./setup.sh debug fetchmail
./setup.sh debug fail2ban [unban <IP>]
./setup.sh debug show-mail-logs
./setup.sh debug inspect
./setup.sh debug login <COMMANDS>
./setup.sh email add test@domain.tld
Add the email account test@domain.tld. You will be prompted
to input a password afterwards since no password was supplied.
./setup.sh config dkim keysize 2048 domain 'whoami.com,whoareyou.org'
Creates keys of length 2048 but in an LDAP setup where domains are not known to
Postfix by default, so you need to provide them yourself in a comma-separated list.
./setup.sh config dkim help
This will provide you with a detailed explanation on how to use the
config dkim command, showing what arguments can be passed and what they do.
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful. If there was an unexpected error, an error
message is shown describing the error. In case of an error, the script will exit with exit
status 1.
2016-08-29 21:51:09 +02:00
docs(refactor): Large refactor + additions + fixes Consistency pass, formatting cleanup and fixes, introduce admonitions, add front-matter. --- docs: Add front-matter --- docs: Fix and format links - Some links were invalid (eg files moved or renamed) - Some were valid but had invalid section headers (content removed or migrated) - Some use `http://` instead of `https://` when the website supports a secure connection. - Some already used the `[name][reference]` convention but often with a number that wasn't as useful for maintenance. - All referenced docs needed URLs replaced. Opted for the `[name][reference]` approach to group them all clearly at the bottom of the doc, especially with the relative URLs and in some cases many duplicate entries. - All `tomav` references from the original repo prior to switch to an organization have been corrected. - Minor cosmetic changes to the `name` part of the URL, such as for referencing issues to be consistent. - Some small changes to text body, usually due to duplicate URL reference that was unnecessary (open relay, youtous) - Switched other links to use the `[name][reference]` format when there was a large group of URLs such as wikipedia or kubernetes. Github repos that reference projects related to `docker-mailserver` also got placed here so they're noticed better by maintainers. This also helped quite a bit with `mermaid` external links that are very long. - There was a Github Wiki supported syntax in use `[[name | link]]` for `fetchmail` page that isn't compatible by default with MkDocs (needs a plugin), converted to `[name][reference]` instead since it's a relative link. --- docs: Update commit link for LDAP override script Logic moved to another file, keeping the permalink commit reference so it's unaffected by any changes in the file referenced in future. --- docs: Heading corrections Consistency pass. Helps with the Table of Contents (top-right UI) aka Document Outline. docs: codefence cleanup --- docs: misc cleanup --- docs: Add Admonitions Switches `<details>` usage for collapsible admonitions (`???`) while other text content is switched to the visually more distinct admoniton (`!!!` or `???+`) style. This does affect editor syntax highlighting a bit and markdown linting as it's custom non-standard markdown syntax.
2021-03-01 11:41:19 +01:00
[github-file-setupsh]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/master/setup.sh